Norwegian Massacre

well chance is high that there is always someone gunning someone down from a rooftop.

Not that it isn't tragic. But its hardly anything "special" considering how many people are on the world.
yes but for a country that prides itself on low criminal rate this is rather alarming..for them i mean but if such a country can descend so far then where are you really safe..nowhere..oh well as fucked as i am not going down without a fight
what is so alarming about it? That every nation can have lunatics? Shocking news isn't it ...

*To say this, I don't know enough about either Suomi (finland) or the case you described above to really say if that is any kind of indication or not. I see Germany as really peaceful when it comes to crimes and violence (more then many other nations), yet even here people sometimes run amok, employes killing their bosses with a katana and then moving around with the train. Or school kidz shooting their class mates and teachers. It happens. doesn't mean its any kind of indication.
well im a cynic and a doomsayer of sorts so its not really shocking to me per say im just pointing out that in a country that goes by as the most civilised in the world or i would dub them that by my standards anyway..the key formula being lots of space not so many people= golden age but anyway im sure some on the forum would dub me a lunatic aswell for believing that 9/11 was black ops..and why do i believe that, wll because it wouldnt be the first but hopefully the last time its been done..going back to Nero burning rome and blaming the jews just so he could kill them all and to hitler burning the Reichstag and blaming russian TERRORISTS just so he could go to war with them..if you believe all that then why is it so hard to accept that 9/11 was a FBI operation that gave americans enough anger so that they would be ok with america going into an illegal war in iraq simply to mine their oil and now that its gone theyre pulling out..coincedence?..not likely..
i dont smoke at perfectly able to get high on my own but coming from someone who fails to see history repeating itself..
Computer games can indeed have a bad effect on people - it depends on the person.
It's kindov like when people say "guns don't kill people, people do"

He has claimed himself that "call of duty" helped him train for "combat", and it's easy to imagine he was "back" in his computer game setting when he was scouting around the island, trying to get headshots and stuff. His vocabulary strongly suggests a weird delusion that he is some sort of "commando soldier", and that his entire massacre was a "combat situation".

This of course means in no way that computer games are inherently dangerous. We all play the same games he does. But his retarded little mind couldn't handle it - along with many other factors.
zegh8578 said:
Computer games can indeed have a bad effect on people - it depends on the person.
It's kindov like when people say "guns don't kill people, people do"

He has claimed himself that "call of duty" helped him train for "combat", and it's easy to imagine he was "back" in his computer game setting when he was scouting around the island, trying to get headshots and stuff. His vocabulary strongly suggests a weird delusion that he is some sort of "commando soldier", and that his entire massacre was a "combat situation".

This of course means in no way that computer games are inherently dangerous. We all play the same games he does. But his retarded little mind couldn't handle it - along with many other factors.

dont be fooled he is just making excuses guessing hes probabbly trying to give video games a bad rep same as he tried to do with muslims and sadly ended up giving white people enormous PR problems...but then again being descendant from a viking what do you expect really..
Evil Banana said:
zegh8578 said:
Computer games can indeed have a bad effect on people - it depends on the person.
It's kindov like when people say "guns don't kill people, people do"

He has claimed himself that "call of duty" helped him train for "combat", and it's easy to imagine he was "back" in his computer game setting when he was scouting around the island, trying to get headshots and stuff. His vocabulary strongly suggests a weird delusion that he is some sort of "commando soldier", and that his entire massacre was a "combat situation".

This of course means in no way that computer games are inherently dangerous. We all play the same games he does. But his retarded little mind couldn't handle it - along with many other factors.

dont be fooled he is just making excuses guessing hes probabbly trying to give video games a bad rep same as he tried to do with muslims and sadly ended up giving white people enormous PR problems...but then again being descendant from a viking what do you expect really..

No, no, this is mostly my own musings. He himself hasn't talked about games a lot, because he is very worried about _not_ being seen as a weirdo or an oddball - anything that will point him towards "insane".

HE isn't fooling anybody - which is part of his problem. During his isolation he barred himself from any type of sensible feedback - resulting in him planning tactics and ideas that ended up backfiring on him, because he never tested them on an audience before. He has only been communicating with fellow wannabe-fascists, and therefore got used to the idea that spreadding fascist ideology would be easy - when it isn't.
I've talked to people who share his view, more than once, and it's always surprising the blatant logic of reality that they have circumvented in order to be as convinced as they are. Many of them are also often religious, another staple of a mindset that is used to forfeit common sense :roll:
oh allright then whew even tho i mostly despise FPS games where two armies are supposed to fight and yet the players dont act anything like two a RTS and RPG game player and im happy with age of empires 2 and fallout 2 ^^ also baldurs gate..all new games of the genres 90% suck..only new rts and rpg games im looking forward too are medieval total war, warhammer 40k and fantasy rts games and even to play their fantasy and upcoming 40k MMORPG Dark millennium wich is by me the greatest thing in gaming history..
Evil Banana said:
oh allright then whew even tho i mostly despise FPS games where two armies are supposed to fight and yet the players dont act anything like two a RTS and RPG game player and im happy with age of empires 2 and fallout 2 ^^ also baldurs gate..all new games of the genres 90% suck..only new rts and rpg games im looking forward too are medieval total war, warhammer 40k and fantasy rts games and even to play their fantasy and upcoming 40k MMORPG Dark millennium wich is by me the greatest thing in gaming history..

Alert, you are beginning to veer a tad bit off topic again :]
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maximum fail
I wonder if he won? It would have had more impact if you saw the cards flying all over the place, and he raised his hands in victory.
Do they always hold court cases inside the IKEA office display?

I'd be playing cards too, only way these cases are interesting is when the nutters try to represent themselves. This frosted flake ain't got shit on Colin Ferguson, don't back down now you pasty patsy.
Honestly what is there to judge? Throw the fucker in jail. Woulda been cooler if he was playing pokemon or something though.
thats the thing, if you made up your mind alreasdy or if there isnt anything of value they say ... I can imagine that things can be quite boring. Not that I defend it. Just saying.