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Haven't watched The Tick amazon show, but the Bebop live action was a massive piece of shit so good riddance lmao. Even if the anime is overrated (which I agree) this show was just terrible both as an adaptation and as it's own thing with some of the cringiest dialogue I have ever heard.

I am not even that big a Bebop head, I rank it on the lower tier when it comes to Watanabe's works, I much prefer Samurai Champloo, Carole and Tuesday and Space Dandy. Carole and Tuesday is technically a sidequel to Bebop.

Some things just don't adapt well to live action. I do think the reviewer I generally trust with things like this is right that the show is just ok and not the worst thing ever like all the fanboys are claiming. It's essentially a one for one shot remake of certain scenes while on the other hand botching the main villain and doing a little twist to be different and then apparently never carrying on from that point now due to the backlash. I hate it because the main dude needs more roles like this that are not dumb stoner shit.

I loved The Tick and hate that it got canned right when it was getting real good.

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No, not even close. If it was a shot for shot remake it would be lazy but at least it wouldn't be the most embarrassing thing ever. Main thing is that there is no "main bad guy" in Bebop and they tried to make it into a thing, constantly shoving a character that appeared in 3 episodes appear every single episode, I will give you an example of how stupid they did it with something you have more of a connection to, remember Final Fantasy Remake? Remember how they handled Sephirot? Well that. AND THEN, make Sephirot a complete joke, give the role to a really bad actor and have the characters spout shit that would be laughed out of an episode of Rick and Morty and "MCU humor" being injected into everything that once was dramatic. Then also hire someone with no artistic eye as director of photography AND THEN cast a 50 year old guy as the 27 year old lead. Then dock everyone's IQ by like 50 points.

It's a cavalcade of suck.
No, not even close. If it was a shot for shot remake it would be lazy but at least it wouldn't be the most embarrassing thing ever. Main thing is that there is no "main bad guy" in Bebop and they tried to make it into a thing, constantly shoving a character that appeared in 3 episodes appear every single episode, I will give you an example of how stupid they did it with something you have more of a connection to, remember Final Fantasy Remake? Remember how they handled Sephirot? Well that. AND THEN, make Sephirot a complete joke, give the role to a really bad actor and have the characters spout shit that would be laughed out of an episode of Rick and Morty and "MCU humor" being injected into everything that once was dramatic. Then also hire someone with no artistic eye as director of photography AND THEN cast a 50 year old guy as the 27 year old lead. Then dock everyone's IQ by like 50 points.

It's a cavalcade of suck.

He said one of the episodes was shot for shot at time. I totally understand that the main villain was probably miscast and miswritten though which would likely make the show suffer a lot.



His chin isn't pointy enough and I hear he whines a lot in the live action version whereas he hardly showed up in the anime. Idk it has been twenty years since I watched that. If I watch it I will let you know what a non fan thinks.
They turned Gren

From a gay guy with a female body due to having to sell his body for experimentation after not being able to find any work after going to jail after being betrayed by Vicious but finally finding a place to call his home even while struggling with disphoria, who then throws away his life when the opportunity to take revenge on Vicious presents itself, which makes him complex, into...


The Sassy gay friend of the girl boss "new main villain". And then they claimed this was a fix of the "wrongs of the original" who also does nothing but be sassy and gay. This whole show was just a completely full of itself mistake who actually though they were "fixing" a classic by making it a bargain bin MCU movie rip off.
Reminds me of the awful redesigns of The Eternals except a lot worse. I was not aware of that degenerate nonsense. Nothing was wrong with the original.
Watanabe is like one of the most progressive anime directors out there, Cowboy Bebop and all his other shows are full of diverse characters of both sexuality and ethnicity and he shows he isn't reluctant to explore new ideas that come up with time. But this thing thinks that having an earnest scene is cringe so they have to make everything a joke, and then write in jokes that would've made Chuck Lorre cringe.
Cowboy Beebop Adaptation?


"And Im the White One"

I think 30-39 year olds just don't like people who aren't 20 year olds. All other age groups don't have this problem.
Apparently schizo zoomers think all birds are drones or something. This theory could be tested by murdering a bird and doing an autopsy but I am sure they will just cover themselves in cat piss and corrupt the minds of more retards like with Qanon crap.
All this covid corona crap is just an excuse to do maintenance on birds. The reason birds sit on telephone wires and large electrical signs is to charge themselves up. Get with the times boomer!!!

Toront not into seeing skimpily dressed anime girls in amazingly animated fight scenes confirmed.
I remember seeing one episode of that and they said
clothes are aliens that met humans thousands of years ago
and that was the deciding factor that I'd not watch anymore of it.
I’ve been meaning to watch kill la kill but never managed to. Started Dorohedoro. I think that’s how it’s spelled? Everything is cg these days.

The Dorohedoro anime starts out rough but gets better once they get int othe Sorcerer's world arc.
I reccomend reading the manga for the earlier arcs.


Do people not know Millenials are 30+ years old?
The Dorohedoro anime starts out rough but gets better once they get int othe Sorcerer's world arc.
I reccomend reading the manga for the earlier arcs.


Do people not know Millenials are 30+ years old?
These retards still conflate Gen X with boomers and millennials with zoomers. The difference is pretty significant since I owned a nokia phone, a gateway computer, bought warcraft the year it came out, and had yahoo messenger with aol online. The hamsterdance meme broke the internet. Gorillas threw bananas on old shitty school computers and we played Quake over LAN. Also 9/11 was at school.
Also what's the deal with Avocados? To me they are simply delicious fruit that I eat every now and then because they make me break out in acne if I eat them too often but I see people online use it as an insult to imaginary millenial teenagers.
Avocado toast is actually good though, memes aside. I just like avocados though. Had some really good guacamole the other week but it was fucking expensive.
These retards still conflate Gen X with boomers and millennials with zoomers. The difference is pretty significant since I owned a nokia phone, a gateway computer, bought warcraft the year it came out, and had yahoo messenger with aol online. The hamsterdance meme broke the internet. Gorillas threw bananas on old shitty school computers and we played Quake over LAN. Also 9/11 was at school.
Funny enough, I fit this description but not so well as I'm younger still. I don't know if you're Gen X or millennial but I remember a lot of those things but also being younger during that. I remember friends telling me about Guild Wars and I was jealous because I had really shitty internet. I don't remember Warcraft much but I remember finding Starcraft a few years after it came out and being really into it despite being young and trash at it. 9/11 happened while I was in school but they wouldn't really tell us what was going on and kids started telling me wild renditions of their parent's fears and it terrified me. I was told planes would crash into our homes while we were sleeping at night. Among other weird shit too.
I remember when Smartphones came out and all the rich preppy kids got them and I still hadn't even gotten a flip phone yet. And when I did get one, I had it until I was almost 20.