North Korea Invades the United States


US Attacked by North Korea

The Korean rogue state has launched a high-altitude nuclear device over the U.S., creating an EMP burst that wiped out much of the nation's electrical infrastructure. The KPA is currently landing military forces along the U.S. Pacific Coast. Sighting of KPA paratroopers are reported in the Midwest. There is no word of any response by the U.S. military.

God save America.

I don't know what Dennis Rodman said during his visit to North Korea but it seems to have riled up Kim Jung Un like no other.
Let's hope North Korea doesn't launch their nuclear missiles at Japan or the US - that could be terrible news for random locations in the pacific ocean. They might kill a lot of fish.
Sorry Kim, not enough oil or Jewish interest in your mud puddle to provoke American military.

Methinks this fictitious invasion would stall as soon as those malnourished fuckers come upon a Dairy Queen. If it's close enough to a titty bar they'd all defect en masse.
funny enough, most of the N-Korean and Chinese POWs in the 1950s Korean war wanted to stay in South Korea which was one of the reasons why any negotations took so long. Heh. If not even your own soldiers want to return home that should tell you enough.

though something I dont understand is why the US and UN believe that something they did for the last 50 or 60 years will sundely be ... succesfull.

I mean this isnt the first time they come up with sanctions.

Usualy when you have a problem you try to find an solution. Thats what I have learned once at least. And if that solution doesnt work then you try to find another repeating that process so many times untill you find a solution that works. Those sanctions? Have they ever actually pushed N-Korea in any meaningfull direction? When ever the UN is using that, or the US for that matter the N-Korean government just throws around more radical statements and the tensions between the south and north grow ...

what are they trying to achieve here by making the population starving? Do they believe that this would change anything? The N-Korean government is telling theor poulation that the whole world is trying to invade and kill them (yeah crazy idea isnt it!), and those sanctions sure dont make that look less likely from the typical N-Korean citizen.

Did anyone ever thought about more peacefull solutions? Like trying to trade with them? So that the borders can open up? how did China changed in the last 50 years? Sure not because the US and Europe avoided any kind of interaction with China.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Methinks this fictitious invasion would stall as soon as those malnourished fuckers come upon a Dairy Queen. If it's close enough to a titty bar they'd all defect en masse.

Unlikely, they live completely isolated from the rest of the world, no internet, state controlled media, they don't even let foreign visitors talk to civilians, the brainwash is extreme. They believe every american is evil and out to kill them. I think that if some bimbo flashes her titties at them they are going yo get scared and kill her.

Crni Vuk said:
though something I dont understand is why the US and UN believe that something they did for the last 50 or 60 years will sundely be ... succesfull.

Remember what Vaas from Far Cry 3 said?

Vaas said:
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy. The first time somebody told me that, I dunno, I thought they were bullshitting me, so, I shot him. The thing is... He was right. And then I started seeing, everywhere I looked, everywhere I looked all these f*#%ing pricks, everywhere I looked, doing the exact same f*#%ing thing... over and over and over and over again thinking 'this time is gonna be different...
There's no danger for the USA. Korean paratroopers will not make it past DammitBoy's apartment.
Pirate Bay moved to North Korea now. Kim Jong Un might have mistaken Pirate Bay for Wikileaks., not sure.
valcik said:
There's no danger for the USA. Korean paratroopers will not make it past DammitBoy's apartment.

I don't live in an apartment, and if North Korea invaded California - it would be an improvement and slightly less communist.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

The hate for Americans is endless. Yet justified.
Technically North Korea is still at war with South Korea. On going truce since the Korean war in the 50s.

Just give up you western dogs! You´re no match for Kim Jong Un and Pirate Bay.
Sub-Human said:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

The hate for Americans is endless. Yet justified.

Justified? Not entirely.
Well, the Americans do have a history of violence towards Korea. They got away with it.

I'm also surprised that an oppressive 3rd World country managed to point out the flaws of the US. Many of the stuff that is said are not exaggerated claims, but actually things backed up by facts. Part of that documentary is probably aimed at the Western society, because we have access to Internet and can do a little research of our own.
well thats not really something new though. Ask the Chileans what they think about the US. Or the citizens of Cuba.

It really doesn't matter if you take the US, Russia (or if you want the former Sovietunion), Britain, France or even Germany. They all have questionable politics working somewhere.

Remember. Germany is among one of the biggest arms dealer. Theh.

Akratus said:
Justified? Not entirely.
I think even if it might not be 100% accurate, but its at least another source of information. Of course there is some intention behind it, like with most informations out there. Hence why it is important to be always analytical about what you see and hear. Be it from your own "side" or the other one. - although I don't like the idea to paint N-Korea as some kind of enemy. Lets be honest here, they are the backyard of Asia, they cant really hurt anyone out there without facing annihilation, and this time there will be no China to their rescue or Big Brother Stalin if they would start a war. The reality is the nation is starving and bleeding. What is such an nation doing, if you see one of the most powerful military forces invading other nations, like Afghanistan, Iraq and calling nations like Libya or N-Korea the axis of evil? Sure thats like what 10 years ago? But those people don't forget. And they just have fears like we do. Probably even more then we do. And I guess they have every right for that.

Its about time to let the N-Koreas do their thing in THEIR nation without us trying to tell them what they can and what they cant do as that obviously doesn't work anyway, like we have seen with the nuclear weapon they probably have now. Just no real way to use it. Its just wasting resources that could be spend in better ways, South Korea had even good plans, opening up the borders a little, allowing goods AND informations to flow from one side to the other. Do we forget here that this is actually one nation? They should not be separated. They probably will come together one day, but probably not like how the NATO likes it, with the South taking over the North. In Germany they had some luck. The borders and walls had "holes". The citizens never had the feeling like it would have been two separate nations. On neither side. And in the end it was the people which wanted to have one nation. This will be a lot more difficult with the North and South in Korea. We could make that easier by allowing both nations to actually start growing together slowly. Maybe at some point families would be even allowed to travel from one side to the other, to visit their relatives and so on.

This all has nothing to do with justice. Its just politics by the victors. The NATO, which is basically the US which won the Cold War, Russia was not capable of filling any role in the early 90s and that gave the US the opportunity to "clean up" a bit. Not so good for nations like Cuba or N-Korea which lost pretty much their biggest trading partners. Remember it was the US which pushed Cuba in to the arms of the Soviets.

Very interesting video, if its really from North Korea, its clearly aimed at the west and not for their own citizen. Despite a few errors, Mengele was never a memeber of the Nazis in Operation Paperclip. Or if Pearl Harbor was not alerted on purpose to get the US population in to war. Particularly an topic I dont believe in when you know a bit about Pearl Harbor and History. So like everything, I would rather watch it with an grain of salt!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I won't terrified although my hometown is right in front of north Korea.
Why? because they won't!
War accelerate north korea's collapse. They can exist because of favor of china and russia. But they make war? They can't do a favor for north Korea and USA can defet North korea easily. The North Korea know that. So they won't make any war but bluff for begging for money and food.
Wow, churches, governments and advertisers push propaganda to cow the masses, who knew?
Crni Vuk said:
what are they trying to achieve here by making the population starving?
They're doing a pretty shitty job of starving them considering how much food aid N. Korea gets from them. You guys haven't noticed how this shakedown works?
sanctions work in many ways. It stops N-Korea from actually trading, for technology, knowledge etc. Everything that could help them to give the population for example the ability to grow and produce food on their own more efficiently.

The population is starving. At least a large part of it. They have barely enough resources to keep their trains going of which many still work with koal and wood. Most of the resources go to the military.

N-Korea is for their own citizen as much a prison as it is an nation. If the idea of all those "sanctions" was it to stop them from making an nuclear weapon for example, then yeah ... that one really worked well in the end.

I know that the fun part is that the biggest enemy of N-Korea is ONLY one that keeps them alive ... considering how much food supplies they get from the US. Makes the whole situation between the US and N-Korea even more strange.

I believe that sanctions and embargoes rarely if ever work. Because they

1. They dont really prevent the questionable goods to enter the nation

2. They make relationships a lot more difficult.

I would not be surprised if we allow N-Korea to "open up" that they would colapse at some point. Or they would at least push for reformations and changes. Just as how it happend in China and other places.

All we have to do is to leave them alone.
Any war involving North Korea would be a brief and boring affair. North Korea lacks the food and fuel reserves to keep its vast army supplied for more than a few days, while its outdated technology and dogmatic military doctrine place it at tremendous disadvantage against any modern military force.

Crni Vuk said:
I would not be surprised if we allow N-Korea to "open up" that they would colapse at some point. Or they would at least push for reformations and changes. Just as how it happend in China and other places.
Some believe that Party's monopoly on power will one day be challenged by the rising merchant/smuggler class. Imposing sanctions on the country may actually benefit that cause, as it becomes increasingly obvious that merchants can provide the people with what their mighty government cannot - everything from basic necessities like food, to luxury goods.

Arcanix said:
Pirate Bay moved to North Korea now.
If I hear that hoax repeated as fact one more time, I will literally kill myself.