Shh! You'll give it all away!
I would have been able to update tonight, but so far only one player has posted since last Thursday's update. I'll give it a couple more days, and then I'll move the story along as soon as I have time.
Welsh made a map of the T-Bone and motel, but I haven't seen it yet. Here's a basic description (perhaps all this should go in a separate thread?):
The T-Bone is 42 yards across from east to west. The junkyard is north of the building. The interior is mostly ruined now, though the walk-in fridge and freezer are intact, as is the garage. The main entrance is in the southwest corner. The garage doors are on the west side. There are also two doors on the east side, one leading into what's left of the kitchen and another leading into the hallway behind the main area of the door. The liquor closet with the stairs going down is also in this hall.
The motel is 100 yards west of the T-Bone. A dirt road leads north about halfway between them. There are around 40 rooms in the motel, with more than half of them upstairs. The front door is on the east side and the back door is on the west. Both are locked. All of the motel room doors face outwards, and are not accessible from inside the motel. Four stairwells lead up from the ground floor to the balcony. All of them are barricaded, though the one on the southwest isn't completely finished yet. The rope ladder is currently hanging from the southwest corner of the balcony. The medic's room is on the southwest corner of the ground floor, and the comm room is on the southwest corner of the upper floor. A tall ladder leads up to the roof of the motel on the east side. A zipline descends to the eastern edge of the parking lot, and can be used by those on the east side of the balcony or the roof to descend rapidly.
Here's the layout of the underground facility, at least as far as the characters have explored:
Level 1:
Very large room filled with crates containing a variety of items. Accessed via two flights of stairs leading up to what used to be the liquor closet in the diner. At the far end of the warehouse is a gate, currently unlocked. Beyond the gate, one flight of stairs leads down to Level 2.
Level 2:
Detention Center
The stairs past the gate lead down to the reception area, a large room with a desk and chair. The only other exit is a hallway leading away from the stairs.
The hallway contains five doors, two on each side and one at the far end.
The first door on the left leads to the barracks, which has beds and footlockers for 18 people. There is also a large bathroom area with showers accessible from the barracks.
The first door on the right leads to the mess hall and kitchen. A door in the kitchen leads to the pantry.
The second door on the left leads to Captain Duffy's office.
The second door on the right leads to the armory.
The door at the far end leads to the guard room. The guard room has two other doors, one on the side and one at the far end.
The door on the side of the guard room leads to the interrogation room.
The door on the far end of the guard room leads to the cell block. The cell block is a long corridor containing twelve numbered cells, six on each side. There is a door at the far end of the cell block leading to the prison showers. Beyond the showers is the prisoners' common area, and beyond that is a large metal door leading to the hatch chamber.
A door at the back of the hatch chamber leads to the generator room, which is a dead end. Beneath the hatch is a short shaft leading down to level 3. You can use either the ladder or the lift to go up and down. The lift holds at most six people.
Level 3:
Deep Mole One
At the bottom of the shaft is the lower hatch chamber. The only other exit is a short hallway leading to the meeting room. The meeting room has an alcove containing a small kitchen and food storage area. There is a door across from the hallway leading out of the meeting room and into the unknown...and certain doom! Mwahahahahaha!
