Cimmerian Nights
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

There's a couple more wrinkles in this already unique set of offseason circumstances that is further clouding things for everyone.UniversalWolf said:I've seen people predicting all sorts of different scenarios for the Packers.
Now that the draft is moving into 'prime time', Day 1 is only the first round, with round 2 the following day. Whereas in previous years I think it was rounds 1 through 3 all in succession. Given the depth of talent, after round 1 shakes out, given a night off in between (instead of 15 minutes), I think there's going to be a lot of trades for 2nd round picks or later for teams that want to jockey for position and ensure they get who they want.
I think come training camp, there's going to be another round of cuts, especially on the veteran side. The Pats for example are just going to sit on Adalius Thomas until the last possible moment to cut. I'm sure once the rookies get into camp and things start gelling, others teams will do the same to clear roster space.
Also, probably no end in sight for CBA, so the uncertainty will probably have some effect too.
And I just want to say, I've professed my love for Buddy Ryan's Eagle D on many an occasion, Reggie White was one of my idols growing up, but I'm watching this last night (see ~5:30 - cool video overall)As for Tebow...
As soon as I hear the name Jesus my brain just tunes out, then the gospel music kicks in and my eyes glaze over. If people are going to complain about having religion shoved down their throats, at least hold everyone to the same standard. I think with Tebow, people really stretch to find reasons to love him or hate him. It looks pretty bigoted on both sides. I just want to see if he can play football, or not. Beyond that, I have no use for him or his beliefs.
And yeah, I'd love to see a boyscout like Tebow, who by all accounts is a real obedient "yes sir, no sir" type get paired up with someone like Al Davis or Belichik.
Davis still has a hard-on for JaMarcus apparently. Man WTF happened to the Raiders, look back at all the great picks they had over the years - Heisman winners, All-Pros, HoFers all over the place. Davis is out of his mind to stubbornly stay with the same "long ball" philosophy from the 70s. It's sad really, because the Raiders (love 'em or hate 'em) are one of those teams - like Steelers, Cowboys, Packers - that make the NFL better when they are good.
Man, they're talking suspension for Roethlisberger.
What a bonehead.
You'd think he would've learned after what happened to Quantrell Bishop.