New Radiation Warning Logo

Sander said:
Also, the previous one may not have been intuitive, but what the hell is this? Run away from the sunny dead?

Well it wouldnt look out of place on the side of a bottle of sun block :roll:

It's kind of stupid to say "people dont recognise the old radition symbol" and then use that symbol in your new sign but add a few wavy lines, a pirate flag, and a trafic light to say you can croiss the road and then expect people to know what that all means...
If you put this sign on a barrel full of toxic waste, and that barrel is next to a doorway to the uranium reactor core, people will think the sign means (you'll die, quick, go through this door) and go straight in the core, and will die a quick and painfull death.

The sign may be functional, all exept that damn arrow.The running man is a good sign, but then again, think of the situation above.
It looks to me like some necromantic relic (the trifoil) is awakening the undead (skull and bones) and that people should run from the now threatening corpses.

You guys are funny.

The Vault Dweller
I prefer the old but goldie symbol.

This new one just plain sucks. It can mess up the meaning. Symbol suppose to be 'simple yet understandable' not 'complex and confusing'.

Who ever design this shit must have failed his art class :lol:
Smoke Jaguar said:
If you put this sign on a barrel full of toxic waste, and that barrel is next to a doorway to the uranium reactor core, people will think the sign means (you'll die, quick, go through this door) and go straight in the core, and will die a quick and painfull death.

And bears. Bears that shoot laser beams out of their eyes!

Smoke_Jaguar said:
If you put this sign on a barrel full of toxic waste, and that barrel is next to a doorway to the uranium reactor core, people will think the sign means (you'll die, quick, go through this door) and go straight in the core, and will die a quick and painfull death.

The sign may be functional, all exept that damn arrow.The running man is a good sign, but then again, think of the situation above.
People who get into a position where they can actually do this *deserve* to die if they go in there without protection.
Let me summarize David Macaulay's arguments on the (mis)understanding of symbols, items, and customs of ancient cultures. As I suspect that one of the reasons for the change is for marking nuclear waste sites that will outlast our civilization.

Well thats a great legacy, should possible alien explorers ever come across Earth in the future they will know we were here by the nuclear waste sites we left.
I love it how some people pretend to know more about symbolism than the experts, and how some are complaining about lack of aesthetics and dumbing down. Really, this symbol says "Danger" much better than the trefoil.
Also, it clearly says that the new symbol will appear alongside with the old one.
Lumpy said:
I love it how some people pretend to know more about symbolism than the experts...

If the man on the street fails to understand the symbolism imposed by the experts, then he is doomed to die with his balls in a jar and clumps of his own hair grasped in his gnarled fists...

Perhaps the collective Man-in-the-street is better qualified in useful semiotics?
Bernard Bumner said:
Lumpy said:
I love it how some people pretend to know more about symbolism than the experts...

If the man on the street fails to understand the symbolism imposed by the experts, then he is doomed to die with his balls in a jar and clumps of his own hair grasped in his gnarled fists...

Perhaps the collective Man-in-the-street is better qualified in useful semiotics?
Yes, because those experts make those symbols for other experts, and not for the 'men-on-the-street'. :roll:
Maybe the new symbol isn't perfect, but how would we know?
Lumpy said:
Yes, because those experts make those symbols for other experts, and not for the 'men-on-the-street'. :roll:

...What the hell is a symbolism expert? I know of symbologists, but I have no idea what I should imagine a symbolism expert being.
Kharn said:
Lumpy said:
Yes, because those experts make those symbols for other experts, and not for the 'men-on-the-street'. :roll:

...What the hell is a symbolism expert? I know of symbologists, but I have no idea what I should imagine a symbolism expert being.
It's a symbologist in non-native-english-speakerish.
Lumpy said:
It's a symbologist in non-native-english-speakerish.

As for as I know, symbologists don't usually design warning signs for the IAEA. If you have an expert analysis of this new sign handy disavowing the opinions stated in this thread, please show it, but don't imply that people working for the IAEA are intrinsically better than us at anything other than knowing shit about nukular probifiration.
It's ok, but can bring some problems with people with color disorders, and there are more of those than many people think.
This symbol makes me think of finding a whole bunch of dead people in front of the sign beacause the poor people could not figure out what the sign means... O.o
Well more room for the rest of us
Lumpy said:
Yes, because those experts make those symbols for other experts, and not for the 'men-on-the-street'.
Maybe the new symbol isn't perfect, but how would we know?

I'm a trained radiation worker. (I'm a molecular geneticist, so I do only work with relatively small amounts of radioactivity.) I don't rely on those symbols - I rely on knowing where potential exposure can occur (which is usefully enough conveyed by the trefoil), what kind of source I'm dealing with, and what doses I might encounter.

The only reason for a symbol such as this new one is to inform the layman that he is in imminent danger. As such, the opinion of every man and his dog is certainly relevant.