NMA's Skype Nighr Fallout discussion ideas.


"Fallout 4 adds to the lore"
So, i've been considering that considering Fallout 4 is on the horizon. We should have a skype night that we record and put them on the forums as podcast. Each week a 4-6 people gather in on a skype call and we discuss a variety of topics from Bethesda and it's previous track record. Fallout 4 information, Future of fallout. Anything fallout related. Explain why it's going to be good or bad. Anyone's opinion is welcomed so long as it doesn't turn into a character assassination.

This won't be so much of a debate but rather a collaboration of ideas. If anyone is interesting and we get a handful of people we could do one when we are all ready. It will be recorded and post on the forums as a podcast to listen to.


List of people for the first discussion.


- AgentBJ09



Question 1: "What do you personally enjoy about fallout and how do you think it will be implemented in fallout 4 if even at all?"

Question 2: "Given Bethesda nature and tendency to focus more on combat and less on writing, rpg, story mechanics. So on and and so forth. Do you feel Fallout 4 will suffer the same fate, If so then why?"

Question 3: "What is your favorite, Companion and moment in ANY given Fallout game and why?"

Question 4: "What makes a fallout game truly special in your opinion and do you feel Bethesda is accurately fulfilling your ideal projections with their new installment in the fallout franchise?"

Question 5: "Do you think Bethesda learned from Skyrim's mediocre story and linear RPG design and Fallout 3's disconnect from the roots of the classical fallout and it's modern big brother, Fallout: New Vegas?"

Question 6: " Do you feel that Fallout: New Vegas hit the head on the nail in what the direction of the series should be aspiring/going towards. Do you also think Bethesda took anything from it beyond it's gameplay features?"

Question 7: " Will you buy the game and if you do, why?"

Question 8: "What is the more important in a RPG, Action or story and why?"

Question 9: "Is there anything you seen in Fallout 4's trailers that you like so far?

Question: 10: Final question, "Do you think fallout 4 will be a success financially, and a milestone in writing? If not, Why or why not do you feel will lead to that disappointment. "
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You know what? That's one fucking good idea. I personally wouldn't participate though because my spoken (and written in a lesser way) english is horrible and, as much as I hate to say it, I'm too shy for that.

I'm really looking forward to hear that podcast:grin:
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If we're talking video calls, I'd be restricted to using a mic. Never installed a camera on any of my computers, besides a Kinect I wasn't using.
I'd love to do this kind of thing, but my mic is so bad that my voice sounds like someone is strangling a cat in a background of flees faping, hence why I don't use teamspeak or skype when I play MOBAs or other online games.
And i just updated OP with the questions!

Good selection. I'll get some ideas down ASAP, but here's the $64,000 question: Any set or ballpark date for this?

A statement of free days/hours for this week would be a good idea anyway, though. For me, Sunday, Monday and Friday would work with podcast recording times after 10:00 p.m. CST (Central Standard Time). Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday are no-goes/unlikely; eight hours shifts those days, while Tuesday is a four-hour very late shift with the rest of the day open. If Sunday or Monday next week, I'll need to get a request in for that day off before Monday this week.
And i just updated OP with the questions!

Good selection. I'll get some ideas down ASAP, but here's the $64,000 question: Any set or ballpark date for this?

A statement of free days/hours for this week would be a good idea anyway, though. For me, Sunday, Monday and Friday would work with podcast recording times after 10:00 p.m. CST (Central Standard Time). Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday are no-goes/unlikely; eight hours shifts those days, while Tuesday is a four-hour very late shift with the rest of the day open. If Sunday or Monday next week, I'll need to get a request in for that day off before Monday this week.

I'm thinking 6pm EST, This friday depending if we can get a full group. I don't know if Walpkunt is in it or not.
I'd consider throwing my name in the hat if I didn't have work that evening. I hope you can get a group together though, I think it could make for a good listen.
Just for your information it is hard to get this community to get together and do things. So many people are on different time zones, the member count is low (REGISTER GUESTS!!!!), and I wager a lot of people are simply too shy to have a chat. There are other complications as well so this might be hard to get off the ground. That being said, I'll see if I can talk to a few of the Old Guard into participating.