Akratus said:I wasn't trying to say that Fallout 1 or 2 didn't have issues with balancing. I think this is besides the point.
Then don't bring them up in an irrelevant tangent.
The scope of choice in designing sniper rifles is either quickscoping or no firing untill the target is at a minimum distance?
What other point allowing the player character's to use sniper rifles in absolutely every position, even if the enemy is right next them, has?
I thought the range, slowness, and few shots was what made sniper rifles distinct, and that this arbitrary restriction is unnecessary.
Why is it unnecessary? So that players don't have to deal with maintaining distance and providing cover for their marksmen? You and Solar are both blowing this out of proportion.
You can't use the sniper rifle if the enemy is too close, as in, next to you, or close by. It's a simple bit of gameplay making different weapons more distinct, is all. Unless you plan on charging enemy head on with everyone and using sniper rifles on people right next to you, you're not even going to notice it.
You simply can not say that this arbitrary little change is all that holds the game back from having characters able to kill anything up to medium range with a sniper rifle while running.
Never said it. You're claiming that it's arbitrary, making it seem like it ruins the entire game system by not allowing you to use sniper rifles in close combat.
Arguing that without it, a top down tactical rpg, has a distinct action fps feature, as seriously as you do is absurd. You can't seriously say that "It's really no problem, Solar's just having one of his days I guess, taking a completely irrelevant point and complaining."
Because it is completely irrelevant. It's a small little feature that makes sense. At the distances this is triggered, your enemy would simply grab the rifle and break it over your head.
So the game already has what I suggested? I don't quite see how that is a point in your favor.
I don't see how that matters. It was mentioned that range affects accuracy and different weapons have different applications. What you and Solar did was take a minor feature of sniper rifles and making it out into some kind of tragic limitations that ruins gameplay.
I really like how you remove some of Surf Solar's arguments in his quote here.
He edited them in after I posted the reply. The point still stands: it's pointless nitpicking. He might as well argue that the game includes statistics that don't reflect every possible real life situation. Because, surprise, this is a game and, as all games are, it's an abstraction of reality.