OOC- Zombie Apocalypse Chapter 2- General Discussion

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Steve said:
okay well I will not be able to post up until later Sunday night like around 8 or 9 Central Time. If that appears to be a problem with me being the only one missing then go ahead and post for me. JUST DON'T GET MY GUYS KILLED this time.

Don't worry, your guys will be safe - at least until you get back. :twisted:

SuAside said:
clearing the jam (1d6=6)

just my luck

It could have been much worse. Those shots would have been at half skill anyway, and at least your character isn't in direct danger - unlike those who are not on the roof. Be glad you didn't get a 6 for taking 1d6 damage - like a character of mine in another game recently did (failed my Con x 5 roll to stay conscious too).
Mr. Handy said:
It could have been much worse. Those shots would have been at half skill anyway, and at least your character isn't in direct danger - unlike those who are not on the roof. Be glad you didn't get a 6 for taking 1d6 damage - like a character of mine in another game recently did (failed my Con x 5 roll to stay conscious too).
you're talking to the guy whose lead char (at least the one with the most interesting background & story) died after getting hit in the chest by a keg of beer... (after a zombie somehow succeeded in detonating a satchelcharge, which needs to be pressed twice to active ;) )
The game isn't dead, and it won't be as long as there's at least one player who wants to play. Fearlessfred hasn't been able to post for a while, so I've been running his characters for him. I'm hoping he'll return soon. Stompie came back onto the board briefly a couple of weeks ago after a long absence, but hasn't posted in Zombie Apocalypse. SuAside has been active on this and other boards, but he hasn't posted here yet. If he doesn't post by tomorrow night I'll go ahead and update anyway, and I'll roll for Luke's shots at the zombies in that case. I've got a 3-day weekend coming up, so I should be able to get at least one more update in during that time. The weekend after that I'll be going to Philcon and probably won't be able to update, but I'll try to update during the week before that happens and again a couple of times during Thanksgiving weekend.
A problem for such long games is that its difficult for new people to join the campaign- there is a lot of back reading to do and that's an impediment.

Honestly, I think if a person isn't interested in reading than they probably won't stick with the game. But we could advertise a bit more. Players could also recruit friends.

That said, this is one of the reasons I considered moving the game to play@yog-sothoth.com- its easier to recruit new players as there is a larger pool of available players interested in games like this.

An alternative is the regular introduction of new characters- allowing new players to join without back knowledge.

Normally a campaign can be carried if only a few players stick with it. But it all moves better if players post every day. That said, with so many NPCs its hard for keepers to update each day. WHile comprehensive updates are not essential to keep the game moving- they help keep the time issue consistent. In this campaign- time really matters.
A quick note here on structure. Handy and I have discussed this but it might not be clear for the players.

The T-Bone is essentially four structures conjoined.

Underground there are two structures- the prison and the lab. You have enough evidence now to have been able to deduct that.

Above ground there is the garage and the T-Bone diner.

This part is important. The diner took a lot of damage from the stachel bomb and the walls and roof are weak. This is why the roof had to be shored up from below. If those structures were pressured, they could collapse, and with it the roof.

The garage is a seperate structure built with higher tolerances to environmental factors or hazards- such a fire or explosion. The roof of the garage is therefore much more secure than the roof of the diner.

I suspect that this was unclear to the players because of difficulties communiting setting, but you should consider this as the zombie horde approaches.
I'm going to update within the next few hours. We're coming into the home stretch for Chapter 2, which should take another couple months or so to wrap up depending upon how frequently I can update. I'm aiming for twice a week, with possible extra updates this weekend and Thanksgiving weekend. Things are about to get...interesting. :twisted:

Once Chapter 3 starts, there will be a bunch of new characters available that don't require prior knowledge of the first two chapters. There may also be new characters available partway through Chapter 3. This is where we might get a bunch of new players. We'll also split the story into multiple threads that don't need to remain in sync with each other, so as long as all players with characters in a given thread post, that thread can be updated independently of the others. I'll bump my thread on Play@Yog-Sothoth later to notify people of the new characters available and try to recruit new players. I'm not sure if we'll keep it here for Chapter 3 or move it to Play@Yog-Sothoth - it largely depends on what any new players we find would prefer. The Zombie Apocalypse expansions will probably not begin until this game completes.

It is difficult to bring in new characters given the way this game is set up. Laraqua's game Ash has several independent threads and allows for new characters to be dropped in at any point much more easily. I think we might be able to get her to join in starting in Chapter 3 - lack of time to read the backstory was largely what kept her from joining in before. I also told her a bit about some of the Chapter 4 characters I've got in mind, and she's got one of those picked out already. That's a long way off, though.

It is possible for those on the diner roof to make it to the garage roof, as they are connected. Crossing the diner roof safely will require a Luck roll, however, due to the instability.
Mr. Handy,
Since the skill level will be so low for firing....I was just going to fire and have it hit random locations. I think you put this up before but just for my records can you put up again the 1d20 chart so I know that if I hit a 5 for instance what occurs?
I'll repost the random hit location chart in the rules thread, along with the one for melee combat (you guys haven't been using that one, but the zombies have). You only save 5% when shooting at random locations, and the costs far outweigh the benefits. There's only a 10% chance of hitting the head randomly if you do hit, and any hit to any other part of the body is unlikely to stop the zombie. It's much better to aim for the head as long as you have time, like you do now.

Only Lewis has a low chance to hit, and he can simply hold his fire until he can use his full skill in a couple of rounds. His Rifle skill is 35%, so he'd have a 17% chance to hit while shooting at a random location and a 12% chance when shooting at the head. Either way, you'd probably be wasting ammo. If he waits, he'll have a 30% chance to hit a zombie in the head.

McCain has an okay chance right now. His Rifle skill is 72%, so he'd have a 36% chance to hit when shooting at random locations and a 31% chance when aiming at the head. In a couple of rounds the zombies will be close enough for him to use his full skill, giving him a 67% chance to hit the head.

Really, you should aim at the head if you're going to shoot at all. Just hitting zombies in any random location is unlikely to achieve results. It'll take 40 damage to completely stop a zombie by hitting it in other locations.

By the way, Zombie Apocalypse will be moving to Play@Yog-Sothoth once Chapter 3 begins, which should be January or February. SuAside is already registered there, and so is Stompie if he returns. Steve and Fearlessfred, you'll need to register eventually, and I think it's easier than registering was here at NMA. Just go to the following link and click the Register button near the top: http://www.callofcthulhu.org.uk/index.php

So far, OathinBlood is willing to join next year, but only if the game moves there. Laraqua is also interested, and we'll see if she's got time then.

Also, there's a little relief concerning the zombies from the east. I'd forgotten that Luke's M-14 has a bipod, which would give him better range. Thus, he was able to start using his full skill earlier and some of his earlier misses are now converted to hits. As a result, Luke has three more zombie kills and one more wounded in the head for 8. I'll edit the kill tallies in the IC thread now.
Okay, thanks. It'll be a while before the game moves, but in the meantime you might find other games you'd like to play in there. I highly recommend Laraqua's game Ash. You can join in with a new character in any of a few different settings, with little or no knowledge of the story so far. You can find out more here: http://www.callofcthulhu.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=889
While I support this move, and even advocated for it, I have to say I am a bit sad to see this happen.

Zombie Apoc looks like the leading roleplay at NMA and its sad to see it go.
That's quite true. Other than Systematic Annihilation and The Lost Platoon, Zombie Apocalypse has been the only game in town for quite some time. The original creator of SA hasn't been on the board in over a year, and Stompie and I are the only ones who've posted in it lately. I should be able to update it later this weekend, but Stompie's been absent for a while. The Lost Platoon has been dormant for almost two months now as well. I do worry that activity in this forum will dwindle once Zombie Apocalypse moves.
Yes, I'll use that when I update. I'm just waiting for SuAside to post. Alice does see something in the room. It's not dangerous, just interesting.
Mr. Handy said:
That's quite true. Other than Systematic Annihilation and The Lost Platoon, Zombie Apocalypse has been the only game in town for quite some time. The original creator of SA hasn't been on the board in over a year, and Stompie and I are the only ones who've posted in it lately. I should be able to update it later this weekend, but Stompie's been absent for a while. The Lost Platoon has been dormant for almost two months now as well. I do worry that activity in this forum will dwindle once Zombie Apocalypse moves.

But you know, when I've been involved in four long RPs here. Lone Wanderers, Kilrick Salvage and Wasteland. Long RPs are hard to sustain but are also the most satisfying. Hopefully someone will take over, but I doubt I will do another.
I was over at the new board and I saw some of the new character ideas you are planning to introduce once Chapter 3 gets started in January.
Nebraska State Police, National Guard, and bikers?
I have to say, knock on wood, since we are only allowed to play a certian number of characters I may want one of the new ones so that means someone I own has to die. Oh well I am sure you and Welsh will do your best to make sure that happens. :twisted:
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