And Deathclaws too. I guess they ride the line between iconic and a Western thing. I think the idea of something like the Gatorclaw would work well in a game set in Florida, Louisiana, or Georgie type area. A similar mutated creature from a similar type of animal(s) sounds fine. I just dislike having Deathclaws everywhere as well despite how iconic they are. At least Super Mutants only ties to the West Coast are FEV and that's where we saw them initially. I'd even be able to excuse a different strain of FEV causing something similiar somewhere else one time. But it's been done three times now.Come to think of it, Radscorpions are a particularly egregious one.
Like ok, Supermutants and Brotherhood I can kinda understand thinking "We gotta move these over" since they're iconic.
But with Radscorpions It's like, we're in an entirely new environment that should have it's own wildlife and you moved desert scorpions over there? Like it shows such an utter lack of ambition towards portraying a different part of the world.
But yeah, Radscorpions are really a puzzling choice to bring over. I get some of the others whether I like it or not, like you mentioned, it makes sense they wanted to reuse BoS and Super Mutants, but I don't like it. Radscorpions aren't nearly as iconic. They're just a threatening creature you run into at low levels.
He understands the Super Mutants...