Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

I have finished all the quests in Rainbow except for the one involving
Mate murdering the Hog
My reputation level is "Accepted", I have 133% speech and the Hog still dismisses me when I ask for work. Perhaps this is bugged?
I have a theory that you should talk to Loudmouth about Hog. Other than that - no idea. There's a developer in the discord server, maybe ask him.
I have a theory that you should talk to Loudmouth about Hog. Other than that - no idea. There's a developer in the discord server, maybe ask him.

I actually discovered one variant:
if you defend the prostitute in the bar after talking to the fancy guy standing near the apothecary and kill him in the process you will be instantly taken to Hog and if you talk with him in the right way you will be given the role of a new pimp in Rainbow. I wasn't checking what can it help you with though.

There is even a way to replace Hog himself...
Anyone knows where can I get the Plasma Rifle Prototype? I've been wondering almost Radious but my search wasnt very succesful, I got the Spare Hardware from Sunset Jackas, Later the two drugs mentioned anti-radine and Rapture, and the encyclopedia, the last thing I need is the Plasma Rifle. Also, I have kinda gauss weapon from Military HQ because I wipped out all the zone, idk if that gun would work, anyways, thanks
Anyone knows where can I get the Plasma Rifle Prototype? I've been wondering almost Radious but my search wasnt very succesful, I got the Spare Hardware from Sunset Jackas, Later the two drugs mentioned anti-radine and Rapture, and the encyclopedia, the last thing I need is the Plasma Rifle. Also, I have kinda gauss weapon from Military HQ because I wipped out all the zone, idk if that gun would work, anyways, thanks

Did you try Livos, as mentioned in the List? Also: if you say that you got the spare hardware (the thing that the repair guy asked you to bring to him) you got the wrong item, it is not the Repair Kit you are looking for.
Small question about Jackals: there is this guy Casper that takes care of the bets. When I give him 1000 batteries he constantly says that the next fight will be this week, but not today. Is it actually possible to benefit somehow from it or maybe take part in such fight? Or did he actually steal my money?
Did you try Livos, as mentioned in the List? Also: if you say that you got the spare hardware (the thing that the repair guy asked you to bring to him) you got the wrong item, it is not the Repair Kit you are looking for.
The repair kit, from who can I get it?
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Small question about Jackals: there is this guy Casper that takes care of the bets. When I give him 1000 batteries he constantly says that the next fight will be this week, but not today. Is it actually possible to benefit somehow from it or maybe take part in such fight? Or did he actually steal my money?
Yeah, Casper is... A sly person. He can be used in a fight with Vince though.

The repair kit, from who can I get it?

Try exploring Loudmouth's room.
Yeah, Casper is... A sly person. He can be used in a fight with Vince though.

One thing bothers me: even if I solve quarrel with Stan in a peaceful way I get that line in the dialogue with Casper: how much did you earn on my last fight?

Anyway, there is a bunch of other things you can come across while playing the game yet having no clue what can be done with them. Does anybody know what can be done with them? By the way: The highest floor I reached in Olympus tower is 96, without the previous one, between 96 and 51. Let me now list these things, with *s next to items marked as *quest items*:
1. *Constitution of rights* - as I mentioned nobody sees that on me in Livos or wants to talk about it;
2. Porn disk;
3. Finger with a ring;
4. *Romantic Collection*;
5. *Sassou perfume*;
6. Old Comic Book;
7. S-Virus Strain;
8. *Vibrator*
One thing bothers me: even if I solve quarrel with Stan in a peaceful way I get that line in the dialogue with Casper: how much did you earn on my last fight?

Anyway, there is a bunch of other things you can come across while playing the game yet having no clue what can be done with them. Does anybody know what can be done with them? By the way: The highest floor I reached in Olympus tower is 96, without the previous one, between 96 and 51. Let me now list these things, with *s next to items marked as *quest items*:
1. *Constitution of rights* - as I mentioned nobody sees that on me in Livos or wants to talk about it;
2. Porn disk;
3. Finger with a ring; ~~ i try eat it after finish the final boss..
4. *Romantic Collection*;
5. *Sassou perfume*; ~~ Use exchange the Prototyle gun with merchant in front of Livos Entrance ( place have machine gun)
6. Old Comic Book; ~~ Use for fix the broken machine at factory Juan. But with high repair skill you no need this. I throw comic book to somewhere shop..
7. S-Virus Strain;
8. *Vibrator* ~~ For Blanca ( girl fall in love with hero of coward at NWO ) not sure how to trigger the quest.
i have same quest items list like you but only able fingure some of this item can be use as above.
The item list to get in olympus not really needed if you help a couple at Maggy Dog to get Herald Robes and Lvl2 key card.
i have same quest items list like you but only able fingure some of this item can be use as above.
The item list to get in olympus not really needed if you help a couple at Maggy Dog to get Herald Robes and Lvl2 key card.

I already did it, had a cool fight against Oncas. There is even an alternate way to get to Olympus, as Douglas, but Herald receives a bit more respect when you get inside, at least I had such feeling. I only don't want to just finish the game, but to find as many secrets as possible. For example I wonder if there are more hidden places like the one below Jackals' territory. Maybe I should find some Russian forums... if only my Russian was better...
One small thing about Rainbow: there is an option to convince G to agree to work for Hog, but there is no way to even talk with Hog himself about it. Any ideas? I even tried to eliminate Mate...
One small thing about Rainbow: there is an option to convince G to agree to work for Hog, but there is no way to even talk with Hog himself about it. Any ideas? I even tried to eliminate Mate...

I suppose you didn't install patch, bug about G should be fixed.

Patch is here:

Think I should add the link to the first page.

One thing bothers me: even if I solve quarrel with Stan in a peaceful way I get that line in the dialogue with Casper: how much did you earn on my last fight?

Anyway, there is a bunch of other things you can come across while playing the game yet having no clue what can be done with them. Does anybody know what can be done with them? By the way: The highest floor I reached in Olympus tower is 96, without the previous one, between 96 and 51. Let me now list these things, with *s next to items marked as *quest items*:
1. *Constitution of rights* - as I mentioned nobody sees that on me in Livos or wants to talk about it;
2. Porn disk;
3. Finger with a ring;
4. *Romantic Collection*;
5. *Sassou perfume*;
6. Old Comic Book;
7. S-Virus Strain;
8. *Vibrator*

So, about the items -
-Constitution is for the Schwein guarding the entrance - he lost it.
-Romantic collection and Perfume is for Dallas McKinsey and his date.
-Vibrator is for Blanca, black character-only quest.

About the rest - I don't know... Except S-Virus strain, it's an unfinished quest for the lab you find it in. Sadly, it does nothing. Currently. I think.
I suppose you didn't install patch, bug about G should be fixed.

Patch is here:

Think I should add the link to the first page.

Thanks! I simply unpack it to the game directory? What else does it fix?
Oh - it won't mess up my saved progress?

So, about the items -
-Constitution is for the Schwein guarding the entrance - he lost it.
-Romantic collection and Perfume is for Dallas McKinsey and his date.
-Vibrator is for Blanca, black character-only quest.

About the rest - I don't know... Except S-Virus strain, it's an unfinished quest for the lab you find it in. Sadly, it does nothing. Currently. I think.

About date: shit, I already married her to Christopher... I hope I did not miss any important reward because of this...
About Schwein: how can I even make him talk about it? There is a dialogue option about the Constitution, but he never asks me to find it.
And about Blanca: I'm not surprised since she is so much into that scout-coward... Mr "Rats? Exit-stage right".
Did anyone by any chance discover what are the last 3 locations on the list? I've been wandering around the map for quite a while, tried talking to lots of people having high speech, yet still no clue.


Why I have some sentences in russian? As I checked it's about karma changes but I found it only in translations.ini. I copied files to game root directory (C:\Olympus 2207 (FE)) and doesn't work.
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Hello Everyone, I have a bit problem with find last piece of Renaissance's map. I read solution about it, item should be in one of boxes, but when i see option to use of them, i have only command "You cannot get there"
i have no idea what i can do.
It is correct boxes at all?

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'Kay, first, I added a FAQ section ito the first post. If you want me to add something there, post it here.

Also, I made a little review.
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Hi, I have 4 pieces of Renaissance map but I don't know how to read this map. How I can put 4 pieces in one map and read the coordinates?