Norwegian Massacre

Yesterday Breivik expressed genuine surprise to his attourney, that the victims were given so much attention during the proceedings.
That guy really lives inside his own little bubble of reality.
Tagaziel said:
Maybe the fact that zegh's "bubble" hasn't resulted in the deaths of eighty people.

This is something I think about a lot in fact - not that precisely, but that they are putting so much emphasis on wether he was psychotic, or is mentally ill, what kind of possible diagnosis he has. According to norwegian law, if he is mentally ill, he will not be punished, but transferred to mental health care.
I say it doesnt matter what diagnosis he has. I know two guys who are psychotic... per medical definition, one of them suffer from schizophrenia, and none of them kill anybody... ever.

And I think many agree with me, that this whole diagnosis-issue is an insult to all the victims, and also to mentally ill people everywhere. If most mentally ill people can wake up in the morning, without massacring their fellow man - why should Breivik's diagnosis matter in the least? Ridiculous...
he wasent insane..maybe by some definition or other but he was really behaving like everybody else does..he merely did his thing, just like I or anybody else do theirs. they shouldnt really hate the man because he is a victim of culture..his actions shouldnt go unreflected upon. But his psyche should be studied so that other incidents like such can be avoided if the end the studies wont really matter because the majority of people wont even bother reading it to get the knowledge of recognizing his kind of persona and inevitably history is doomed to repeat itself..personally i think its because nobody really sat down with him and explained why his views were wrong when he presented them he was being shut down and he wanted to be not underestimate a humans potential for violence..its the same everywhere..and theres always an inevitably dumb reason behind it..
Crni Vuk said:

What the hell do you have against Ahmadinejad? That guy is hilarious!
Seriously - can we ban the troll please? He makes all semi-interesting threads insufferable to read.
Evil Banana said:
They shouldnt really hate the man because he is a victim of culture..

He's not a victim of jack fuck all, the people he murdered were and he deserves all the hate people throw his way.
Evil Banana said:
he merely did his thing, just like I or anybody else do theirs.
No, for most people "doing their thing" doesn't involve going on killing sprees.
they shouldnt really hate the man because he is a victim of culture
Bull. He is no more or less a "victim" of culture than anyone else. Someone's culture, upbringing, whatever are not acceptable justifications for murder. He made the choice to kill people, he deserves the consequences.
zegh8578 said:
This is something I think about a lot in fact - not that precisely, but that they are putting so much emphasis on wether he was psychotic, or is mentally ill, what kind of possible diagnosis he has. According to norwegian law, if he is mentally ill, he will not be punished, but transferred to mental health care.
Where he will then remain imprisoned for the rest of his life, because he's insane. In fact, he'd be eligible for parole from a life imprisonment sentence. He would not have that courtesy if he were declared insane. So the harsher punishment is actually declaring him to be insane.

Jebus said:
Seriously - can we ban the troll please? He makes all semi-interesting threads insufferable to read.
Don't call people trolls.
The Norwegian penal system is pretty effective, I think 70% of people don't ever re-offend (recidivism) - compared to about 30% for US jails. This guy wanted the people to rise up and attack Muslims, after his little murderous adventure, his calculations were pretty far from reality. The man is a loser...
.Pixote. said:
This guy wanted the people to rise up and attack Muslims

And for that he should be punished. The guy obviously has problems jail sentence will not help him with his issues, on the other hand psychiatric therapy and the following reintegration in the society doesn't sound wery satisfactory given his actions.

Dr. donperkan recommends haldol therapy. Numb him and place him on a park bench overlooking an idyllic pond and let him finish his life enclosed in his mind.

That's the best i can do.

I am glad that this happened in Norway (wait, let me finish). They are now forced to resoleve this issue and come up with a solution that will take in consideration his mental state and his crimes. Considering Norways advancements in social policies i can't think of a better candidate to give us the answer to this problem. Their example could provide americans a favourable solution to their "let god sort them out" practice, if they find a solution.
Joelzania said:
You heard it here first! Breivik was like David Beckham! :lol:

This is the part I find the most worrying -

He also remarked that Breivik became increasingly obsessed with computer games, often playing them late into the night.

It's obvious bad computer games have detrimental side effects, the man should have stuck with Tetris and Bubble Bobble.
.Pixote. said:
This guy wanted the people to rise up and attack Muslims, after his little murderous adventure, his calculations were pretty far from reality. The man is a loser...

This is the thing that always leaves you saying "hunh?".

look at the Oklahoma City Bombing. Somehow blowing up a Federal Building was supposed to cause a Race War.
.Pixote. said:
It's obvious bad computer games have detrimental side effects, the man should have stuck with Tetris and Bubble Bobble.

I am curious what people would have said if Breivik listened to nothing else but Biber all the time.

Or letz say Mozart

Just look at this evil guy.



always funny how they take a part of a "killers" life and say "yep! thats the negative part".

What if Breivik was drinking coffee every morning? or reading the news paper. I have this long theory that a bad news paper (like the Sun) in relation with bad coffee is generating killers. But no one beliefs me! Lunatic? THEY ARE THE LUNATICS!
is scandinavia going insane i just read that a guy in finland stood ona rooftop gunning down students..that and this is a bad omen
Crni Vuk said:
What if Breivik was drinking coffee every morning? or reading the news paper. I have this long theory that a bad news paper (like the Sun) in relation with bad coffee is generating killers. But no one beliefs me! Lunatic? THEY ARE THE LUNATICS!

What Breivik needed was some sweet pussy, that would have kept his mind off killing people, and saving the world.