OOC- Zombie Apocalypse Chapter 2- General Discussion

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I agree, long running RPs are the best. Both Zombie Apocalypse and Ash prove that. And don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunities for your characters to get killed between now and the end of Chapter 2. They wouldn't have to die, though. You can always drop one and let it become an NPC.
howdy, howdy.

Howdy cast. I plan to post in ZA tonight, however, my capacity to post in the future is questionable at best. I appolagize, but like welsh, handy, and suAside said - life comes first.
Welcome back again, Stompie and Fearlessfred! Yes, life comes first. I still haven't had time to update Systematic Annihilation, but I'll try to get that done in the next few days.

This round Ortega gets five shots at half skill, with an additional -5% penalty for shooting at the head. Hockey gets five combat rounds, using his full Machine Gun skill if he fires the SAW. He can fire up to 20 bullets per round divided amongst multiple targets. If you don't want to do all that rolling, I can do it for you. Just let me know how you want to group the bursts among the zombies. Firing a burst of 3 or more bullets will maximize Hockey's effective skill at 90% for each target. If you fire at six zombies each round, using 2 bursts of 4 and 4 bursts of 3, you'll get a good chance to hit and seriously damage a lot of targets. In subsequent combat rounds you can go back and shoot zombies that didn't quite go down, but each zombie can only be targeted once in each of the five rounds.

Wallace can also start shooting at the zombies to the east with his rifle. He gets five combat rounds at half skill if he does.

Don't forget to read the earlier posts on the OOC thread about Chapter 3. The game will be moving to Play@Yog-Sothoth early next year, after Chapter 2 is complete. You're already registered there, I believe.
Base range on the M203 is 20 yards, so he could fire it up to 40 yards at normal skill and 80 yards at half skill. The zombies are still over 400 yards away, so stick with Ortega's rifle for now. Nothing else has a chance of hitting.

For random hit locations for the SAW, you should use the hit location table in the last post in the rules thread and roll 1d20. Roll 1dX for each burst to see how many bullets hit each zombie, where X is the number of bullets fired in the burst. If you'd rather I do the work, I'll make the rolls when I update. If not, I'll straighten everything out when I update.
I always laugh; with rp rules involving range and radius. (However- this is a game, so - It's acceptable)

M203 range = 400 yards

kill radius on HE = 15 ft

Frag kill radius = 20-25ft kill zone.

anywho - I posted on systematic again. going to post again at some point; tie up some plots.
Stompie- is that range the maximum range of a 203 or the practical range?

But I agree, the ranges on CoC are way too short.
Yeah, the ranges listed for CoC weapons are rather inaccurate, but this is a problem with lots of RPG rules.

There was no actual entry in the weapons list for the M203. I'd seen stats once on the Internet somewhere, but couldn't find it again. I just used the same stats as the M79 grenade launcher, which also fires 40mm rounds.

The effective range of a 40mm grenade according to the rules is 6 yards (or 18 feet), but any targets more than 4 yards away will only take 1d6 damage, so that wouldn't really be considered part of the kill radius. Even the weakest, scrawniest human has 6 HP, and such a person would probably not be found on a battlefield.
SuAside hasn't posted this round yet. Luke still needs to shoot at zombies, and Bob might want to say something too.

I don't have time to update tonight in any event. I hope I can update Wednesday or Thursday. As I said, I won't be able to update this weekend, though Sunday night is an outside possibility.
welsh said:
Stompie- is that range the maximum range of a 203 or the practical range?

But I agree, the ranges on CoC are way too short.

Well - ever take a look at the ladersights of an m203? four ladders, in incriments of 50 meters. a skilled grenadier could accurately fire his weapon up to 200 meters.
Hey Stompie- but I think that might factor into the issue of skill and base chance.

The CoC rules would say that any character picking up a pistol has a base chance of 25% of hitting a target within the base range of the pistol. But a skilled shooter would improve his chance to hit both inside that base range and extended range. So I suspect that your ranges for weapons assumes that skill modifies your chances at range.

A character with say a 10% chance of hitting a target with a 203 at 20 yards is different than a character with a skill of 80% trying to hit a target at 40 yards.

I am not saying that they are right, but the CoC rules assume a relatively unskilled person.
Mr. Handy said:
SuAside hasn't posted this round yet. Luke still needs to shoot at zombies, and Bob might want to say something too.
dont mind me if i'm slowing stuff down.

Luke is just picking off zombies & trying to have some fun with Azadeh (only few women shoot that well, so might as well have some fun!)
and Bob is along for the ride, rather uneasy at the prospect of going to the city, but mostly keeping his eyes open and trying to help navigate the chopper.
That's okay, I'm not going to have enough time tonight to update. I will try my best to get it done Sunday night, but since I'll be at Philcon this weekend there's almost no chance of it happening before then.

The good news is that I'll be able to update much more frequently the following week, starting on Wednesday. I should be able to get a good two or three updates done between then and Sunday the 25th. I'll also have more time in late December and January, when we should be finishing up the chapter.
Now Mr. Handy!
Come on I was being nice letting Captain Lerux run around free like that and now you are going to try and get McCain and Lewis killed? You are one mean mean man!
Who says anyone's going to try to kill McCain and Lewis (other than the zombies, but that's a given)? Lereux intends to take command back without firing a shot. Keep in mind that McCain and Lewis have no reason to suspect what he's planning (if they had, they'd never have sent him), so you shouldn't use this OOC knowledge - keep it separate from what your characters know. Lereux has certainly not been "gone too long" since the T-Bone is 100 yards from the motel. He's been gone just enough time to get there, and he's a very fast runner. That's not counting the time it would take to get back, let alone the time it would take to coordinate with the civilians. Lewis has no reason to do anything other than shoot at zombies when they get close enough next round. He also does not answer to McCain, but directly to Lt. Malone. If he were ask for permission for anything, he would need to ask her.
Yes, please do that. Also, though it didn't come up this time, an impale occurs if you roll 1/5 or less of your effective skill, not your listed one. For instance, McCain has 72% in Rifle. While firing at long range and aiming at the head he had a 31% chance to hit. An impale would have occurred on a roll of 6 or less. If he shoots point blank with his rifle, his effective skill is 144% and he would score an impale on a 28 or less. Normally he gets one on a 14 or less (13 when aiming for the head at normal range).

Also, Fearlessfred: The M-4 Ramirez is using has a malfunction number of 98. That was his first roll, so now his weapon is jammed. He still has four combat rounds, so you can start trying to clear the jam by rolling against his unmodified Rifle skill. A successful roll means you clear it in 1d6 rounds, including the round you used to make the roll. A failed roll costs you that round, and a critical failure breaks the weapon. Mechanical Repair can be substituted when characters with that skill at a higher level try to clear jammed weapons. Go ahead and try to clear the jam. If you succeed and you still have any rounds left over, I'll count that roll of 2 as a hit and a kill (that one actually was an impale, but normal damage was enough to kill the zombie). Any other rounds left will use your remaining rolls and result in misses.
you know what I find funny here? That people can say they have no time to post up for this game but somehow they find the time to post several times a week at the other board where Ash is and yet never get over here? Why not just say this game is dead here and move it over there now? You will get more people posting on it I bet!
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