Still Mildly Glowing

So the author is stupid. Does he want a medal or something? The greatest achievement of his life is figuring out how to change active quests?
The Jackal said:The fact he mistakenly believes 'Manifest Destiny' means "American destiny engineering" doesn't help his argumentation, either.
Quick, someone e-mail this to Roshambo as a Christmas gift or something.
Grayswandir said:Oh, and nowhere in the review have I found him complaining new vegas was too complex...
Hassknecht said:Absolutely. I hope he tries Fallout 2 or, God forbid, Fallout 1. He might just kill himself.
He doesn't actually complain but he seems to find NV incredibly complex which isn't really the case.
Grayswandir said:He doesn't actually complain but he seems to find NV incredibly complex which isn't really the case.
Great, so nma is dealing with assomption of what the reviewer seems to think now?
Ardent said:Rev. Layle said:Seriously? Not know how to change active quests?
In any case, he could have read the manual. What's so difficult in that? It's like 20 pages at most, A5 format, with plenty of pictures.
Sure, for someone that doesn't breath SPECIAL everyday for the last 10 year, it can be hard to grasp. In the beginning. No reason to flame over that, we have history with the fallout system, that other people don't necessarily have.Nearly inscrutable? Not noticing a sub-category called Notes? Self describing stats that are completely left to inference?
Grayswandir said:Sure, for someone that doesn't breath SPECIAL everyday for the last 10 year, it can be hard to grasp. In the beginning. No reason to flame over that, we have history with the fallout system, that other people don't necessarily have.Nearly inscrutable? Not noticing a sub-category called Notes? Self describing stats that are completely left to inference?
Then you are a great man, many people screwed up their first character.pt that I didn't find FO1 difficult to grasp ten years ago even though it was my first RPG ever (and I didn't even read the manual).
Even if you don't find the name of stats and skills self explanatory there's an explanation for every stat and skill in-game AND the people in Goodspring act as a tutorial.
TheUnwashed said:Bah! this guy is a Sophist, his reasoning isnt right, he just wants to impress with pretentious speech.
Grayswandir said:Sure, for someone that doesn't breath SPECIAL everyday for the last 10 year, it can be hard to grasp. In the beginning. No reason to flame over that, we have history with the fallout system, that other people don't necessarily have.
Grayswandir said:I don't remember if there is a tutorial in goodspring about that.
Grayswandir said:The guy is a reviewer, his job is to inform people what they can expect. Telling them you can enter in Fallout like in a new Reno's virgin would be a lie.
Yeah! You're right!I'm not about to apologize for the newspost's title because this is so much of what's wrong with the gaming industry. Molyneux is lauded for his retarded one-button combat because even a hint of complexity brings out whining idiots who can't be bothered to do a tutorial level. Dragon Age 2 is being dumbed down because the BioWare dudes feel there's "too many stats and shit" to open up Dragon Age: Origins. This is, in fact, why we can't have nice, deep games anymore. Because the idiots are crying loudest. It's frustrating as all hell.
The character creation? That's your tutorial about understanding how the game works? Please!It last what, 5 minutes? You don't even know at this time which stats are going to be really important or not!What? A list of skills they influence is right there in the stats-building machine in the Doc's office. It says so, right there, in the stat's description. Are you kidding me? You are seriously going to complain because you're too lazy to even read a stat's description?
Grayswandir said:Except the author doesn't actually complain about the stat system!
Grayswandir said:People start to bitch about it, so hey now it's newsworthy!
Grayswandir said:Let's put a nice title, so people can bitch about it without even having to bother to actually read the review!
Grayswandir said:The character creation? That's your tutorial about understanding how the game works?
Grayswandir said:But hey, even then, if the guy aiming his review at people that don't read the manual, so what? Do you think everyone here did learn it before playing? Seriously!
PainlessDocM said:I wonder how long it would take him to figure out how to refuel the car.
fedaykin said:But jokes aside, it would be interesting to know whether he's a console gamer or doesn't normally play video games at all. It almost seems like he'd want a game that pretty much plays itself while he watches.