New Vegas is way too complex

gona have to wait till some of these developers punch some CEOs in the face and make a game they want to play, not a game they want to sell.

anyway, old school, or retro, always becomes cool again at some point. I have high hopes.

heck, the next big RPG developer might be lurking here on these forums or others like it that have these discussions. Lots of intelligent game discussion goes on in places like this.
While he might be being stupid about some of the gameplay and his writing is pretty fluffy, the main point of this article though is that New Vegas, despite some wonky gameplay (and there is no doubt parts of gameplay and interfaces are pretty bad) stands out as as a great game, because it's combination of writing and choices and consequences in the game; that makes is one of few reviews in a major publication to focus on what is actually important and good about the game.
Absolutely. I hope he never tries Fallout 2 or, God forbid, Fallout 1. He might just kill himself.

Maybe he should (play them) ;)

I'm amazed how it took him hours to "figure out" several very basic, obvious things when it took me (and I assume most everyone else) several minutes to do so. Mind you, I only played FO3 for a few hrs and never even bothered to figure out how it works.
Brother None said:
TheUnwashed said:
Bah! this guy is a Sophist, his reasoning isnt right, he just wants to impress with pretentious speech.

This is likely the biggest problem. He combines poor spelling and bad writing with incomplete understanding of philosophical ideas.

Here's his bit on Civ 5
What it lacks is the emotional purpose and irresolvable conflict that cinema, like every emotionally-oriented form that preceded it, leave lingering in my brain. Civ V is the plot of the Godfather, not the dark final moment where Diane Keaton stands in the door of Michael's office and sees him, surrounded by articulate cretins, looking at her like a stranger. It's the atmospheric science behind the tornado that destroys the town of Xenia, not the gorging anarchy of Bunny Boy kissing Chloe Sevigny in an above-ground pool in the overcast ruins. It's a dictionary to interpret the invented foreign tongue in The Silence rather than an encapsulation of the alien mystery of a boy in a cavernous hotel with no way to understand the terrifying artefacts that surround him.

It's a game without cinema, a logical skeleton without blood and flesh to give it human shape or empathy. It's history as a series of straight lines whose rate of ascension can be manipulated, but it leaves out the most interesting parts of irrationality and human failing. It's more a game and less a video game, one that could have existed as easily 1000 years ago as today. That can't be said of cinema, and the degree to which it resists enhancing itself with cinema's emotional agency reveals how aging and purposeless the mechanical system has become. Consider it a cultural defeat.

He reads like a failed philosophy or English major who doesn't fully understand anything he's writing about but tries to impress by flounting his knowledge anyway. This is some of the worst game journalism writing I have ever seen and that's saying something.

I wish I had played civ v, waiting to have more powerfull PC.

I guess this reviewer is trying- not succeeding -to say that civ would benefit from a more theme-oriented content, like Alpha Centaury had, SF-frontier game and all.
But seems like the guy should be filled in on common sense vocabulary.

Next thing hes going to describe his overly complex TV-remote
Alpha Centauri was awesome, one of my favorite Civ games.

Back on-topic, though, that reviewer is bad, and I'm saying that relative to the rest of modern garbage reviewers that think a game not holding your hand is a sign of the end times.

Edit: Also, because someone earlier mentioned familiarity with SPECIAL helping in New Vegas... NV restored SPECIAL a little bit, but it's still hopelessly mutilated by Beth courtesy of the Gamebryo/FO3 engine.

I've pretty much given up on ever seeing a real turn-based RPG again, it seems Final Fantasy jRPG faux-TB is the most that developers are willing to try now.
This guy's head would have exploded if he was around in the early 1980s when games like Zork gave you no hand holding at all and you had to figure out not only how to solve the problems yourself but the exact word the game wanted you to use as well.
I've pretty much given up on ever seeing a real turn-based RPG again, it seems Final Fantasy jRPG faux-TB is the most that developers are willing to try now.

Do yourself a favor an check out Asian games beyond standard FF. There's a plenty of decent TB games out there. Start with Eien no Aselia series (JPN), Wind Fantasy Series (CHN). FF Tactics games are decent, too.

Oh, on the review: this is what his writing style reminds me of:

Pic related, noobs :P

Fallout: New Vegas is the first game in a long time that's really got me hooked. Not because it's perfect; it's far from it. The UI, engine, VATS and FPS combat (all courtesy of Bethesda, of course) are still junk. However, Obsidian has managed to capture a decent amount of what I loved about the first two Fallouts, and the writing and world-design are simply superb, in my opinion. Well, with the exception of the Roman cosplaying, but eh. Enough has been said about that.

The problem is that this reviewer and his ilk are the kind of people that game publishers listen and cater to. Granted, most of them probably don't use the same psuedo-intellectual, philosphical babble as the author, but the same mind set. Blame the game when it doesn't hold your hand and expected you to be able to think and discover for yourself a little, and then didn't even think to RTFM (Read The F***ing Manual, for those unfamiliar). AND didn't read the in-game descriptors for skills or stats or whatever.

And the combat? Yeah, VATS is dumb and broken, and the FPS combat is simply not very good (though Obsidian did improve it a fair deal from F3). But it's absurdly easy (I turn up the difficulty and it's still easy) except when you run into a creature designed to be almost unbeatable without a few levels and high quality weaponry. And yes, when you're ranged, you tend to kill from a distance. When you're melee, you tend to close the distance and swing your weapon or fist from up-close. Nothing noteable there.

I bet this guy thinks the combat in CoD: Black Ops is "revolutionary". :roll:
Kyuu said:

Fallout: New Vegas is the first game in a long time that's really got me hooked. Not because it's perfect; it's far from it. The UI, engine, VATS and FPS combat (all courtesy of Bethesda, of course) are still junk. However, Obsidian has managed to capture a decent amount of what I loved about the first two Fallouts, and the writing and world-design are simply superb, in my opinion.

This basically what the reviewer said though, although in the stupidest pseudo-intellectual way possible. Most the comments here make it sound like he didn't like the game and trashed it, but he called a masterpiece.
Crni Vuk said:
THE FARM ! Best scene ever :D

Definitely. Greatest comic sidekicks I've seen.

Most the comments here make it sound like he didn't like the game and trashed it, but he called a masterpiece.

Can't speak for everybody, but I'm personally just getting a kick out of watching the guy fail as a game journalist. By the time he gets to the conclusion, the opinion is pretty much irrelevant.
ramessesjones said:
This basically what the reviewer said though, although in the stupidest pseudo-intellectual way possible. Most the comments here make it sound like he didn't like the game and trashed it, but he called a masterpiece.

For all the wrong reasons.

When I write a review the conclusion is always the bit I feel most uncomfortable with. Why? Because the body outlines arguments and I'm providing the reader with facts, views and opinions, and he can decide for himself how he feels about that. The conclusion is then my opinion, and that's the least interesting/relevant bit of the review.

I don't disapprove of this piece because I disagree with the conclusion, I disapprove because I feel his arguments are weak and convoluted, if not outright stupid.
Pretty stupid review, must agree with most of you. Anyone from Finland, read Pelit-lehti, NV got 90/100 and its about best gamingmags there is. Seriously, been there for 15 years or so.
I've seen people complain that you can't continue the game after you reach the climax @ Hoover Dam, even though there's a HUGE BOX FULL OF TEXT SAYING THAT THIS IS IT, NO TURNING BACK, YES/NO.
Your dumb people don't surprise me any more!

Hope Obsidian will not get down saying "okay, we make some punny DLC to allow continue to play after the end."
Wow, talk about a retarded reviewer. His problem with the game is that it's got lots of things for you to read? And very many options? And detailed! Holy fuck, the game is incredibly detailed! Oes noes! You mean you actually have to use your brain to play this game? Alert the thought police, this game isn't stupid enough: People actually have to think about stuff to play this game well. Our rich elitist corporate masters can't have that: Video games are supposed to keep people stupid, not make them think. Why the fuck did you think they made the shitboxthreshityties and the Sorny Gaystations so dam cheap? Altruism? Fuck no, it was to keep the masses entertained and stupid. After all, you can't get people like Bush elected if the electorate knows how to think for themselves.

(Sorry if I come off angry. The Wikileaks scandal has me pissed off, and I'm all venting and furious. I'll go somewhere warm and fire up the LOIC now.) :evil:
TheSarge said:
(Sorry if I come off angry. The Wikileaks scandal has me pissed off, and I'm all venting and furious. I'll go somewhere warm and fire up the LOIC now.) :evil:

Not sure why that would get anyone angry. Unless you really hate the stuff
Wow Sarge... why the hate on consoles?

I play Xbox and PC... just chill out eh?

And I don't think that consoles are cheap in anyway, considering what you get. It's not that consoles make people stupid. It's that stupid people buy consoles and think they're better than nerdy PC users.