NPC Armor

Ok, here's a start on Cassidy PA, just
to get an idea how long he will take.
Any comments and criticism much

Now i cant remember the later stages
of FO2 too well (i play ironman so i rarely
get there :( ) Is there even an opportunity
to pick up a spare set of Adv. PA for an
NPC? I think we may have to stick with
the stock FRM's for Adv. PA for all NPC's
if this is the case.

On a similar note - does anyone think its
worth doing leather jacket for cassidy?
I mean - by the time you get to VC, surely
most people will have progressed past the
point when they'd have to resort to giving
him a crappy leather jacket.


rEALLY NICE :clap:
Oh sorry i had the shift button on :oops:
In the moment me and HC working on the Uniq Critter Mod and i make Metzger and the Dragon so im busy in this time!

Keep the good work.
I know some players (like myself) might run over and grab Cassidy before Sulik because it's easy to convince him to join. So looking at it like this you can see how someone might swap his Leather Armor for something lower and take the Leather Armor for themselves.

But I see your point.
There's only two Advanced Power Armors in the game iirc.
One normal and one Adv. Power Armor MKII.
Probably not worth the time doing those frm's.
Yes, you should drop the apa becouse its not worth it.
Most of the games cassidy wont even get a suit of apa, but a pa is possible on him.
+apa with that head off looks weird :D
How are things moving along?

Just curious what the time frame for this mods completion is, I'm pretty excited about it. I had always wished the npcs could both look unique and show their armor so this looks kickass.
Well Paravel we can't really tell when it will be done we (Josan and I) are trying to do our best now our main aim is to make Sulik and Cassidy. Oh and thanks for the comments

EDIT:Ahh I made the gif file wrong sorry well I think its still good cause it doesn't look like this ingame
Great stuff Jotisz. Keep it up.

Yes, we cant easily give a time
frame of completion. With only
Jotisz and i on it i would hazard a
guess at least several months.

But i can say one thing for sure:
if anyone wants to help out it
would speed up the process greatly! :)
If I could figure it out I'd love to help, I have years of experience doing work in photoshop so I bet I could manage it. I'll try to do an animation myself and see if I can't be of assistance. I'd just really like to see this happen, I love that the finished animations look like they really belong in the game.

What dat program are you guys using to repack etc?
actually, I figured it out and did a little experiment. If you guys give me something to do I think I could help out.

Great. your help would be much appreciated. Here's what to do.

1) Go Here
and have a read of Lisac2k's guide to get a basic idea of what to do
2) PM Jotisz and ask for some of cassidy's FRM's. Or if you prefer,
unpack them yourself (ask Jotisz what program he uses - im on a mac
and cant do it for myself)
3) Just do as many sequences as you have time and patience for.
Start with the combat armour, and start with the simple ones where the character isnt moving much (such as drawing weapon, headscratching etc) to get some practice. Do only the East views or West views, NOT BOTH. We can usually flip one to get the other. Any questions
just ask!
Alright, has anyone else already started on the Cassidy combat armor? I don't want to redo anything somebody else has already done (You know, I don't want to waste time).

Also I wanted to ask, could I just unpack the combat armor animations, put a bald head on them and name them like "Cassidy idle", would that be alright? That way I can just do the FRMs and one of you guys could rename them as appropriate.
Paravel said:
has anyone else already started on the Cassidy combat armor?

Good point - according to mr wolna combat for cassidy has been
done already (most of them, anyway)
So, go for metal instead. The only problem with metal is that
it is not symetrical (spikes on left shoulder) so it cant easily be
flipped. With sulik i have experimented with editing out the
spikes to make the sequences flip-able. However im not sure
it will actually work yet. I will try tonight on cassidy and post
what i find.

Paravel said:
could I just unpack the combat armor animations, put a bald head on them and name them like "Cassidy idle", would that be alright?

Dont do this. There are so many files its easy to get them mixed
up and cause major problems. Keep a backup of the original FRM's and overwrite the ones you work on - try to keep the original names
where possible.
Alright, I'll try and do the metal armor. Removing the spikes might be a nice touch anyway, adding to a unique look for Cassidy. Make sure nobody else does metal for now for Cassidy so we don't duplicate each others work...awesome!
Here's my first shot at metal armor for cassidy...the gif might be a little screwy but it's a fair representation
