NMA article: My Fallout 3 adventures!

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
We've had a few complaints about how NMA has no impression piece up yet. But, sadly, we are not going to put up an impression piece until we've had the chance to play through the game well and proper, digested our impressions to put down some thoughts. Expect the NMA review anywhere from 3 to 5 weeks from now, and no earlier. That's not to say we're not going to editorialize, but we're in no rush (sorry).

The guy writing the NMA review - Vince D. Weller - happens to just have finished a kind of Let's Play thread with the first 5 days of Fallout 3 and his thoughts on it. For your enjoyment and to at least give you something while we prep our articles, NMA has put up these impressions as an early-impression My Fallout 3 adventures! article. Stress on how this should not be read as a review, and should be taken as light-hearted as it is meant.

Day 1-3 cover familiar ground you probably know from previews, so they're fairly spoiler-light. If you wish to avoid spoilers do not go near day 4-5.
Jedi_Learner said:
Why would anyone care about his opinion for? He clearly has an agenda!

Sure..and you don't.

He goes on a little to much about it not being Fallout. Duh!

He seems to have gotten over it near the end of that so...yeah.
Strike me down with wrathful flaming, but this is pretty amatuerish stuff to be placed on the front page, more so going for an actual page on the site itself.
TheGM said:
He goes on a little to much about it not being Fallout

If you read the original thread, you'll find that he in fact dwells a bit too much on how it should not be judged as a Fallout game - which I personally think is an act of unbelievable kindness towards a game that calls itself, was marketed all the way and poses as a sequel to the originals - so maybe it's not that much of an agenda after all.
Seymour the spore plant said:
TheGM said:
He goes on a little to much about it not being Fallout

If you read the original thread, you'll find that he in fact dwells a bit too much on how it should not be judged as a Fallout game - which I personally think is an act of unbelievable kindness towards a game that calls itself, was marketed all the way and poses as a sequel to the originals - so maybe it's not that much of an agenda after all.

And you cut out the word duh(which I am note sure if it is really a word at all).

I came in knowing this wasn't going to be a true to the hilt Fallout. Made it more enjoyable.
Plissken said:
Vince's Message: Fallout 3 sucks. Buy my game Age of Decadence.

Actually, Vince's message (thus far) is that the positives outweigh the negatives, and it's the best Bestheda game since Daggerfall. Did you not get that far?

Also, from the play through:

So much for the wasteland justice. The sheriff turned his back on Burke, Burke pulled out a gun and killed the stupid son of a bitch. The hat! I hit V immediately, but Burke can't be killed at this point, so my chance to hit was 0. Maybe it's a bug, so if someone had a different experience and managed to kill Burke and claim his hat, let me know.

I was actually in this situation myself, and hit V, shot at Burke, and didn't get the job done. I was determined, and reloaded, and this time, I managed to kill burke before he shot the sheriff. The sheriff thanks me for 'saving his hide', and upon searching Burke's body, I got 'pre= war business wear' that raised my speech skill by 5 when wearing it. And his hat. 8-)
CxBxW said:
I was actually in this situation myself, and hit V, shot at Burke, and didn't get the job done. I was determined, and reloaded, and this time, I managed to kill burke before he shot the sheriff. The sheriff thanks me for 'saving his hide', and upon searching Burke's body, I got 'pre= war business wear' that raised my speech skill by 5 when wearing it. And his hat. 8-)

Dammit! I tried to kill him 3 times, and the last time, I thought I did it, because the sheriff left the bar. But then, I found sheriff's body layin on the ground close to Megaton's entrance (?). I said "Fuck this" and continued the game, because I thought that was scripted.
Public said:
CxBxW said:
I was actually in this situation myself, and hit V, shot at Burke, and didn't get the job done. I was determined, and reloaded, and this time, I managed to kill burke before he shot the sheriff. The sheriff thanks me for 'saving his hide', and upon searching Burke's body, I got 'pre= war business wear' that raised my speech skill by 5 when wearing it. And his hat. 8-)

Dammit! I tried to kill him 3 times, and the last time, I thought I did it, because the sheriff left the bar. But then, I found sheriff's body layin on the ground close to Megaton's entrance (?). I said "Fuck this" and continued the game, because I thought that was scripted.


I spent like 4 hours trying to save the mayor of adytum.
It's a lot easier to do with Big Guns, get a minigun, stand right next to him (if you can) then pile into his skull with all your might.
Eyenixon said:
Strike me down with wrathful flaming, but this is pretty amatuerish stuff to be placed on the front page, more so going for an actual page on the site itself.

A fair point, except that we don't really have a consistent policy of "high-quality" (as opposed to "amateurish") articles being exclusive to the front page. Instead, our aim is simply to provide articles that are of interest, regardless of the exact reason they're of interest. You'll agree with me this article does not stick out above or below, say, the FOnline travellog, 'cept that the log is less well written?

There are some articles we're stricter on, like the Fallout 3 preview and upcoming review, but this isn't a professional media site, and we don't really hold ourselves up to any standards but our own (which are still higher than some site's, grrrlol)
Ugh, the travelogue is badly edited and badly formatted. I blame BN
Woah! I know the guy "complimented" the game at the end, but I'm fairly certain I didn't read a single positive thing before that. Is he being sarcastic, or does he really think that EVERYTHING is wrong with FO3?
For one thing, I saved Simms, and killed Burke.

I saw Burke pull a gun, hit V, blasted him in the face with my shotgun I'd gotten, and saved Simms.

Simms then turned to me and said "Thanks for saving me there, I didn't see it coming" or something to that effect.

It's a lot of small things like that that (usually) work fantastic that make this game what it is.

Like when I saw an object streak across the sky, smoke trail behind it, then the screen shook and an explosion sound. I followed the trail to a crashed object with awesome items. No spoilers because it's awesome to find yourself :P