Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

people worry too much. this will in no way be an Obsidian game. what I believe they will bring to the table is more good writing (I never doubt Avellone, and other writers on Obsidian are very good as well), more expertise (wether they use the Onyx engine or not, more skilled programmers can't be a bad thing - same goes for other areas) and more room for playtesting. it will still be Fargo's project and if it turns out a buggy mess as some of you expect it will, it would probably have ended up the same without Obsidian's help.
I think Obsidian is a great developer, they're just cursed with little faith from publishers and weak budgets.
I think Obsidian is a great developer, they're just cursed with little faith from publishers and weak budgets.