Starwars said:
The little things like you guys pointed out, the ticketmaster shredding the Super Mutants but ignoring the PC, taking the laser rifle from the BoS corpse (and the others not reacting), Mr Burke moving like a ghost between two locations, BoS soldiers rushing out into an open space, BoS soldiers not taking any damage from explosion etc etc. And stuff like that is only reinforced by FP perspective, which I think generally calls on a more realistic take on things.
well, some of these things can have valid reasons (without using the now classic "it's just a demo" reply)
Starwars said:
Hope you guys had fun there though!
sure, though neither Kharn nor I felt like spending our day running between hordes of console kiddies playing guitar hero, singstar and dance dance revolution with the music turned up loud enough to be heard from 50 meters away.
but sure, we had fun.
Starwars said:
About how much dialogue was there in the demo? Was it lengthy or fairly short? How was the voiceacting in general? I guess there wasn't much in the demo, but how interesting/varied were the dialogue options for PC (and how many did there tend to be usually)?
voice acting wasnt bad or especially good.
dialog length is hard to quantify, since there were only like 6 'real' conversations (father, robot deputy, sheriff, Burke, BoS soldier, Burke again), unless i missed some. none of these conversations went into detail, since Pete Hines took rather quick routes to what he wanted to get as quests etc.
as for options... well, there were plenty of options, but how worthwhile they were is kinda the question. we usually didnt have time to read all possibilities, but it looked mostly like the standard good, bad/provocative, bad/personalgain replies with Burke for instance. but we really didnt have time to form an opinion about choices.
Starwars said:
How many nuclear explosions was there?
1 car at the red rocket fueling station, 2(+?) cars in the city fighting mutants, 2 cars at the behemoth, 2(+?) Fatman at the behemoth, 1 fatman after the behemoth, 1 bigass nuke at Megaton.
so at least nine, might have missed a few in my quick count.
Starwars said:
Best and worst part of the demo?
while i dislike the housing of the pipboy, i think perhaps the best part is the pipboy interface with scanlines and the vaultboy (he switches weapons as you do etc). though the interface is obviously made with console gamers in mind.
worst? pfft. not being a true Fallout?
probably the Supermutants, i suppose...
Starwars said:
Did you check out any other cool games while you were there, or was it a "Fallout 3 only" deal for you?
We checked several things. Age of Conan, StarCraft 2, Jericho, The Witcher, to just name a few.
Starwars said:
EDIT: Sell your shirt Brother None, use the profits for NMA.
i got one too, but i fear it isnt worth much on the open market.
BN said:
The Fatman had 7 bombs as ammo, I think.
11 in my demo