New Vegas will be newsworthy tomorrow


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
Bethesda has announced via Twitter that there will be 'new stuff' on Fallout: New Vegas tomorrow.<blockquote>Keep your eyes peeled for new stuff on #FalloutNewVegas tomorrow!</blockquote>Tomorrow we will provide you with the riveting details of the actual news.

Thanks Ausir and cronicler.
Oh yessss! The Alien Vs Predator demo is out tomorrow, I'm getting Mass Effect 2, and now this. I'm just gonna go to sleep early.
Dionysus said:
Myron Rolle said:
omfg really, Briosa?! BREAKING NEWS.
You're just pissed because Briosafreak blew the lid off this story and scooped you!

Hell no!

I'm jealous of these super-secret inside sources!

I mean..."twitter"?! How..what...where...why?! I CAN'T COMPETE!!!

The Dutch Ghost said:
They better show us something, and not just a couple of lines of "all the cool stuff they have planned".

Bethesda usually reveals a lot on the first go. That's their PR style, wait a longer time than most companies and then wazam!

Only usually such scoops are for magazines. Because apparently game publishers believe people still read magazines.

This news post made me laugh

next thing you know the front page of the Globe will proclaim:
We'll get screenshots full of bloom, and some details, I think. Hopefully we'll get some info on how this may be a "real" fallout game.
Sweet. Looking forward to whatever it is they will be showing.

Please let it be different from what I think it'll be...
Please...From the bottom of my heart...New Vegas...Don't suck !

I'm about to OD on bad design right now ( and I haven't played AVP yet ).

Do not disappoint.