North Korea Invades the United States

Wintermind said:
The American public will be sidelined by American Idol or some other shit.

Somehow I can actually see that happening. You can always count on reality shows to numb the minds of the masses... guess that propaganda video they linked earlier was at least partly right after all...
If the rocket stays up in the air long enough it could be something like this.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
zegh8578 said:
It is often my argument. Look at USA vs Afghanistan. Shoe-less sandal wearing turban-sporting people in robes. Piece of cake? Sure.

If a war with North Korea is imminent, I very much doubt it will be an occupational American force fighting off primitive guerrillas. There are no poppy fields to guard. Just bomb them until cities, towns, labour camps and military installments are just ruins. After that, there's not much left to do.
Sub-Human said:
zegh8578 said:
It is often my argument. Look at USA vs Afghanistan. Shoe-less sandal wearing turban-sporting people in robes. Piece of cake? Sure.

If a war with North Korea is imminent, I very much doubt it will be an occupational American force fighting off primitive guerrillas. There are no poppy fields to guard. Just bomb them until cities, towns, labour camps and military installments are just ruins. After that, there's not much left to do.

The entire country (N. Korea) has tunnels and bunkers under it. Bombs would be useless.
I just love how everyone here is a military expert. Like I said before, I am curious to see what whould actually happen if there's a war.
Gonzalez said:
I am curious to see what whould actually happen if there's a war.

A lot of hilarious shit as Kim Jong Un nukes some fishes in the middle of the Pacific and he finds out massive infantry armies don't mean shit in a word of drones; all the while claiming he's achieving massive victories everywhere.
It'd be like Comical Ali squared. It'd be terrible and stuff of course, but damn if it wouldn't be funny too.
Jebus said:
Gonzalez said:
I am curious to see what whould actually happen if there's a war.

A lot of hilarious shit as Kim Jong Un nukes some fishes in the middle of the Pacific and he finds out massive infantry armies don't mean shit in a word of drones; all the while claiming he's achieving massive victories everywhere.
It'd be like Comical Ali squared. It'd be terrible and stuff of course, but damn if it wouldn't be funny too.

You forget South Korea would be ravaged. People are comparing too much, but when all comes to all, it wouldn't exactly be "the smallest, silliest, fulliest war in history". The Israel Palestine conflict is pretty tiny, and nobody's laughing too much at that.
If shit does hit the fan, it will be pretty unfunny for the koreans :I
Yeah, of course it'd be terrible for them. And a lot of other people too, as it'd be bound to pull in a whole lot more countries than just South Korea.

Just as the war in Iraq was terrible too, y'know. Hell, all war is terrible.
Jebus said:
Yeah, of course it'd be terrible for them. And a lot of other people too, as it'd be bound to pull in a whole lot more countries than just South Korea.

Just as the war in Iraq was terrible too, y'know. Hell, all war is terrible.

Yeah, war... It never changes
Surf Solar said:
Sub-Human said:
zegh8578 said:
It is often my argument. Look at USA vs Afghanistan. Shoe-less sandal wearing turban-sporting people in robes. Piece of cake? Sure.

If a war with North Korea is imminent, I very much doubt it will be an occupational American force fighting off primitive guerrillas. There are no poppy fields to guard. Just bomb them until cities, towns, labour camps and military installments are just ruins. After that, there's not much left to do.

The entire country (N. Korea) has tunnels and bunkers under it. Bombs would be useless.

Because the term 'bunker buster' is just a figure of speech, right?
Gonzalez said:
Wintermind said:
The American public will be sidelined by American Idol or some other shit.

Somehow I can actually see that happening. You can always count on reality shows to numb the minds of the masses... guess that propaganda video they linked earlier was at least partly right after all...
The propaganda video made by South Korean comedians..?
zegh8578 said:
Crni Vuk said:
as soon as an war would start, pretty much most of their soldiers would throw away their weapons. All the South/US has to do is to throw an bag of rice next to them.

It worked already in the 1950s, at least somewhat, because a lot of soldiers wanted to stay in the South.

NK might be one of the nations with the biggest military, but most of their troops are barely better equipment then farmers with pitch forks. They know that they are nothing more then canon fodder in any way. Why should they risk their lifes for an leadership which controls them? I am sure there are enough troops with finitism and which feel loyal to their leaders. But the usual citizen? Which is starving pretty much most of the time?

As was mentioned before, you must take into consideration how profoundly brain-washed they are. Sure, many individuals will want to escape, defect, etc, but the majority are likely to be die-hard patriotic, and launch themselves against the enemy like insane heroes, and kick that rice back in their faces.

Fanatism fades very fast in the wake of temperaturs below zero and without food with weapons that barely work.

The Germans know it.

Gonzalez said:
I'm just really curious to see how true all that talk about the south koreans and the US being so technologically superior and the north koreans surrendering and defecting as soon as they hit the enemy lines really is, or if the "western powers", to put it somehow, are actually starting to believe their own propaganda.

Maybe a few of us could get surprised.

You really believe NK has ANY chance at all in an conventional warefare against the US? And next you tell us you believe in Santa ;)

To win against their military is probably the easiest of all tasks. No doubts here.

But to actually secure the area is a whole different matter and that is what people mean when they talk about Afghanistan or the Iraq.

I doubt NK would be much different here. It really depends on what ever the population would see the troops as "enemies" or not. I guess it could really only work in the end if they destroy the whole leadership, or most of them (like they did with Sadam) and simply throwing the North and the South together, giving people access to food and other common supplies. Both nations might start to grow together even. In any case it would be the south responsible for it so all the US has to do is throw the bombs around. And that is something the US forces can do well. They did bascially nothing else in the past 60 years.

mobucks said:
The kill ratio in Vietnam is thought to be pretty horrendous. That said, Americans don't have the stomach for losing comparitavely much fewer of their own forces. It's our biggest exploitable weakness.
Depends. The recent wars have been wars which started with questionable politics. Like the Iraq. This of course makes people ask "why do we fight?" and then its about to come up with an good answer. Terrorism, Weapons of Mass destruction etc. all have shown to be nothing more then fake.

But if the NK would attack the South maybe even killing some US soldiers in the proces. That is a whole different situation. And I think the population would be more ready here to send soldiers over the globe.
Crni Vuk said:
You really believe NK has ANY chance at all in an conventional warefare against the US? And next you tell us you believe in Santa ;)

This is a perfect example of how all those TV shows portraying the US military as the most powerful, technological, invincible force in the world that is able to sway away anyone who dares face them sells.

Let me ask you a question, do you really believe the US has the most technologically advanced military in the world?

If you thought yes, then you'd be surprised to know that the russians have a main battle tank that is an entire generation beyond of anything the US has in it's arsenal. Spending billions in projects like the F-35 fiasco, a fighter that by the was has been plenty promoted in TV shows as the definitive fighter of the future, does not automatically make you the most powerful military force in the planet.

Do you actually know what North Korea has in it's arsenal? I don't, I don't pretend to know, and I'm even sure that people in the pentagon are not 100% sure of exactly what they have either since the entire North Korea is an information black hole. But at least I don't automatically assume things based on what other people tell me, I like to form my own opinions as well, I like to doubt and question things that are presented to me, like the undisputable fact of the US military absolute badass invincibility.
Gonzalez said:
I just love how everyone here is a military expert. Like I said before, I am curious to see what whould actually happen if there's a war.
Admittedly we are just random internet jerkoffs. So we have about the same qualifications to call ourselves 4-Star Generals as Kim does himself.
As for what would happen, the first Korean War had some wild swings back and forth, but that was mainly due to ROK and US being woefully unprepared and ill-equipped early on (evidently anti-tank weapons are needed to stop tanks) and later Chinese intervention. NK can't count on those factors this time. They don't need to contend with MacArthur either though, he had the combination of strategy and god-complex necessary to beat NK on the battlefield and fill the cult-messiah role too. Presidents feel threatened by that for some reason though.
Gonzalez said:
t the russians have a main battle tank that is an entire generation beyond of anything the US has in it's arsenal.

Then again, the entire concept of main battle tanks is an entire generation behind what modern warfare is.