'Meh' Effect
'Meh' Effect
Since BG2, Bioware productions haven't tickled my interest, nor rated even a bargain bin purchase.
Mass Effect development was not on my radar until Vince's Mass Effect parody @ the Codex.
Profiling the M.E. lead character as a Jack Bauer wanna be made a synapse leap to the the moral morass that is found in Conrad's Heart Of Darkness.
Between the the f-cking and the fighting, I speculated that a well written - tri - polar dialogue path might offer a menu of command voice that *might* range from passive aggressive 'nice guy' to in your face 'collar grabbing' drill instructor.
Well. More funny when I discovered the truth of the comedic intent.
Read about Mass Effect for the first time. Well when I found out the reality of Mass Effect - more of the same Bioware with some soft core porno - inter species sodomy - as a pull down the pants --
look at me !!!!111!! to incite the kids,
then Mass Effect dwindled to "Meh' Effect.
What I read so far of this ITower thread shines an entertaining light on the ONLY B-soft title I have EVER considered playing.
Vince has my attention, and the chorus of greek philosophers @ Irontower create a dynamic give and take that hones down the edge and cuts through shades of meaning.
Went to the polls this A.M. and now I look forward to finishing the Let's Play thread, good stuff right?
And when it's ready, I anticipate a spectacular FO3 review full of "storm and fury' [Teh Drama!] and more significant then the sum of it's parts.
The lowest common ...target demographic ... the 'cake eaters' ... well, they have their multitude of superlative, absolutist, sales pitches that gush with school girl rapture.
And the herd are stressed into a whine by any alternate reality.
If ... can't deal with Vince's world view, or his right to express truth and beauty, go ask mom or Bioware or B-soft for some more chocolate milk solace.
Dream on that the future belongs to you. Dream the dream of each 'Me" Generation, before your waist line expands as your hair line recedes.
Obey the script of the hired scribblers. Seek solace in the true hive mind of commerce's fashion fascists.
Others will seek the clash of opinions and the true cutting edge of conflict.
Others will push and break the limits.
Afraid? Well ... 'duck and cover'.
Too scary? Peek between cake crumbed fingers ...
For those standing TALL ...
Anticipate the thrill of horror survivalist prose, Vince's Quest For Truth, for ---> HEROES <-- ONLY!!!!!!!
Link Coming Soon @ a NMA near YOU!