Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

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Good question!

Idk how many truck driving accidents are related to drugs?
What Causes Most Truck Accidents? | Truck Accidents | Ben Crump

Causes of Truck Accidents
Some instances where a driver or company may be responsible and held negligent include:
  • Distracted driving.
  • Driving while fatigued.
  • Failing to adjust driving to road and weather conditions.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Speeding and driving recklessly.
  • Negligent hiring by the truck company.
  • Failing to properly train drivers.
  • Failing to maintain trucks to a quality standard.
  • Failing to observe or enforce the break periods of drivers.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Number 1 reason for a lot it is simply, fatigue. Truck driving for it self is already a diffcult job. And the fact that people have often to work more than they are "permited" in a job where they are understaffed is definetly not helping here either. Look. I am not saying drugs are a non-issue. I just do not believe the situation warrants intrusive measures by corporations. Besides, you're not helping people with drug addictions by "firing" them and puting them in an even worse situation than before.

Strange enough. There are no "sleep tests" for Truck drivers by their corporations. I wonder why.
What Causes Most Truck Accidents? | Truck Accidents | Ben Crump

Causes of Truck Accidents
Some instances where a driver or company may be responsible and held negligent include:
  • Distracted driving.
  • Driving while fatigued.
  • Failing to adjust driving to road and weather conditions.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Speeding and driving recklessly.
  • Negligent hiring by the truck company.
  • Failing to properly train drivers.
  • Failing to maintain trucks to a quality standard.
  • Failing to observe or enforce the break periods of drivers.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Number 1 reason for a lot it is simply, fatigue. Truck driving for it self is already a diffcult job. And the fact that people have often to work more than they are "permited" in a job where they are understaffed is definetly not helping here either. Look. I am not saying drugs are a non-issue. I just do not believe the situation warrants intrusive measures by corporations.
Lots of truck drivers are on meth or synth chems. easier to pass the test.
Not aimed directly at you, but interestingly enough this was often named as a reason not to employ a certain "type" of people in the past. They well, just didn't "wanted" their kind here. Completely normal. And totally justifed within their reasoning. Them black folks and white folks just don't mix! No sir! Not in this comapny, sir!
This isn't directly aimed at the argument either, because the contention is about voluntary agreement. They simply need to behave in accordance with their own promise to do so.

An enployer simply not liking a thing is not cause for firing or creating rules around it. You need to have justifyable resons for these things.
I would say that indeed it is... if the employee voluntarily agrees to the contract, and then breaks it.
(And if they lie to get the job, then they are the ones negotiating in bad faith.)
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It always amazes me again, how quick you are in jumping to the defence of corporations while you do not apply the same reasoning to decisions made by the state. I mean it's also voluntary. If you don't like it? Just move. It's a big world.
Yeha I talked about this with my stepdad and mom. Mom was like "they got no right telling him to get this vaccine" and I said "yeah they do they do not want other people sick they want you working and you signed a contract so they have every right" and it went downhill from there.
If all companies decided that no one is allowed to drink and have a job are you okay with this? Why does their concerns overide people rights and liberties if so? Why should they have the power to direct society in such major ways because of their whims or preferences? Is there a limit for you as to what rules they can create?
@Gizmojunk Can I get a response to this please? I will not reply further regardless of the answer. I am curious though.

It always amazes me again, how quick you are in jumping to the defence of corporations while you do not apply the same reasoning to decisions made by the state. I mean it's also voluntary. If you don't like it? Just move. It's a big world.
Flip it around. If you the business owner who hires a bunch of people to work for you, and they lie about their behavior—but expect to be paid, does that not make you feel them to utterly disrespectful of you, and if so... do you actually keep them in your business?

If all companies decided that no one is allowed to drink and have a job are you okay with this?
It's their company, why wouldn't I be?

If I take a job, I adhere to the conditions of the job, and company. For example, if I contract out for an event, I refer job offers [given at the event] to the employer, because I represent their company while I am working for it. It would not be ethical to harvest jobs that directly compete against my employer—at a paid event put on by my employer.

Why does their concerns overide people rights and liberties if so?
Because those people agreed to work for them; usually in their place of business.
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Flip it around. If you the business owner hire a bunch of people to work for you , and they lie about their behavior—but expect to be paid, does that not make you feel them to utterly disrespectful of you, and if so... do you actually keep them in your business?

Depends on if they are lying about their behavior due to health issues that the US DOES NOT TREAT BECAUSE NOBODY CAN AFFORD IT.
Depends on if they are lying about their behavior due to health issues that the US DOES NOT TREAT BECAUSE NOBODY CAN AFFORD IT.
Further up (quite a bit) I did stipulate [CYOA] about it being deliberate; IE. accidental poppy seed salad dressing.

However I do think that an employee who has a medical condition that breaks their good faith agreement—still breaks the agreement. It means they accept the conditions knowing they cannot abide by them; lying to the employer.

I guess I should have expected the answer I got. These conversations are a troll.
So... do you actually hold honesty and good faith agreements as —being okay to say whatever necessary to get one's goals met?

Advocating ethics is trolling? Recall that I have not pushed conditions, merely that those who agree to them for given employment—actually abide by their word. Is this so alien now?

*The impression I get, is that only the employee matters, and the company is only there to serve up jobs... which is bass akwards of course.
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I mean none of you are right because I know everything.


Now take all your serious debates the fuck out of here. Maybe over to the AI thread lol!!!!
Some of you have to think out your responses before posting them instead of editing 3 or 4 times after they have been responded to... wtf. How is a forum conversation supposed to happen like this? It looks like everyone is a fucking schizo when you come back 10 minutes later or it changes right after you post your message.

Double posts are verboten.

I don't normally edit my posts after responses, except for typos.
But sometimes a new post pops up before, or while posting.

Occasionally I will split up a post (into two) if need be.
Double posts are verboten. View attachment 25753
I don't normally edit my posts after responses, except for typos.
But sometimes a new post pops up before, or while posting.
No they aren't Gizmo. I say they aren't. I say you post whatever the fuck you want and I will merge if need be because I want people posting not being afraid of posting.
Flip it around. If you the business owner hire a bunch of people to work for you , and they lie about their behavior—but expect to be paid, does that not make you feel them to utterly disrespectful of you, and if so... do you actually keep them in your business?
People can not lie about it, if they are not asked about it. I know that sounds strange. But interesting enough here in Germany for example corporations are not "allowed" to ask you certain questions - like to women if they want to have children at some point. And if they ask you, you are allowed to "lie". Why? Because that's none of their fucking business. It's a personal question. Same when it comes to things you do in your OWN PRIVATE TIME(!). You have to adhere to the standard as it is outlined in your contract and job. You have to do the job how it is outlined. But outside of that? Who cares? They are paying you for those 8-9 hours of work. Not for being a perfect being 24 hours a day. You're not their slave. That obviously doesn't mean that you should do everything and everywhere. But there has to be a bit of a "wiggle" room when it comes to your private life.

But the whole point is, that it's none of "my" business what people do with their body in their free time - as long it does not impair the ability to do the work as it was agreed in the contract. I do not care if you're snorting cocaine, if you're playing russian rulette at the weekend with your self or what ever else you do. Because. It. Is. None. Of. My. Fucking. Business. I would be your/their employer. Not their mother. Not their family. Or even their friend. I pay them to do a job. Not to be their life coach. Can they do the job? Fine. Can they not? Beat it. The place where I work, with children, is very sensible. I have to actually bring good-conduct certificate, to prove that I am not a criminal or what ever. But outside of that? I never ever had to do a single drug test in my whole life. Which might have been a bit of a problem anyway, due to the fact that I have taken some drugs - prescribed by a doctor - a few times in my life. Mainly psychotropic drugs like benzodiazepine. But I do not know if they even show up in a piss-test. But it would really suck if I now had to explain my employer how that came to happen. Because. It's. None. Of. Their. Fucking. Business.

And I also do not know why the drug addiction, if it ever happens to come out, be a problem for the reputation. People are not so stupid to realise that the offender here is the person taking the drugs. They are adult beings. It is their responsibility. And theirs alone. And not the company. You can not screen for ALL eventuallities. Where would you stop anyway? Why not have regularly screening of people on all sorts of issues. Because they all can seriously hurt the reputation of a company. Sometimes even more than drugs.

Like if the bank accounts of their eimployees are always correctly set up, if they pay their mortages and bills in time, how, when and what they eat, because a healthy diet means less health related issues, which means people can work longer and more often while becoming less sick, also people should have to weight regularly on their job to avoid obessity. If you're overweight it means more health realted issues. Or how often they party is also important. You don't want people get wasted on sundays and coming to work tired. Imagine what that means for the reputation of the company.

The US society is obsessed with drugs and drug adiction for some reason. And also in making it always a "personal" issue. Yet there is very little if any talk about 1. The reasons behind drug adictions and 2. How to actually avoid it and improve the situation. The US society just loves to "blame" people. To punish people. But they hate to actually adress issues and actually talk about the problem. It's a hush-hush thing. No, no! We do not talk about why lil Timmy here took that heroin. We just kicked him out of the house and he's now also taking crack-cocaine in that meth-hole at the other end of town living with the meth heads. What a loser! We made him homeless because of the heroin addiction and what does he do instead?! Taking even harder stuff! May he burn in hell for his sins, Jesus give me strength!

But yes. Companies making "random" tests - which can also prove to often be false and are not very effective in general - are of course a good thing. Because they are not really regulated and often done under questoinable circumstances.

Subjective Readings

Errors also can occur because some types of tests require subjective interpretations, turning on questions such as the location, size and color of spots on a piece of laboratory plastic.

Finally, both critics and proponents agree, the tests are incapable of measuring actual impairment at the time a urine sample was given. The tests merely signal the presence of a drug, not the effect it is having on the user. In some cases, the traces of a drug consumed days earlier will still register on a test. Cocaine and heroin, for example, can be detected for as many as two days after use and marijuana for a month or more--long after any effects have worn off.

“There are some very real problems here with what is being asked of these tests and what they can deliver,” said UCLA psycho-pharmacologist Ronald Siegel. “The widespread testing and reliance on telltale traces of drugs in the urine is simply a panic reaction invoked because the normal techniques (of controlling drug use) haven’t worked very well. The next epidemic will be testing abuse.”

Drug Tests' Reliability Is Limited, Experts Say - Los Angeles Times (

Anyway. Enough of this useless rambling. This should be about shit posting. Not political shit posting.