Josan12 said:
I've done my damndest to make it possible for the player to go helmetless. I even have a transition animation! The problem is that i know of no way to make the game use another FRM set for the player.
Is there a known way to make the game use a different FRM set than HAxxxxx for the player critter??
Yeah, I remember your animation. And let me tel you I found it really sweet

I hope someone will find an answer to your question Josan.
Anyway, I've something to suggest. Pardon me if it's stupid... I've never done this kind of thing before...
For example, imagine a guy wearing a power armor with the helmet on; then, the only way I know to modify this FRM is a death sequence... so, what about using this kind of sequence to switch from helmet on to helmet off?
So, to sum up, instead of having a death sequence
stricto sensu, we will just use the animation to switch... I hope I've been clear enough?
Mr.Wolna said:
hey McRae, where yiu have this nice pic from?
Which one are you talking about?
* The one about the power armor? It's from
The Vault.
* The FRM? Found it a few pages before. Grotesque's work.
* My avatar?
The loading screen you have when installing Fallout 2.