New Radiation Warning Logo

And it is quite clearly explained that the symbol was created for those who have no idea what radiation is or what the trefoil signifies. All the people on this site probably know the basics of radiation prevention, so their opinion is not that important. Not as much as that of the clueless people who were questioned about it, at least.
Lumpy said:
And it is quite clearly explained that the symbol was created for those who have no idea what radiation is or what the trefoil signifies. All the people on this site probably know the basics of radiation prevention, so their opinion is not that important. Not as much as that of the clueless people who were questioned about it, at least.

Is that your expert opinion?
Lumpy said:
And it is quite clearly explained that the symbol was created for those who have no idea what radiation is or what the trefoil signifies. All the people on this site probably know the basics of radiation prevention, so their opinion is not that important. Not as much as that of the clueless people who were questioned about it, at least.

This would only make sense if those trained people were claiming that new sign is intuitive where the layperson disagrees. (Are all of the people here familiar with the details of radiation safety, or do most of them actually have a layman's knowledge?)

As it is, I find the new symbol to be fairly oblique, and it is certainly redundant if it is only ever going to be used in conjuction with the trefoil (which is recognisable to more people, given its history of usage). What is wrong with using the trefoil in conjunction with established Danger! or Danger of Death! symbols? (i.e., as is commonly used; the trefoil displayed next to the skull and crossbones.) Adding more and more glyphs doesn't seem to be very helpful if people are ignorant to the point that they are unable to decipher the trefoil.
Bernard Bumner said:
Lumpy said:
And it is quite clearly explained that the symbol was created for those who have no idea what radiation is or what the trefoil signifies. All the people on this site probably know the basics of radiation prevention, so their opinion is not that important. Not as much as that of the clueless people who were questioned about it, at least.

This would only make sense if those trained people were claiming that new sign is intuitive where the layperson disagrees. (Are all of the people here familiar with the details of radiation safety, or do most of them actually have a layman's knowledge?)

As it is, I find the new symbol to be fairly oblique, and it is certainly redundant if it is only ever going to be used in conjuction with the trefoil (which is recognisable to more people, given its history of usage). What is wrong with using the trefoil in conjunction with established Danger! or Danger of Death! symbols? (i.e., as is commonly used; the trefoil displayed next to the skull and crossbones.) Adding more and more glyphs doesn't seem to be very helpful if people are ignorant to the point that they are unable to decipher the trefoil.
Well, I would agree with that. Myself, I'd think that a skull and a run away sign would work better, and that the trefoil is quite redundant. But I'm not going to say that the one they designed is stupid.
As a mather of fact, I am working in UN right now... (In Bangkok HQ in Thailand) and I must say that is not a bad idea to change that warning sign. Why? Old one, you know very good, from, games, comiks, movies etc... but not everyone know that sign. Yes, that is true, for example in Asia... who know that sign in Thailand, Cambodia, Buyrma, Filipins etc. It may sound funny but they (UN) have statistics, showing that fact. It looks like for an idiots, and that is the way they want it to be.

I've been pondering this and I've come to a conclusion that the idea is sound and the various elements of the sign all make sense, however, when put together the whole sign is a confusing jumbled mess.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
I've been pondering this and I've come to a conclusion that the idea is sound and the various elements of the sign all make sense, however, when put together the whole sign is a confusing jumbled mess.


Improved Concept /w advice from Triple-D.
These last logos have no sense at all. The radioactiv logo is WORLDWIDE :roll: for EVERYONE :roll: The new one is a mess, that's true (at least that's my opinion), but it was made by people that have competency for it... :roll: Don't pretend to be smarter then them at their own work. At least if you don't even know the basics of it, that's what.... :roll:


The Last logo is fine, anyway, it's nice :P Nice try nevertheless. :wink:
Do any of you even read what has been already explained in the fucking thread?
Morbus said:
Don't pretend to be smarter then them at their own work. At least if you don't even know the basics of it, that's what....

If I hear this goddamn retarded argumentam ad verecundiam one more time someone is going to get banned.
Kharn said:
Morbus said:
Don't pretend to be smarter then them at their own work. At least if you don't even know the basics of it, that's what....
If I hear this goddamn retarded argumentam ad verecundiam one more time someone is going to get banned.
I get your point, really, but doesn't putting English (or any other languages) words in the sign show ignorance about the (as I said) "basics of it"?

P.S.: Once again, I get your point, and it wasn't my intension just to say "Don't pretend to know more that the actual developers/employees/whatever", because, as you said, it's just retarded...

P.P.S.: And it's argumentum ad verecundiam ;) And I never conscientiously do that... :?
DarkLegacy, wouldn't a skull atop the trefoil work better? The first version is too empty at the top. The second looks good though.
Lumpy said:
DarkLegacy, wouldn't a skull atop the trefoil work better? The first version is too empty at the top. The second looks good though.

Shut the hell up. You're no expert, the IAEA people are, hence the sign they designed is perfect and everything you say is stupid. Now shut up.
Kharn said:
Lumpy said:
DarkLegacy, wouldn't a skull atop the trefoil work better? The first version is too empty at the top. The second looks good though.
Shut the hell up. You're no expert, the IAEA people are, hence the sign they designed is perfect and everything you say is stupid. Now shut up.
I didn't said that, but ok, fine. I will argue no more.
Kharn said:
Shut the hell up. You're no expert, the IAEA people are, hence the sign they designed is perfect and everything you say is stupid. Now shut up.

Totally not, the trefoil is the bestest sign ever designed in human history and you're stupid. What if someone walked into a reactor core after being chased by bears that shoot laser beams out of their eyes?
And obviously, there are better signs with which to instill all human beings with an innate and terrible sense of dread:

Kharn said:
Lumpy said:
DarkLegacy, wouldn't a skull atop the trefoil work better? The first version is too empty at the top. The second looks good though.

Shut the hell up. You're no expert, the IAEA people are, hence the sign they designed is perfect and everything you say is stupid. Now shut up.
No, you're dumb.
DarkLegacy's suggestions are actually reasonable. But let me quote some posts from the first page:
This is an insult to the original graphist that had been inventing the first symbols. It sucks, badly
Yep, the trefoil was a work of art and this new symbol is a piece of dumbed down crap for morons. What, do we want to protect idiots from radiation now?
Well, there goes recognisability.

Also, the previous one may not have been intuitive, but what the hell is this? Run away from the sunny dead?
I doubt that this is so 'universal', though. As I said: it looks more like a 'run away from the dead' sign than a 'danger in here!!!' sign.
I saw a box with a skull and lightning bolt on it yesterday. I suppose it meant "Contains people killed by lightning.".
If I were an archaeologist from the future and I found this I'd think that it is some sort of a religious symbol.
Definitely looks like one... Not to mention that stickers will probably not last until TEH FUTURE.
The scull could have actually been OK, had it been implemented properly (no freaky MSWord-spell-checking-underline type arrows). But the Arnold just ruins everything. Probably was only added because otherwise they could be sued by some USA dumbass for "insufficient warning of danger due to neglicence to inform about course of action to be taken in case of exposure". Sheesh.
Or maybe because a trefoil and a skull don't really say run away, but rather don't operate.
ok so instead of a simple easy to see from afar sign .. i'll have to get up close (to the radiation) to read this thing ... and if i'm really so dumb as the quote suggests i could read it as:

• sunny sperm is attacking the jackass logo better run

_seriously_ they shouldnt have combined it with preexistent symbols (poison,deadly, exit sign) as i think it leads to confusion
Yes, representing "radiation poisoning, run away" by a poison sign and an exit sign is stupid.
"heh it's hard to define what really it means... any chances that they change this funny sign ?"
What could a skull and a run away sign possibly mean?

There's a difference between saying "I think it's a bit too crowded" and saying "LOL it sucks nobody can understand". The first ones implies that the authors aren't too skilled, which is very reasonable. The second one assumes that the authors don't have a clue about creating warning signs, which is clearly dumb considering they were hired by the UN or whoever.

Third attempt.

Also: I didn't intend to start a flamewar in this thread - I don't even know how that happened.

I was just trying to post some constructive new ideas for a radioactive sign (in light of the new one sucking). I don't know why they wanted to change the old sign of the trefoil - that one is absolutely fine.