NMA was hacked

Meh, like I've said. I dont mind that people hack sites, its more of a sport for them. But he could have contacted me or some other admin and warned us instead, its not like he won any fame points by doing this.
He could go back and brag to his fellow hackers. I imagine it'd be the mental equivalent of trying to brag to gangsters about stealing an old lady's purse.
Odin said:
Wouldnt mind some help on the technical side, as I havent really touched this site in ages. Was in the process of planning an upgrade for this site these last few weeks, untill this happened.

Sure, I've done a fair amount with phpbb2 in the past so it's not too foreign. Happy to do whatever I can.
here is some quick fix help.

In your php.ini file, add
auto_prepend_file = filepath/scrubber.php

with filepath being actual physical location of a new file, scrubber.php
something like

in this new file, use notepad to create and edit, insert the following code between php start and stop calls

array_walk($_GET, 'RemoveSQLInc');    

function RemoveSQLInc(&$value, $key)    
    $search = array("/delete /i", "/update /i","/union /i","/insert /i","/drop /i","/#/i","/'/i","/=/i","/--/i");
    $replace = '';
    $value =  preg_replace( $search, $replace,$value ); 
and restart your apache.
This will remove any nasty commands from GET variables.
It isn't a sure fire cure, but it is a band-aid.
Thankfully this is the same password that I used on gawker when it got hacked, so it's already been released.

Unfortunately I know very little PHP and I also don't like it with all of its dollar signs. However, maybe for good sport I will try to clone this site in Rails 3 as my side learning project. It seems like a nice, expansive project and just perhaps it could be eventually useful.
i bet he looks like that:

He truly sounds like a person of integrity and control and I completely trust him not to sell the private information he stole.

Oh wait.
Arcane Back Up Thrills

Arcane Back Up Thrills

Brother None said:
I hope there aren't too many people who use the same password here as anywhere important. If the recent spate of hacking left and right taught us anything, it's that you can't live without unique passwords anymore.

Was using a 2005 P-word generated by NMA.

My hand scripting may have been accurate for each '05 change, but my penmanship for the exact date threw me into the tedious muzzle of trial and error.

New 2011 P-word recognized. Mission Accomplished!

Reconite said:
What I still don't understand is why he would backup the database on his computer ...
Implies malicious intent and evidence of an act of theft. ;)

NMA hostage data may be soon depicted on a milk carton near you!

hope this faggy little thief was using a proxy, otherwise his ISP is getting a call regarding malicious use of their network to perpetrate a crime.
Re: Arcane Back Up Thrills

4too said:
Reconite said:
What I still don't understand is why he would backup the database on his computer ...
Implies malicious intent and evidence of an act of theft. ;)
Hey, I got that much. I meant why would he bother to try telling us he's a good guy in all of this and that he won't sell the data even though he stole it all anyway?
If a hacker really wants to be ethical, once they get into a system they just peak at the internal workings/security and then make a copy of some random config file that only an admin would have access to (for proof). Maybe add a brief message on the front page just so users know about it.

If a hacker does anything that compromises or destroys data, etc. then they lose the right to consider there act as being beneficial to others. Now if you are hacking an site that is through and through evil, maybe there is an argument to be made for that.
it doesnt really matter what password you use.

brute forcing MD5 passwords are easy.

plus there are only 128^2 possible "values" for a MD5 password.

especially if there is no "automatic account lockout" after X failed attempts.

and/or logging failed attempts.

if the only "protection" you use is MD5 hashing of passwords, you dont have any security.
Well, luckily the only other account I use this password on has a different e-mail. Just changed my password and will most likely change the other one just to be on the safe side.
Wee, more hacking crap. Keeping all the info on a backup doesn't seem shitty and suspicious at all.