Old(er) games that deserve a remake/sequel

Marek said:
Blackthorne and Bermuda Syndrome. Two similar games that rocked hard.
Don't forget Flashback, Another World and The Lost Vikings! Those were some sweet games...

As for me, I'd very much like to see another Syndicate, Red Baron, Alien Breed, X-Wing, Desert Strike, Streets of Rage and even Paperboy. Remakes or full-fledged sequels to KGB, Full Throttle and Sam 'n Max would be nice, too.

Simbay said:
I am new here so I don't know if you're joking, are you?
Take a wild guess.
Shadowrun....yes...hell yes.

I played it on the Genesis though, and that one has a bit of a different story than the SNES, if I recall. I also have the P&P of Shadowrun, but a PC game involving Shadowrun would be HIGHLY welcome!

How about Skies of Arcadia? I found the storyline and the game enjoyable, but I am uncertain how others might take the game.
I did forget Flashback, that game kicked ass. I got a rom of it recently and well it still kicks ass.

I don't know if anyone remembers the Desert Strike, Jungle Strike, and Urban Strike series. I remember having loads of fun playing those games, don't know if I'd like them now though, I might have liked them for cool graphics for Genesis, don't remember.
The P&P Shadowrun is awesome. The SNES version rocked, but I never played the SEGA one. I have been playing through the SNES version again , but I got sidetracked with my old Earthbound game.
Nuclear Strike exists on PC. It was one of the first games I played on a 3Dfx Voodoo card, and it rocked.
Ratty said:
Don't forget Flashback, Another World and The Lost Vikings! Those were some sweet games...
True, those were awesome too. The memories..

Fireblade said:
How about Skies of Arcadia? I found the storyline and the game enjoyable, but I am uncertain how others might take the game.
I loved it, period. Such an incredible feel, and what might seem as a rather childish theme and design totally took me by surprise and had me hooked. One of the few games along with Shenmue and a couple others to leave that "damn.. I can't believe it's over.. *feels empty*" feeling.

Also, quite a few Super Nintendo games still make me cream my pants, such as Secret Of Mana, Super Punch Out, Super Probotector (also known as Super Contra IIRC), Sunset Riders, and Rock'n'Roll Racing.
This post wasn't supposed to be. Beats me how it snuck in here though..

Might as well give it a purpose.

Ratty said:

God yes. That game is amazing. I'm trying to get the original disc and find some way to make it play on my computer right now, coincidentally.

Simbay said:
I don't know if anyone remembers the Desert Strike, Jungle Strike, and Urban Strike series. I remember having loads of fun playing those games, don't know if I'd like them now though, I might have liked them for cool graphics for Genesis, don't remember.

Absolutely. Desert Strike and Jungle Strike were both fantastic. I don't remember Urban Strike, though... Was that Genesis only?

But, jumping in the Stealth Bomber in Jungle Strike... Damn that was fun.
Absolutely. Desert Strike and Jungle Strike were both fantastic. I don't remember Urban Strike, though... Was that Genesis only?
I think it was only genesis and it was my fav of them all, check it out.

They also made Nuclear Strike and Soviet Strike on the PS1
Nuclear Strike exists on PC. It was one of the first games I played on a 3Dfx Voodoo card, and it rocked.
:shock: I wasn't aware of that. Were they similar at all?
I demand sequels to:
Crusader: No Remorse/Regret
Syndicate/Syndicate Wars
Sam and Max
Another Freespace game

That's about it I think. Maybe a remake of Dreamweb. I seem to remember that being alright. Although I might've been high at the time.
Space Quest II
Shogun: Total War
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards
I have halflife, and halflife source... I prefer to play the original because they made the weapons in hl source look really cheezy...

this is sorce screenshot

this is original

Ive got it on hightest possible graphics for both versions of halflife in the screenshots...
Simbay said:
:shock: I wasn't aware of that. Were they similar at all?
Well, other than the fact that in Nuclear Strike you can also fly planes and drive tanks, style and game mechanics are pretty much the same as in old Strike series games.

Finesse said:
Starcraft is still my favorite strategy game... why doesnt blizzard make starcraft 2 dammit
Because Blizzard decided that real-time strategies are passé and console shooters are teh $$$. Enter Starcraft: Ghost, average shoot 'em up for average gamer.
Has anyone played Landstalker on Genesis? That was probably the best RPG of its time. A sequel made in the same style would blow ES series away for sure. NPC convos were much more interesting, so was the story.
I would like to add Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star by SSI to this list. This little gem of a game kept me occupied in a time before I ever heard of the Internet, and was a pretty damn good space flight sim in my opinion, reviews aside.

SSI meant "quality" a time long ago, back when video games ran on DOS. Some of the best "old school" games came from this wargame sim maker.