Obsidian Announcement on 6th of December


For hate's sake.
Staff member
Board Cop oTO
Obisidan Entertainment, recently bought by Microsoft, will announce something on the 6th of December at the Game Awards.
Their website shows the announcement of the announcement with some pleasingly pulpy SciFi artwork and an odd emphasis on "Spacer's Choice".
Pulp SciFi Obsidian RPG? Where do I sign?
Quite possibly the new Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky project, I believe the scuttlebutt said it was something to do with space.
Is this gonna be the game that shits on Bethesda's next title?
If it's a Space RPG it might be reasonable to compare it to Starfield.
It might also be reasonable to assume that it will indeed shit on it, but the judges are still out on that, of course.
It is VERY reasonable to assume that both games will be hilariousy buggy.
It is VERY reasonable to assume that both games will be hilariousy buggy.
I'm worried Tim has learned his lesson to focus on debugging at cost of mechanics depth, which would result in more polished but more streamlined product:
Tim Cain said:
I don't think criticizing Troika games for being buggy was unfair. They were buggy, and I think there were two big reason why that was so. First, we tried putting a lot of features into these games. We really needed to learn how to edit, because we would spend a lot of man-hours putting a feature into a game that hardly any of the players would ultimately care about. For example, Arcanum had newspapers that reported on major incidents that were caused by the player, but I don't remember a single review mentioning that. We spent a lot of time getting that working, and those hours could have spent balancing real-time combat, or fixing the multiplayer code.
I'm worried Tim has learned his lesson to focus on debugging at cost of mechanics depth, which would result in more polished but more streamlined product
Don't forget about the triangle idea he had that would replace traditional skills in favor of streamlining.
That third image kinda has an Arcanum feel to it. Could it be a sequel with retrofuturistic Jules Verne-style space travel? I mean, Boyarsky worked at Blizzard for years, so maybe he got the rights from Activision somehow?
Looks pretty cool, actually.

Read the first post of the codex user Kyl Von Kull on this page
Kyl Von Kull does make it sound better. But i'm still scepitcal on how this triangle thing will work out if he uses it for the game. I just really hope that this will be real rpg like vampire the masquerade and new vegas.
Yeah, the whole triangle thing seems to make it impossible to have perfect characters. Perfect as in 10s across the board. So an actually good thing.
True, I still perfer traditional numbers though. I don't know why tim thinks numbers are too confusing for a general audience. Every RPG even the most casual and popular ones use numbers.
I'm fairly certain he later clarified on the Codex that the triangle stuff is just a simple visual representation for people that don't like going into the numbers. People that want to min-max the actual values can do so if they want.
I'm fairly certain he later clarified on the Codex that the triangle stuff is just a simple visual representation for people that don't like going into the numbers. People that want to min-max the actual values can do so if they want.

Don't get me wrong I'm skeptical of the triangle fiasco thing too. But I think it could also work if done right. I think anything can work if done right. Open worlds can suck or be great, linear games can suck or be great, so on and so forth. Most ideas for game design, in my opinion, are not inherently bad they usually just consist of bad execution of them.

Even removing skills/attributes is not inherently bad, as long as you aren't trying to appeal to RPG players. That said, even if Fallout 4 was aimed at Borderlands fans or FarCry fans, that iteration of SPECIAL and the perks was terrible despite whether or not it was something for a role playing game. Just ignore that genre part for a second and look at most things in that game. They still sucked.
Sounds mildly promising.

If they can somehow bring interesting gameplay and RPG systems into a modern mainstream game, I'd really be fine with that.
Yeah, the whole triangle thing seems to make it impossible to have perfect characters. Perfect as in 10s across the board. So an actually good thing.
A good RPG should be able to handle all 10 characters as well as all 1 characters, even provide special content for those cases. Those kinds of limitations on character creation basically kill role-playing and force people to min-max skills and stats. Just let the player create whatever character he or she wants precisely.
Completely disagree on 10s characters, limitations breeds creativity. Being able to make all 10s characters makes me question why should i create a limited character when i can just create a perfect character and roleplay from there.

Being able to make 1s characters is fine because most of the time they are made for challenge runs or just to see special content.

My point is that i think 10s characters are just bad design. All characters should have at least one flaw.
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