Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I'm probably gonna get chased off with pitchforks and torches for saying this, but something that would excite me would be Beth and Obsidian doing Fallout 4 together. yes, you heard me. together.
Bethesda's writing sucks. bigtime. Obsidian's writing is great. but even though I loved NV, it often felt like the story was held back (old engine, smaller studio, restricted budget). I also think Bethesda did a better job with the environment. say what you will about the story and writing in Fallout 3, but I really enjoy downtown DC. and the wasteland around the city had a lot more attention to detail and interesting places to discover than NV did. Bethesda are in my opinion pretty good at setting the mood and creating atmosphere.
the story in NV often felt very disconnected from what you actually saw in-game. and even if it was miles ahead of F3's story, that one never really had me thinking "huh, this is supposed to be an army? it's 5 guys..."
Obsidian, on the other hand, have a much greater understanding for game mechanics, and RPG mechanics in particular. the changes they made for NV were all for the better, in every concievable way.
so basically, what I'm saying is that with both Bethesda's fine touch for creating environments and their budget, together with Obsidian's writing and sense for rpg mechanics, it could be the best TES: Fallout game to date.
Bethesda's writing sucks. bigtime. Obsidian's writing is great. but even though I loved NV, it often felt like the story was held back (old engine, smaller studio, restricted budget). I also think Bethesda did a better job with the environment. say what you will about the story and writing in Fallout 3, but I really enjoy downtown DC. and the wasteland around the city had a lot more attention to detail and interesting places to discover than NV did. Bethesda are in my opinion pretty good at setting the mood and creating atmosphere.
the story in NV often felt very disconnected from what you actually saw in-game. and even if it was miles ahead of F3's story, that one never really had me thinking "huh, this is supposed to be an army? it's 5 guys..."
Obsidian, on the other hand, have a much greater understanding for game mechanics, and RPG mechanics in particular. the changes they made for NV were all for the better, in every concievable way.
so basically, what I'm saying is that with both Bethesda's fine touch for creating environments and their budget, together with Obsidian's writing and sense for rpg mechanics, it could be the best TES: Fallout game to date.