Suuuuure, if that makes you feel better
. I would say it had more to do with the fact that German tanks couldn cross the chanel.
But in all seriousness, I doubt that the Brits alone would have stood against the Germans. If they had an easy way to push their troops to Britain in 1940? They would have probably marched right to London and the Scottish border before anything stoped them. There was literaly no home defence after the fall of France, and their troops got beaten very hard during the French campaign. And the British industry was not yet in full war production at that point. Britain also saw support from the US pretty much from day one, not so much in troops, but in terms of food, weapons, amunition you name it. It was a very crucial moment. There is a famous quote from Churchill, the moment he got the message about Nazi Germany invading the USSR, he said something like,
that's it lads! The war is won. And right he was. Wining the war against Nazi Germany and Italy was a joint effort in the end. And I think what is very often neglected in history, is the incredible support to the USSR in terms of resources by both Britain and the US. Particularly Britain supported the USSR between 1941 and 43 with small, yet very crucial supplies. Between 1941 and 42 the Soviets relocated most of their industry out reach from German bombers. They pretty much build whole cities over night in remote locations to manufacture tanks, weapons and all kinds of shit. But in that crucial moment, those few months where their production was at an all time low, they had the luck to fall back on British supplies in tanks, amunition, food and all kinds of other resources. Particularly trucks, radios and transport vehicles have been a crucial resource. I personaly think, the Soviets might have even lost against the Germans, if they hadn't got some supplies in early in the war.