North Korea


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
I think it's highly likely within the next 10 years the Korean War will get kick started back into motion and when it does. It's probably going to end fast, mainly in part to heavy level tactical and strategic bombing but will probably get partially stopped by North Korea's air force. But we're generations ahead of them. My question is- Will China continue to support North Korea during another full scale war with the U.S? In recent years since the nuclear tests China's been very distant from North Korea and has been condemning their nuclear tests and slowly severing political and economical ties with North Korea in comparison being one's Maoist and one's pretty much Stalinist. In the event a war blows up I think it's likely will sever their ties with North Korea if they know what's good for them in the sense of economics. The U.S is their biggest trade ally. For China to support North Korea economically, politically, or even with troops like they did in 1950 would be basically economic suicide for China and likely the U.S as well. The only benefit is we don't have to worry about sending jobs over to China now because they're either going to India or they come back to the U.S and for once everyone will drop the lazy mentality and get back to work. What do you think? Do you think China would support North Korea in the event the Korean war gets hot again?
I don't think the Korean War is going to get hot again. And if it does, I don't really see the US having too much interventioning to do. And no, China won't help them. The North Korean leadship knows that they won't stand a chance in a war and that their best chance of survival is to keep the status quo. They'll keep doing little provocative actions at most, but they can't risk a full war, because that would end very quickly.
North Korea doesn't stand a chance. Even if only the South Koreans & the Japs fight, the North Koreans will get their shit kicked in.
NK can hit the South pretty hard at first, but in a war they won't stand a chance. And the regime knows it. What do you think they'd stand to gain by attacking SK?

China (& Russia) are sick of NK's shit, by the way. If NK does something stupid, they'll both drop their support immediately.

South Korea has always been a good friend of the West, so you can bet your ass NATO will get involved. What does NK have to show for itself when it comes to allies willing to fight for them? None.

You're delusional, Sniper.
The only thing happening in NK in the next 10 years is more basic human rigths violations.

In It´s current state, NK either reforms is cult-government or fades away.
North Korea doesn't stand a chance. Even if only the South Koreans & the Japs fight, the North Koreans will get their shit kicked in.
NK can hit the South pretty hard at first, but in a war they won't stand a chance. And the regime knows it. What do you think they'd stand to gain by attacking SK?

China (& Russia) are sick of NK's shit, by the way. If NK does something stupid, they'll both drop their support immediately.

South Korea has always been a good friend of the West, so you can bet your ass NATO will get involved. What does NK have to show for itself when it comes to allies willing to fight for them? None.

You're delusional, Sniper.
What do you mean I'm delusional? I know NK will get their shit kicked in. I'm only asking if China would support them or if NK will kick start the Korean war back into motion in the next 10 years. But then again the 10 years part was my personal belief that NK is really stupid and they'd likely try it just to piss off a sleeping lion.
Remember: All it takes is one idiot/madman to push the button and the cockroaches inherit what's left of this miserable planet.
What do you mean I'm delusional? I know NK will get their shit kicked in. I'm only asking if China would support them or if NK will kick start the Korean war back into motion in the next 10 years. But then again the 10 years part was my personal belief that NK is really stupid and they'd likely try it just to piss off a sleeping lion.

China is not going to support NK if it kickstarts the korean war (and neither south korea or u.s wants to restart it) was it made clear already.
The only hope NK has is to complete their nuclear weapons program and missile program, that way if someone threatens to end them they can deter by taking the entire South and some of Japan with them, and everyone knows NK is noth worth loosing all that. So yeah, that's why they continue to develop these weapons and why they won't stop doing it, most sound desicion if you ask me. Non proliferation of mass destruction weapons will only lead to the end of the regime, ask Saddam and Gadaffi if you don't believe me.
have there been any armed revolutionary movements or attempted coups within NK, that we're aware of? a Korean revolutionary force/Coup D'etat would definitely change the tide of a hypothetical war and probably make it an incredibly easy battle for the good guys.
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The scenario I see as most likely is China getting a firmer grip on Best Korea and using it as leverage. If the South agrees to end American military presence, Korea gets united under Seoul.

The other scenario is Best Korea kicking everyone's ass and affirming their title.

Either way, there is no chance whatsoever that China allows American military presence on its borders.
Somewhere in Wikileaks (somewhere... ) there's good indications that PRC won't lift a finger to defend DPRK militarily. I'm not gonna look it up, cus it was anecdotal, but my point is - this is much more likely, in a realistic world. Why would China throw away all the global standing, to defend this crazy-hole? And seeing it mentioned kind of confirms it (it specifically talked about PRC fully accepting the prospect of a Republic of Korea-dominated peninsula, rather than a DPRK-one. In other words, it "admitted" that its protection of DPRK was a sham) again, purely anecdotal - but it makes tons more sense than the other way around.

North Korea stands alone, and this changes their prospects for war dramatically
The only thing happening in NK in the next 10 years is more basic human rigths violations.

In It´s current state, NK either reforms is cult-government or fades away.
Probably some of you have already seen those photos took inside NK.
Here is the 1st part of such photos. The country elites lives are luxurious, provinces starving.
North Korea makes me incredibly sad.

Odds of DPRK starting a war are slim to none; even if they had nuclear weapons they probably wouldn't use them for anything more than deterring outside involvement in the region. There's little reason for the people in charge of the country to risk a status quo that favours them so heavily.
It is really sad and pathetic, I read this book and the Escape from Camp14 one a while back, it makes the Gulag Archipeligo look like Disneyland. Depressing shit, although you'll never complain about the food you eat ever again.

Somewhere in Wikileaks (somewhere... ) there's good indications that PRC won't lift a finger to defend DPRK militarily.

MacArthur had everyone convinced they wouldn't intervene and still had a hard time coming to grips with it after 300,000 PLA crossed the Yalu and stomped him. One doesn't expect transparent intervention, it would more likely be "volunteers" against imperialist aggression and all that jazz.

Why would China throw away all the global standing, to defend this crazy-hole?
Are you assuming they'd lose? They fought the UN to a stalemate the last time which was a huge prestige boost to the standing of the regime, against a much more powerful and technologically advanced foe. Besides, I don't think their feeling of having a buffer between them and S. Korea has changed.
And even if they were still around today I don't think they'd even want to help them. Had Gorbachev policies continued undisturbed.

They would probably had kept receiving economic aid and the famine plague in 90´s wouldn´t have happened.