New Vegas debut trailer

The guy looks like Tycho's text description

I wanted to say that. :P
Still resembles the killzone and that comic soulja (yo) way too much.

Is this going to be a post apocalyptic cyberpunk game with all those glowing gasmasks and uber flashy city? Judged by the these, it gives me that impression. Oh and we got authoritarian biatches here (NCR). Only thing we need are some kind of internetz and body augmentations. Setting formula solved, how wondeful.
Tycho said:
You see a man in dusty leather armor with a trenchcoat and gas mask.

This somehow changes my view a little bit.
Trailer was a nice little video to watch. It did pique my intrest but still I`m more exited about killaps Fallout 2 Restoration project.

Dont get me wrong, I absolutely want to play FalloutNV but that trailer did not have much in it. It was a lot like Fallout 3 trailer, exept the time between F3 and F:NV has been so short that it just did not have the impact the makers tried for it to have.

So in other words... MEH! (For now)
I'm not crazy about the music and the Vegas Strip glowing brighter than ever doesn't sit right with me.

I'll need to see more before I'm convinced they're doing the franchise a great service or not.
I'm excited, because really, for a game Fallout 3 was definitely not bad. True, it could have been a much better fallout game with little effort, but the mods make up for that greatly. Glad to see they are adding NCR, hopefully it is done well. I trust these guys to make a better fallout game then Bethesda even if its so heavily based on Fallout 3.

The feeling I got from this was like when you first see Rapture in Bioshock. 'Oh hey that is kinda neat, lots of nothing, nothing, Whoah a well lit city in the middle of freaking no where! Looks pretty"

I hope its not like GTA IV in that it is mostly city, I really hated that myself. There was nothing but CITY! San Andreas and Fallout 3 were alike because they had varied terrain and environments. If this turns out to be mostly city I will be sorely disappointed, but I suppose they could do it well enough that it won't bother. At least we won't have to wait so long for the game to come out once they start releasing tons of details (unlike Blizzard haha). Looking forward to the um... Re-adopted foster child of the original creators?
Tycho is in Fallout 1.

- Fallout 1 Ends.

- New California Republic formed.

It's a pretty small time-gap there, so I'm guessing Tycho might have joined NCR and has to go get New Vegas to join the NCR? (Assuming this is him, of course. And yeah, I'm just blind-firing at the plot of the game now).
Ok, I shed a tear.

Those words will ALWAYS send chills down my spine as long as they are spoken by Ron.

I have to put away my K-Y, hold on guys...

damn messy.

Ok now, wow, that's pimp. They OBVIOUSLY showed the new reno graveyard and NCR and how dark it was to prove that it is Fallout and not honkey dorey texas game. Not that I didnt enjoy fallout3, I did, but the story got washed out at times and was to kiddie-like. THis town looks sick.

A little Bladerunner like never hurt a game !
Goweigus said:
I'm excited, because really, for a game Fallout 3 was definitely not bad. True, it could have been a much better fallout game with little effort, but the mods make up for that greatly. Glad to see they are adding NCR, hopefully it is done well. I trust these guys to make a better fallout game then Bethesda even if its so heavily based on Fallout 3.

The feeling I got from this was like when you first see Rapture in Bioshock. 'Oh hey that is kinda neat, lots of nothing, nothing, Whoah a well lit city in the middle of freaking no where! Looks pretty"

I hope its not like GTA IV in that it is mostly city, I really hated that myself. There was nothing but CITY! San Andreas and Fallout 3 were alike because they had varied terrain and environments. If this turns out to be mostly city I will be sorely disappointed, but I suppose they could do it well enough that it won't bother. At least we won't have to wait so long for the game to come out once they start releasing tons of details (unlike Blizzard haha). Looking forward to the um... Re-adopted foster child of the original creators?

I agree. I also remember seeing the demo to Bioshock and not wanting to buy it! It was cool, but I thought it was going to be that and just that. Very wrong, much more than that!
At least we got a little bit of information with this trailer...... The soundtrack is going to suck donkeyballs.....
Neat to see if it turns out to be Tycho... that would be cool. Again though, with just some rendered cut scenes, we can't really tell that much.

The teaser to Fallout 3 looked cool as hell, at the time. We all know how that turned out.

Also, if the BoS is nowhere to be found in this game, I'll be happy as hell.
rcorporon said:
Also, if the BoS is nowhere to be found in this game, I'll be happy as hell.

Meh, I don't mind the BOS, as long as it is the REAL BOS and not the fucking knights of the wasteland crap.

They should be secretive to the point of almost xenophobic, hard to find, and under no circumstances allow the player (if he or she is not a member) to get away with their stuff.
Being shot to death the moment you even try to pick up a Paladin's laser rifle.

I rather liked the idea of there being a war between the NCR and the BOS.
I liked the robot trying to dig out that body. It would have been much easier to grab hold of it's foot and pull it out of the sand. Dumbot! :mrgreen: