Hello Gentlemen
I have been a long time admirer of your excellent work. Many of you guys seem to complain about the frame offset numbers when building the new critters, but I’m not sure what method you are using. I find that if the new modified artwork is a perfect copy (dimensionally) from the original, then you can polish off the offset frames quickly, but if you have changed the original shape: i.e. – new back pack, or weapon, then obviously you will need the ghosting effect turned on and you can manually drag the artwork into position with the little cross in the bottom left hand corner. For the delicate movements you use the X-Y frame offset tool.
My method is as follows:
1. Load the original (eg "Vault Dweller") FRM.
2. Go to the "Add Frames" button and add the new (Pink Vault Dweller) critters BMP's in same sequence as the original FRM's. The left hand table should include - E.g. 1, 2,3,4,5 FRM - then 1, 2,3,4,5 BMP's.
3. Open the Option button and turn off the "Lock Offset" button and turn on the "Auto cutting" button.
4. Now one of the ghosted buttons will be open, the single "Frame Offset" button, between "Frame Up” and "Remove Frames".
5. Turn on the ghost feature (ctrl+G) for assistance.
6. Now select the 1st BMP (1) and use the "Frame Up" button move the BMP directly underneath the corresponding 1st FRM. If you then click on the single frame offset button the X-Y coordinates should be 0-0, that means the FRM and BMP are in exactly the same frame offset position. If you use the ghosting feature there will be no red area indicating the frames align correctly.
7. Do the same for each BMP. If you notice that any of the BMP do have the red area, then click on the single frame offset button and change the X-Y coordinates to X=0/Y=0. 9 times out of 10 this will align the BMP with the FRM above. If it doesn’t grab the "Move Frames" button, (the bottom left hand button beside the "Pick Sample Color" button), and nudge it into position or use the double "Frame Offset" button, (beside Add Frame), and type in the X-Y table until the BMP and FRM align.
8. After you have completed all the BMPs the long table on the left should look like (From top to bottom) FRM, BMP, FRM, BMP, etc. Select all of the original FRM with the shift key and delete them. Then click the Vault Boy head icon, (Create FRM), and done.
9. Complete all directions. NE, E, SE, SW, W, NW.
PS - If you have modified the critter artwork extensively e.g. - (Flamer SMG) you will always need to use the "Move Frames" button to correctly align it, but with the original FRM as a guide it shouldn't be a problem.
I hope I’ve been of some assistance, (if this is all common knowledge then sorry for wasting your time).