Bethesda's design shines [.] There's always something around the corner [,] most of which are good concepts and interesting [. The game is] very entertaining [and there are] absolutely brilliant quests in this game [. Did I mention the] good quests [? Bethesda] excel at storytelling [and] your character feels like a truly unique person [.]
Pope Viper
[I would say] the wasteland is nice [,] quests are interesting [and] I found myself laughing [because] they did get it right [.] I enjoyed Fort Constantine immensely [, the rest is also] very engaging [and I] love this game [. Let me say] the story/dialog/voice acting were up to par [and make for] an enjoyable gaming experience [.]
Mikael Grizzly
[This is a] true sequel to the Fallout series [,] it's able to live up to its legacy [with] a great atmosphere [in which] I enjoyed simply wandering [. I think not only] it was good [, but] it is Fallout [and it's] giving room to my Fallout memories [with] great environmental art and atmosphere [,] brilliant elements and design [. Is it] a good game? Yes [, in fact it is] the best post-apocalyptic simulator on the market [in addition to being] a good Fallout game [and] a proper sequel [.]
Fallout has evolved [and] I will admit that I love [it. Changes are] implemented well [and are] more useful [; it is] this kind of change that helped [the franchise.] Bethesda did a good job [and] have had the ability to make skills and stats retain their importance [, which is] what Fallout is about [.] I do enjoy how enemies take dozens of shots to kill [because it provides a] decent amount of action [and] Bethesda did a good job [. Also] they did a good job polishing the system [because] dialogue in the Fallout 3 is outstanding [, NPCs are] unique and interesting [, in fact] all of the writing was good [and there are] many instances to remember [making the game] more enjoyable [.] Fallout 3 wins hands down [and has] beaten every other recent game [.] Good job Bethesda [!]