Yes, please do that. Also, though it didn't come up this time, an impale occurs if you roll 1/5 or less of your effective skill, not your listed one. For instance, McCain has 72% in Rifle. While firing at long range and aiming at the head he had a 31% chance to hit. An impale would have occurred on a roll of 6 or less. If he shoots point blank with his rifle, his effective skill is 144% and he would score an impale on a 28 or less. Normally he gets one on a 14 or less (13 when aiming for the head at normal range).
Also, Fearlessfred: The M-4 Ramirez is using has a malfunction number of 98. That was his first roll, so now his weapon is jammed. He still has four combat rounds, so you can start trying to clear the jam by rolling against his unmodified Rifle skill. A successful roll means you clear it in 1d6 rounds, including the round you used to make the roll. A failed roll costs you that round, and a critical failure breaks the weapon. Mechanical Repair can be substituted when characters with that skill at a higher level try to clear jammed weapons. Go ahead and try to clear the jam. If you succeed and you still have any rounds left over, I'll count that roll of 2 as a hit and a kill (that one actually was an impale, but normal damage was enough to kill the zombie). Any other rounds left will use your remaining rolls and result in misses.