I'm just sayin that it's awfully weird that we can enjoy eating them but fucking them is too far. Seems pretty illogical to me.

Dunno. Would you rather want to be eaten or raped?I'm just sayin that it's awfully weird that we can enjoy eating them but fucking them is too far. Seems pretty illogical to me.
Lol raped, obviously. We could stop here really.Dunno. Would you rather want to be eaten or raped?
Cultural norms mostly, especially if you don't need to eat them and most in the 1st world don't. Who is harmed here? The animal?I don't know why ... but fucking animals seems worse than well eating them.
Some animals screw other animals, although rare. You're saying its better to get raised to be eaten and the eventually killed as opposed to not only not being killed but even getting to fuck a human which I guess is worse for some reason? Then again, I would not want to appeal to nature either as nature routinely kills the "unfit" among other things that we find reprehensible.For example I could think about nice, happy farm animals you know, spending their life being farm animals. And then they get eaten. That seems at least somewhat positive. The animals enjoyed a decent life. Before they became our meal. It's also rather normal in nature that some animals eat other animals. If only for the nutrients. That's at leas one scenario that I can imagine.
I mean most in the developed world eat meat because they like the taste. Not only that but livestock production aides in deforestation and various other environmental practices too. Killing and eating animals is worse than them fucking you from an objective view. It's hard to imagine as cultural norms shape our thinking.But I can not imagine any scenario where fucking animals would be acceptable or positive. There is absolutely nothing to gain here. It's simply sick.
Like I said, eating meat is harming the environment to an extreme degree. It's also not even about survival either. Killing is worse than fucking something, no?I mean ... like no one ever said, yeah I had to fuck that animal to survive. That doesn't happen.
And beating your wife is comparable to an animal getting off on you?Besides it's also a false equivalency. Just because factory farming is well one of the worst torture animals can experience doesn't suddenly justify sex with animals. It's like as someone would say, Mfw when someone tries to convense me that beating wifes is okay, but slipping drugs in their drinks is immoral and abuse.
Be convinced that spelling mattersMfw when someone tries to convense me that killing and eating animals is okay
Don't you know?
This is why when I remove to a remote rural area, I will take up hunting.I mean most in the developed world eat meat because they like the taste. Not only that but livestock production aides in deforestation and various other environmental practices too. Killing and eating animals is worse than them fucking you from an objective view. It's hard to imagine as cultural norms shape our thinking.
I think you're missunderstanding me here ... what I am saying is that comparing one bad thing to another bad thing doesn't mean that either one of them is a "OK". So to speak. It's creating an equivalency which doesn't exist. I mean in a perfect world we would neither fuck nor eat animals or subjugate them to the way how they are treated in factory farming where the best day the animal probably has is when it's killed ending its suffering. But alas we're note living in such a perfect world. And I am saying, eating animals (in general) is better than fucking them. From a human stand point. And yes some animals also do engage in this behaviour you explaind but it's far far far faaaar more rare than one animal eating another one. The way how we humans process and eat meat today is an issue yes. But just from an evolutionary point of view we humans have been eating meat probably for the last 100.000 years. If not even longer when you look how many ape-like creatures also sometimes consume meat. The reason why we humans did it was from a point of nutritional value. And not to torture animals. Doesn't mean we have to keep this practise when we have alternatives. But that's a whole different discussion. And there is a very good chance that factory farming will become obsolete in the near future - Lab-Grown Meat - Scientific American.And beating your wife is comparable to an animal getting off on you?![]()
So, NMA has finally devolved into arguments about wether eating meat or bestiality is worse.
Good job.
I mean you can feel that way all you want but we are still animals. We didn't sprout out of dust and sheer will.I don't really consider humans to be animals either for most of the population though.