Outfit Construction Discussion (I NEED FAN HELP...ALL FANS!)

Thanks Roshambo.

I'm thinking that besides the "Weathered Wanderer" and "Fresh outta the Vault" that my third one will be "Mad Max black leather".

Great link Vox! I had no idea such a site existed and that work is all quality. I find it inspirational.

The Vault Dweller
Replace the plastic-ish football pad with something similar made of metal, would look much cooler 8)

I never liked the idea to SPRAY white (football) armor black. If your wear it every day (like in the wasteland... you know) it uses off and looks gay. White scraches everywhere.

Are there no BLACK foorball armor pad?

Somebody should FINALY create a REALY FAT PA shoulder armor. With neat oversized spikes... :D
And all metal! *drool*

Vault dweller, connect the people responsibel for the site. I hope they can give you some advise!
Vox said:
Vault dweller, connect the people responsibel for the site. I hope they can give you some advise!

best typo evar :lol:

I have a metal shoulder pad but all I don't have a real leather jacket :? Well, I have one, but it's patchwork skin, and it's a copy-ish thingie...