New Loading/Splash Images (and other cool post-apoc art)

Continuum said:
Where I can get this kind of font?
In the Van Buren tech temo, there was "Gothic 821 Condensed BT" font included. (Is very similar to the original font.)
Continuum said:
What do you think about my (not blurry) 640x480 version?


- logo is ripped (and flipped) from GOG wallpaper (a post nuclear roleplaying game is gone),
- comic front page is ripped (and flipped) from 1600x1200 wallpaper,
- background is ripped from SPLASH1.RIX,
- "worn" like surface is done too (some automation and hand paints).

Of coz, I need to clean-up logo (where both heads are). Also, what should be written there? Original stuff, or LOADING!!!? Where I can get this kind of font?

Perhaps I should delete that Interplay logo :twisted:

And how about comic No.3 looking like this?


That Fallout logo in bottom corner will be gone.
First one I like the original better (one that's wrong size above) and IIRC i've got a proper dimensions version on my old HD so i'll have it up eventually.

Second one is a cool idea for sure. I thought the comic things were really neat, having a few more of those wouldn't hurt :)
valcik said:
Continuum said:
Where I can get this kind of font?
In the Van Buren tech temo, there was "Gothic 821 Condensed BT" font included. (Is very similar to the original font.)
Correct, although that's not the reddish font used on the comics (or whatever they're supposed to be) I don't know what font that is.

And it also doesn't account for the blue font used in the other Fo1 splash screen", unfortunately. I have no idea where to acquire those two.

Fonts from NMA Files: (Gothic 821) (user-made) (user-made) (Converter) (Converter) (Van Buren)

I assume this is just the Gothic 821 with a filter to make it look that way?
Sduibek said:
IIRC i've got a proper dimensions version on my old HD so i'll have it up eventually.
That's great! Original is always better, for sure. Thus No.3 isn't valid anymore. That was some side effect of No.1, and since original 640x480 does exist, no point of wasting time on it.
@Continuum: I like the first one, as long as both people's faces will be visible. Also, the white Fallout logo on the wood looks neat in general, but it might be a bit busy/crowded, and since "Fallout" is already on the comic book covers, my vote would be to just have the wood blank, without the logos. The word "Loading..." could be put on the right side next to the comic, over the wood, about 2/3 or 3/4 of the way down. The other comic looks neat, too (with the bottom-right "Fallout" deleted, as you say). Nice job. :=)

Internet :D

"Ripper fallout" in image search lead me to this page:!

It's even on the better known wiki:!

It's the poster from Boneyard, of course.

A lot of posters, mostly form Fallout 3, can be found here:
Dude101 said:

As much as I appreciate a skilled artist drawing some stuff, this one wouldn't really fit to the other ones IMO.

Dr Prozac said:

Nice. :shock: Never seen it before.
What is written at the bottom of the image? Can't read it...
French and Spanish versions of Fallout do not include translated versions of these two splash images. If one of you would be willing to submit a translated version I would greatly appreciate it :)

The Polish version has the "Fallout comic" image, but also does not have the "Indian TV screen" image. (i.e. having a Polish version of that one would be great)

Here's an example of what the Spanish and French might look like, based on the Polish one:



If you're willing to do this please let me know and i'll send you the full size BMP and RIX files.
Well its not a hard thing to do however you should drop the translated text too alongside the bmp files to me.
Surf Solar said:
I dont know if such specific art files really need to be translated though..
I don't see why not. If all the other interface files are translated either directly or via font files, I think it's super lame for them to either 1) miss out on the images ENTIRELY, which is what the releases do by default, or 2) have them in English when everything else is in {language}
Anybody feel like playing with this one? I feel like it could make a sweet loading screen, but my attempts have sucked so far. The problem of course is the aspect ratio differs from 320x240 or 640x480 so some chopping, cropping or border-adding is required.

Would any of these be appropriate? Obviously they would be cropped to 640x480.




