New Vegas debut trailer

If super mutants do make an appearance, I'm hoping that they will be just another seedy character living in Vegas, or another settlement or something. Not a lot of them, just an occasional super mutant (that doesn't just automatically try to eat you). Not like Fallout 3's no-brained super mutants that are on every street, in every nook and cranny in the wasteland.
BTW, have you guys thought of Wall-E feeling when watching the teaser?

Wall-E always was playing music when "recycling".

That was actually my first impression, which I forgot to mention.
verevoof said:
If super mutants do make an appearance, I'm hoping that they will be just another seedy character living in Vegas, or another settlement or something. Not a lot of them, just an occasional super mutant (that doesn't just automatically try to eat you). Not like Fallout 3's no-brained super mutants that are on every street, in every nook and cranny in the wasteland.

Yes, under the condition that the mutants are Elvis impersonators.

BTW, have you guys thought of Wall-E feeling when watching the teaser?

Totally! i couldn't identify it but now that you mention it that's exactly the feel.

also, someone @ Obsidian forums made the amazing observation that the robot is Gizmoduck.
This trailer got me hyped. I can't wait 'till this comes out. Did anyone think of Golgotha at the beginning?
Oh yeah, and btw, Frank Sinatra... So moody.
I really liked almost everything in the it, apart it looking almost the same teaser of Fallout 3, I mean, the cameras, the zoom out effect and everything. Its not so hard to think on some different positions for the "camera" and things to your characters do in your teasers.

But the music was ok (I am a greeat fan of Sinatra. I just dont think the music was PERFECTLY FIT into the teaser because I think FO3 have gone crazy with this 50's music stuff, it was simply too much old music) the character design was great, and the teaser being at night was a really great idea, was one of the few things that I've seen in the last years that I thought was pretty original.

I can't say I didnt got excited, although when I saw the FO3 teaser, I felt the same way. But, I havent lost the hope.
Sinatra's Blue Moon fits the teaser's cinematics.
When the camera zooms out, you see the moon itself, which is kinda blue :)
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I hope not.
Nevada and Las Vegas arent that far away from California and Los Angeles, so a few remnants of the masters army around Las Vegas would make more sense then the Super Mutants in Fallout 3 in my eyes. Though It would be nice for a change to not have them automaticaly become hostile towards the player ...
Grimhound said:
Live from 4chan...

Holy shit. I mean, seriously, holy shit. There's pedantry and there's fucking pedantry. What, do we expect all games to be rigorously grounded in absolute real-world veracity now? Should the Obsidian devs perhaps have taken a course in advanced robotics before commencing work on the title?

It amazes me how bent out of shape some people are getting over a teaser trailer. It's... just a teaser trailer. It's trite and is essentially a carbon copy of the FO3 trailer, but it's certainly not cause to write anything off yet.
Brother None said:
Jidai Geki said:
What, do we expect all games to be rigorously grounded in absolute real-world veracity now?

We? We who? We 4chan?

Also...errr...don't cross-site troll?

I'm confused as to why you would leap to the conclusion that I'm cross-site trolling. I was responding to something that an NMA user posted in this very thread. As for the use of 'we' here, it was a general 'we'. If you want to interpret that as '4chan', knock yourself out.
Jidai Geki said:
I'm confused as to why you would leap to the conclusion that I'm cross-site trolling. I was responding to something that an NMA user posted in this very thread.

That was kind of my point. You seemed to have leapt to the conclusion that this was something "we" (as in NMA) were postulating or supporting, failing to notice he was just reposting something from another site, seriously or not. Technically, angrily responding to posts/material from other communities here on NMA is cross-site trolling, but you were obviously aiming for NMA. I thought it was funny.
Not at all. You're assuming that I consider 'NMA' to be a homogenous whole, rather than a varied group of individuals that happen to share the same interest. The 4chan picture was simply the most egregious example of naysaying towards FO:NV based on a teaser trailer (which is not to say there were not others). As a long-time lurker/occasional poster here, I'm well aware that what is posted in the forums is not necessarily representative of what 'NMA''s opinon is, if indeed 'NMA' can be held to have a single opinion.

As for a legitimately angry response, that's also not the case. I'm not especially angry, just astounded at the lengths some people will go to tear apart something as relatively innocuous as a teaser trailer.