NFL 2010

Charles Martin was pretty much known for that for the rest of his life, he died a few years ago. If you google his name you'll find family members defending him in forums, pretty sad story.
TwinkieGorilla said:
Cimmerian Nights said:
That hit on McMahon - it's not even football, it's assault.

ehehe. but in a good way, amirite?
Yeah, OK, you twisted my arm, but in a "sucker punch you in the parking lot after the game" way. From a football standpoint it's bush league.

and yeah I got a kick of Clausen getting sucker punched by a ND fan after he lost to UCONN last year too.
Sander said:
Didn't you say the same thing after the Bucs loss last year?
I think that was me, actually. Luckily I didn't get to see most of the MNF game so I can't judge whether this one was worse than the Bucs game last year.

The Bears are pretenders. Their luck is going to run out soon.

Brother None said:
Hey look guys Cimms is talking about mollycoddling rules again
Look guys, BN's pointing out...umm...topics people tend to bring up frequently. :P

From last week's games I learned that Steve Smith is worthless in fantasy as long as Clausen starts for Carolina.
This Bears/Giants game should be fun if for no other reason than to see the RoH ceremony where they induct Tiki Barber of all people. I love it when the NYC sports scene turns ugly, who in America or anywhere else has any respect or amity for Tiki Barber?
Of all the great Giants in that team's history, why Tiki among just a handful? I can name 25 greater Giants off the top of my head.

Oh, Hi. I'm the San Diego Chargers. Well as you know, the weather out here is just fine, summer is not over yet, so you know, we're just going to coast by on talent and not effort for the first six weeks. We don't care, our fans don't care. Then when the national media starts grilling us for slacking off, we'll kick it into gear and end the season in a 8 game win streak, which as win streaks go, won't impress anybody because our division sucks so bad. So we'll eke out the division lead, which is more of an indication of us just winning the div. by default because of the other inept fuckers in the AFC West an incapable of stepping up.
Then, when we're showing some promise, riding high, firing on all cylinders and starting to believe our own hype. We'll blow it in the playoffs at home to a lesser team.
How much you wanna bet they eventually fire Norv and replace him with someone like Wade Phillips in a year or two?
Cimmerian Nights said:
How much you wanna bet they eventually fire Norv and replace him with someone like Wade Phillips in a year or two?

Haven't we been saying that for years?
Have we? I just don't see the point of firing coaches and then replacing them with identically inept facsimiles - Marty, Herm, Norv, Wade etc. These middling coaches who can break .500 and win a playoff game, but never any more.

It's amazing how many great coordinators there are in the league now that were failed HCs.
I think Leslie Frazier, the Vikings DC, ought to get a shot as a HC. That defense has played better than its personnel for the past couple of years. Former Vikings DCs also have a good history as HCs: Tony Dungy and Mike Tomlin, specifically.
So apparently the Packers can put forth an effort that is 80% disgraceful, unwatchable garbage and Detroit still can't beat them. The only team in the NFL clearly worse than the Lions is Buffalo.

FWIW, next year will be the 20th anniversary of Detroit's last victory in Green 1991 -- before Favre joined the Pack.
This whole weekend was a lot of close games.

Titans losing it on a fumble off the return with a minute and a half left

Panthers losing because of two losses for yards with 30 seconds left

Jacksonville winning on a mile long field goal in the final seconds

The Eagles closing in on the Redskins as both teams sucked it up in the second half, but failing to close off those final 5 points.

And of the games I didn't watch, the Falcons won by 2, Cleveland won by 3, Green Bay won by 2, Baltimore won by 3.

Seriously, looks like Kickers are becoming the most important players on the teams.
the Packers are definitely slipping. this might be the year where everything crumbles. i had this lurking feeling that everything was being held together by a thread this year, and it seems that thread is coming undone. not to mention the injuries. whoa boy. we were already we're starving.

i predict that we either pull it around in some miraculous form and fashion...or we are on track for a long and painful decline.
...and parity reigns supreme.

I think the '07 Giants are the prime example of what you get from parity. You can go .500, just stick around, stick around and get hot at the right time. BOOM.

I'm starting to miss the old heavy weight fights of my youth.

You just don't get stacked teams like you used to. Look at say the 90s Cowboys, they had more talent than some whole divisions do now. Hands down.

I can sympathize with Packers fans on the decline tip, Pats defense could make Rex Grossman look like a HOFer.

But they're going to turn it around tonight against the phins. *cough gak* ughh.
Cimmerian Nights said:
...and parity reigns supreme.

it's true that this season is much more balanced...but i fear it is not because everybody is very good...but the inverse. or, that's not quite it either. what's happened is that the bad teams have gotten better and the good teams now everybody is in the shitcunted lukewarm middle. :roll:
You're describing Parity, Twinkie.

Also I'm not sure your offense makes a whole half glass, Cimms. Should be fun, this game.

Games in general have been fun. Not consistently high quality, the NYG-CHI game was horse piss, but close, fun! I love it.
Great redskins game, they make everything close. The NFC East is as wide open as it has been in years and I love it. You really can't predict who will win, but the skins are 2-0 in the division after going 0-6 last year.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Brother None said:
Also I'm not sure your offense makes a whole half glass
Highest scoring team in the league.

This might have been more convincing if it didn't come on the tail end of a game won purely by special teams and turnovers. Outgained 400-265 yards. The offense marched down the field for a TD all of one time.

Oooh, nooo, please don't hurt us you big bad scary Pats offense!

PS: first time Randy Moss has been without a catch. Hah! Good fun!
Of course they got outgained offensively, those returns were all possessions taken away at the expense of the offense, who when they did have the ball bludgeoned Miami using two undrafted midgets.

If they had actually scored anymore, we'd be hearing more shrill whining about how the classless Belichik always runs up the score.

You can't rain on our parade. Only the Ravens can do that.
Cimmerian Nights said:
those returns were all possessions taken away at the expense of the offense

This negates the fact that the Pats did very little offensively despite good field position because...

...oh yeah, it doesn't.
Dude, rhetorical acumen is no substitute for football knowledge that doesn't extend beyond the box score. The offense still outscored the Dolphins despite the disparity in number of possessions and the fact that Dolphins got a shitload of yards in garbage time playing way behind. Aggregates don't tell the story TOP and turnovers do. It was a possession game, not a shootout.

Brady's QB rating over 100. 2 undrafted benchwarmers averaging over 4.5 per carry and outgaining Ricky and Ronnie combined. Rookie TEs looked good, Gostkowski flawless. Typical day at the office for Welker. Who cares if Moss catches anything or not as long he draws coverage? He's not going to be here forever anyway.

How are they supposed to compile more aggregate stats when the D and ST keep preempting them?

The weak link here is still the Defense, on the road in second half. The schedule gets pretty nasty going forward.

Cimmerian Nights said:
He's not going to be here forever anyway.
It's ovah. Schefter just announced on WEEI. Wow.

2 1st, 2 2nds, 2 3rds, and 2 4ths next year.
They'd better bundle something with Mankins and ship his ass off too.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Dude, rhetorical acumen is no substitute for football knowledge that doesn't extend beyond the box score.

Nor is homerism.

I'm not even sure what this sentence is supposed to mean, to be honest. Do you think I didn't watch the game?

Cimmerian Nights said:
The offense still outscored the Dolphins despite the disparity in number of possessions and the fact that Dolphins got a shitload of yards in garbage time playing way behind.

And that would be turnovers. As I said.

Pay attention dunderhead.

Cimmerian Nights said:
It was a possession game, not a shootout.

It wasn't a shootout because the Miami O couldn't keep the ball and yours couldn't move it. Pay attention.

Cimmerian Nights said:
Brady's QB rating over 100.

Hah, this is hilarious. You question my football acumen/reliance on box scores and then you cite QB rating? You're leaving your ass exposed there for the world to whip at your ignorance, masshole.

Cimmerian Nights said:
2 undrafted benchwarmers averaging over 4.5 per carry and outgaining Ricky and Ronnie combined. Rookie TEs looked good, Gostkowski flawless. Typical day at the office for Welker. Who cares if Moss catches anything or not as long he draws coverage? He's not going to be here forever anyway.

Wiser words are rarely spoken. If only all that cherry-picked praise actually made your offense look better. It doesn't though:
1. Cincy: excellent game offensively.
2. Jets: absolute dookie.
3. Bills: it's the Bills. So far only Miami failed to hang more than 30 points on em.
4. Dolphins: 20 out of 41 points on offense, one TD being p much on D too since you started at, what, 15 yards out?

So, one excellent game, one dookie game, one excellent game against weak opposition, and another dookie game.

I ain't calling your offense bad, but they ain't world beaters.

Cimmerian Nights said:
How are they supposed to compile more aggregate stats when the D and ST keep preempting them?

The weak link here is still the Defense, on the road in second half.

I think you missed my point. The weak link is the defense, because your defense, despite this game, is pathetic, bottom-of-the-league level. Can Bill fix it? Who knows, but you sure seem to have little faith.

Your offense is no juggernaut to make up for the defense tho', which is what I meant with "no whole half glass". You then point to them being the highest scoring team in the league? Dude, rhetorical acumen is no substitute for football knowledge that doesn't extend beyond point scored.


Cimmerian Nights said:
2 1st, 2 2nds, 2 3rds, and 2 4ths next year.

Hope he has a better draft than some his recent ones.

I guess Moss is on the last year of his contract so a 3rd makes sense. Not exactly world-shaking.

Will be fun to see if the Vikes still fail with their last excuse for failure taken away.

Kinda drowns out any noise from a solid trade by my team, 4th and conditional 5th in 2012 for Marshawn Lynch. Bees mow, baby