Atomic Cowboy
It Wandered In From the Wastes

The Hair: if I were you I'd go with short hair. If you get into a fight it's one less thing for someone to grab onto, but I don't think it's critical so if you want to keep it long, I'd keep it long.
The Suit: I'd keep it clean. If you go for the rugged look I'd be worried that it would either a) look fake, or b) make you look like a dirty billy who people would avoid. That being said, mix in the shoulder harness, utility belt, etc. to make yourself look like an adventeurer. And most importantly wear goggles: remember the movie in Fallout 2? Or the sidekick in Roadwarrior? Goggles are a trademark of the post-apoc/desert-wanderer genre. Although they were never mentioned in Fallout 1, I think you should go with them. By some kiddie swimming goggles, and just colour the rims black with a permanent marker.
The Boots: the fishing waders would work well on a budget, but if you can I'd get some biker boots.
The Third Outfit: reference my avatar: the duster I'm wearing (oilskin trenchcoat) can be found for about $50 at any Western shop. The gas mask you can probably pick up from your local army surplus, and if they don't have it they can order it. I would recommend seeing if you can get one of the russian ones; they look far more "fallout-y," sort of like the ones in GWTBW, sort of. People may not recognize you as Tycho, but they'll definetly know what sort of genre you are dressing as.
Good luck! And you'd better post some pictures.[/url]
The Suit: I'd keep it clean. If you go for the rugged look I'd be worried that it would either a) look fake, or b) make you look like a dirty billy who people would avoid. That being said, mix in the shoulder harness, utility belt, etc. to make yourself look like an adventeurer. And most importantly wear goggles: remember the movie in Fallout 2? Or the sidekick in Roadwarrior? Goggles are a trademark of the post-apoc/desert-wanderer genre. Although they were never mentioned in Fallout 1, I think you should go with them. By some kiddie swimming goggles, and just colour the rims black with a permanent marker.
The Boots: the fishing waders would work well on a budget, but if you can I'd get some biker boots.
The Third Outfit: reference my avatar: the duster I'm wearing (oilskin trenchcoat) can be found for about $50 at any Western shop. The gas mask you can probably pick up from your local army surplus, and if they don't have it they can order it. I would recommend seeing if you can get one of the russian ones; they look far more "fallout-y," sort of like the ones in GWTBW, sort of. People may not recognize you as Tycho, but they'll definetly know what sort of genre you are dressing as.
Good luck! And you'd better post some pictures.[/url]