Ghost, I officially persent you with my resume to be an underling in the glorious Dutch Human Allocation Force. Please, contact me when the invasion fleet arrives, so that I may begin my allocations of the bipedal scum.
In regards to colonizing the moon, what's the point? It costs more to land on that rock then fly right by it; it gets pumled by astoriods, having no atmosphere; any structures for humanity would have to be completely air-proof and shielded from cosmic rays, not to meantion controlling heat . . . Even mining, what reasources does the moon have in abundance (and reachable) that would make it somehow worth while?
There was a nice little documentry on Discover showcasing NASA's inclination to go to Mars: To plant a 6 man team, with shelter, an fuel manufacturing depot, and enough supplies to become self sufficent (apparently), between 24 billion and 400 billion.
Still, what's the point? To ship stuff back to Earth still takes between three to six months, requires enough propellent to get it off the ground, and enough to stop it (as manufacturing would likely have to take place in orbit) and enough to land it . . .
*Shrugs* It can be done, but why do it (outside of reaserch)?
Now to the original topic: When do humans become insignificant to other humans? When the other human has something I want!
" . . . embrace eugenics"
Hitler, Rwanda, Somalia (right? Not quite sure), the Sudan . . . Well, the last 3 were not exactly based on lower genetics, but meh . . . I'm a moron, thus I'll play this arguement like one. No one can defeat mine stupidity! (See, perfect minion, Dutch.)
" . . . euthanasia"
Rouge doctors/Hitler/early humans when deformed children were left to die, after birth (whether it really happened or not, I don't know, honestly).
" . . . evolve into some hive minded . . . species"
*Er, similar acronym meaning North America . . . Terrorism, thingie. Damn you, faulty brain.