NPC Armor

Could we get permission to use the bald headed combat armor npc from Shattered Destiny for Cassidy? I was digging around and they already did extensive work on it (Idle animation, walking, drawing pistol/rifle, shooting, death animations etc...). That'd be pretty sweet, almost all the work is already done.
I already PM'd Lexx for permission.
He said it's fine.

@ Paravel - go ahead and extract the
FRM's from the mod folder. Check them
over as im not sure they're all there.

Unless someone really has the inclination
to do cassidy in leather jacket i suggest
we skip it, and maybe do it for stage 2
(myron & lenny)
I don't see any issue with the straps. It's something he's wearing, so there's no reason he can't change it when using different kinds of armor.
I realized that metal armor has an armband on one wrist so I started altering cassidy metal to be symmetrical, what I ended up doing is giving him the leather armor arms. In the process I've given him a little personality. I really like it thus far
Paravel said:
I realized that metal armor has an armband on one wrist so I started altering cassidy metal to be symmetrical, what I ended up doing is giving him the leather armor arms. In the process I've given him a little personality. I really like it thus far

Hmmm. I like your attention to detail. But
to be honest i wouldn't bother. Apart from
the spikes on the left shoulder the metal
Hero should be flippable.

Of course, if you want to do all of cassidy
metal yourself its your call. But if so
remember we are aiming to have this
mod completed in approximately 1 month.
Don't hurry guys, the more time you take the best your work will be, and you'll be even more proud of it! ;)
Totally agree with what Makenshi said.
Your doing some fantastic work and the wait for a quality final release will be well worth it.
In general, projects can be done fast, cheap, or well; pick any two.
We already have cheap (free), and the consensus is that we want it done well rather than quickly.
Guys you do not know how much it takes to make an animation, i like the idea but josan say it already.
(because he know how much work it is :wink: )
I think the only thing Cassidy needs that they didn't do for the bald combat armor guy in Shattered Destiny is a spear animation. I could email their frms to whoever needs it, the whole .zip is 1.06 megs.
Mr.Wolna said:
Guys you do not know how much it takes to make an animation, i like the idea but josan say it already.
(because he know how much work it is :wink: )

Yes, this is true. But i dont mean to discourage
Paravel from adding some quality details to cassidy
metal: i just mean we need to balance time and
ambition. Its true that we're doing this for
fun, and as soon as you start using deadlines it
seems like work. But i think its important to
shoot for an approximate time-frame and not
make things take too much longer than

Also, when im done with sulik leather, metal
and combat i'll switch to help out whoever
needs a hand.

@ Paravel and Jotisz: in case you didnt already
know - remember you dont need to do all the
hero sequences for sulik and cass. Some are
obvious such as the ladder climbing sequence.
Others, such as the head-arm-blown off death
sequence dont need to be done either, because
as far as i know these characters have no script
to call them (correct me if im wrong)
I think that the head-arm blown off sequences could be the default ones if they are used considering the head will be gone (No need to customize if head is gone)
Paravel said:
I think that the head-arm blown off sequences could be the default ones if they are used considering the head will be gone (No need to customize if head is gone)

Actually thats a good idea.
ultimately we can choose
which death sequences
to use for these new armour

So, any opinions on whether
we should do cassidy leather
Here are the frames that are made for the leatherarmored Sulik
15 frm is done from the 64 (in these 15 frm the 3 main view flipped)
Well just posted this to show that I'm making it and planing to finish it in this month or for the first week of march I hope I can doit for that time...