So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Yes, I'm well aware of FO:T.Dukeanumberone said:I disagree, plus FALLOUT TACTICS (the game)
I thought you are comparing the combat systems of first Fallout vs. New Vegas though.
Yes, I'm well aware of FO:T.Dukeanumberone said:I disagree, plus FALLOUT TACTICS (the game)
nice. Lets throw around baseless facts. I say 8 million people saw that as issue in Fallout3/Vegas. Its easy to throw numbers in to the room. I am not attacking you. Just saying that it is very hard to guess why each and every individual bought either F3 or Vegas. And there have been quite a few around here which ... yeah, saw the "combat" in F3 at least as drawback. And Vegas is based a lot on F3 as far as gameplay goes. As far as combat goes both F3 and vegas are brainless shooters.
Also, yeah I would prefer an Clancy like approach comapred to Gearz of Fallout.
imagine in 10 years you might have to expalin your kidz that Fallout wasnt born as shooter.
------------------------------------------------thats all you could do with the game anyway, making it "more" of a good shoter.
As far as combat goes both F3 and vegas are brainless shooters.
-you didn't, but you did comment after walpknot, and didn't reference any particular comment. So to those reading your post it would seem dismissive to the issue brought up about Hardcore mode( not the difficulty setting)Please show me where I have talked about the hardcore mode?
to which you responded (because there is no other implied target in your post)Stimpaks only let you swim through cazadors without Hardcore mode on.
A crappy combat system doesnt get better if you play it on "hard". It only gets worse with all the hp bloat around, which forces you to waste even more time in this abomination that is the combat gameplay.
Bullshit? Thats how I played F3. Won the game easily.
F3 is pretty close to brainless but not FNV
again, you didn't state difficulty nor if hardcore was active, are you avoiding the question?Thats how I played Vegas. Albeit it was a bit more difficult, because there are simply more enemies that hurt harder and do more damage. But it worked in the end, particularly the further you get in the game the less it is about "tactic" or "thinking" but pointing your gun in the direction where the enemy is. Some creatures and enemies can hurt you a lot, like Cazardores and the like. And that as well only because someone had the idea to give them more then just "damage" but actually something that can really poison you! There should have been A LOT more situations like those. But as said. after I finished around 40% of the game (main story) I was maxed out enough that pretty much everything simply droped dead.
seems like no hardcore, but I won't assume anything with you, which is why I am asking, plainly, HARDCORE or NOT ?In both cases I got enough stimpacks to literaly swim in them.
already conceded, way to avoid any of my questions.Heh, there is even footage of people that play F3 with fists on the hardest difficulty runing straight to supermutants beating the crap out of them with 20 stimpacks in their pocket ...
oh yeah so tactical!
not trying to convince anyone, thats pointless.Please. Who do you try to convince here? Your self? Do F3 and Vegas contain "RPG" elements? Sure they do. But they are still 80% brainless shooters from the gameplay.
IF it were a mindless shooting they wouldn't have DT which is difficult with base/ low end guns vs mid grade armor. I would just one hit them with a sniper rifle if it were Battlefield or COD, but its not. Also the whole skills affecting aim is obviously a divergence from a mindless shooter.
Honestly I cant remember anymore if I played Hardcore or not. Was it that mode where you had to sleep sometimes or face issues? If yes, then its what I played. And only the start of the game was reasonable difficult where I died a few time simply because I could not kill a death claw before it killed me. Once I maxed out the relevant stats, it was again, easy as always. Seriously. Its like you never played shooters before. There are so many skills in this game that work EXACTLY like in F3, which is BUILD up on Oblivions gameplay in a lot of ways.
Hence why Vegas is more a shooter then RPG - as far as the combat goes.
-IN an RPG shouldn't at least part of the combat depend on the skill level of the relevant stats of the PC?Once I maxed out the relevant stats, it was again, easy as always.
Seriously. Its like you never played shooters before.
AND?There are so many skills in this game that work EXACTLY like in F3
I agree that in combat they are more shooter than RPG, BUT, and it is a very big BUT, you said it yourself that the fact thatyes, just that the issue here is that in my oppinion F3 and Vegas are more an shooter then "RPG" as far as ONLY(!) the gameplay goes. The so called "RPG" mechanics you have here dont matter as much like the "shooter skills" that you learned from the countless other Half Life and Doom clones out there.
that is exactly how it differs from a mindless shooter, and also like I stated before the fact the weapon condition and maintenance affects your accuracy and damage as well, hell the simple fact that you have to maintain your weapons is key to a lot of RPG's and I haven't seen that in ANY mindless shooter."yeah well the 9mm bullet you just fired will do 50% less damage because you have low small arms skills!".
Now in Fallout 3/Vegas, if you have low skills, all that happens is that you can hit targets with a full magazine in their unprotected head and they will not die ,which can be even worse if the weapon is in bad conditions.
That is your expectation of a camera angle not a very good representation of actual game play defects (which I admit there are, I would actually tie the guns skills much closer to accuracy, sway,spread, ect, and leave damage alone). Saying it is a mindless shooter just because of this is disingenuous at the very least.Ok, For example, playing a game like Fallout 1 or Fallout 2 where you see someone wearing leather arm or any other light arm without a helmet and then headshot them with a sniper and do 8 dam? You mean like that, is that what annoys you?The reason is because you SEE the bullet hit the head of your target. Its unprotected head.Because playing it that way simply doesnt work for me because I just expect from guns in third and first person to behave like "guns" would in the real world
Thats why it doesnt work that well for me. Its the visual presentation which kills any form of interpretation.
why not? it shouldn't be a failed animation, just a missed shot,But I doubt a game would go for visuals in such extremes where every weapon gets animations for "failing" a succesfull attack because your character has not enough skills.
I agree with you there, I just think we are arguing different points of the same problem, but I don't overreact and dismiss the entire combat as "mindless shootery" simply because it is flawed.- its not about realism its about believable settings.