Fallout 2 mod Party Orders add-on and NPCs Loot Bodies mod

i dont know anything at all, but maybe something to do with the multi-level structure of hotels... DudePC tries to pick up something above/below him?

Works so far with rp2.1
not having any issues so far with this mod, makes it a lot easier to pick up stuff without having to pixel hunt over multiple bodies across each other, so yeah, the g key is my favourite party orders command so far, so along with RP, this is a must have mod :D
Regarding the NPC orders mod, would it be possible to place NPC names at the beginning of floating text in single-NPC parties, rather than at the end, so that the orders can be grammatically correct (i.e., end in a period)? Let me show you what I mean:

; Heal yourself (12xx)
1200=You should heal yourself, Sulik ("Sulik" is added after whatever is written here. There's no way to end the sentence in a period without changing the DESCs and screwing up other aspects of the mod.)
1201=You should all heal yourselves now.

After the Change
; Heal yourself (12xx)
1200=Sulik, you should heal yourself.
1201=You should all heal yourselves now.

It's a very minor nitpick, and would require only minor changes to the default dialogue to place the subject at the beginning of the sentence, rather than at the end.

I don't know how easy or difficult the scripting would be, though.
Hello there,

That change is easy enough to do, unfortunately my WinXP computer died recently and I won't be able to replace it in a while. I'm on an old win98 computer so I can't do any (sfall) compiling. :(

If you feel inclined to compile the script yourself or any charitable soul, I could show you the changes in the code and ini file.
pelicano said:
Hello there,

That change is easy enough to do, unfortunately my WinXP computer died recently and I won't be able to replace it in a while. I'm on an old win98 computer so I can't do any (sfall) compiling. :(

If you feel inclined to compile the script yourself or any charitable soul, I could show you the changes in the code and ini file.

I don't know the first thing about compiling scripts (computer programming et al isn't really my shtick), but I'm a sharp fellow and can probably figure it out.

I'll head over to The Vault and/or Vault-Tec Labs to find a starting point. I'm beginning to realize that since I still play and enjoy Fallout and Fallout 2, I really should learn their inner workings.
Ok, then. I'm not going to explain all the steps to compile fallout scripts. There's plenty of info here and in other places. To compile sfall scripts (like in this case) you'll need the compiler that comes in the sfall modder's pack, which can be found here.

When you are set, decompress the source code that comes with my mod and open the file gl_ptyop.ssl.
In this file you only have to change three lines:

1- First line is in the procedure check_party_orders, at the end.
Search for:
string := m_str((10+current_order)*100)+" " + sWho_name; // + obj_name(oWho);

and change that line to:
string := sWho_name + m_str((10+current_order)*100);

2- The next one is just below:
if(current_order == co_REGROUP)then string := string + "!";

Comment that line out or simply remove it:
//if(current_order == co_REGROUP)then string := string + "!";

3- The last line is in the procedure cancel_looting.
Search for:
float_msg(dude_obj, m_str((10+co_LOOT_CORPSES)*100 +10)+" "+ sWho_name,FLOAT_MSG_BLUE);

and change that line to:
float_msg(dude_obj, sWho_name + m_str((10+co_LOOT_CORPSES)*100 +10),FLOAT_MSG_BLUE);

4- Compile gl_ptyop.ssl. The resulting int file should be placed in the folder /data/scripts, replacing the old one if necesary.

5- The only thing to do now is to change the text in the party_op.ini file, wherever corresponds:

; put weapon away (11xx)
1100=, put your weapon away.

; Heal yourself (12xx)
1200=, you should heal yourself.

; Loot bodies - still WIP? - (14xx)
1400=, loot the remains.

; Cancel looting
1410=, that's enough. Come back.

; Regroup party
1500=, come here!

; Spread out party
1600=, give me some room.

I believe that's all. If you run into some issue, I'll try to help if I can. The "hard" part is to set up correctly the compiler, nothing too complicated. You can compile scripts manually (using a *.bat or a command line), using jargo's FSE or using timeslip's script editor (I think? I've never tried it). Whatever works better for you.

If you find another incorrect sentence or want to suggest other lines, please do so. I put the first thing it came to my mind.
mobucks said:
i love this mod as for a suggestion is there a way to make them all "wait"

even if its the regular "wait here till i come back" that would be sweet.

man i cant believe how much better these games are 11 years after. Playing it i feel like a kid again!

I fear I can't make them wait. That's a local variable change, which I don't have access to.

Have there been any developments regarding this? Any way it might be possible?

I`d love the ability issue a group command to make npc`s wait if I need to do something alone and then quickly gather them back.

Now with five nps`s it a pain in the butt to make them wait one by one and then pick them up again...
This mod works beautifully with the RP - but can I ask -

Marcus doesn't seem to react to the grab loot command, Vic, Sulik, Cassidy, Lenny, all work properly, but the big guy is just doesn't react. Was that intended?

Also as Fuser mentioned - could you add another command "leave party". The idea is that when you need to dump your team you can quickly dismiss them all with one key, and then asked them all back with one key. The alternative is to individually ask each NPC to leave, then to come back. This would be helpful at those times when you need to enter a place like Navarro or Vault City without the the crew getting in the way. I can see some problems if you have gathered too many NPC in one location but can only select a couple of them...but there might be a way around this. :mrgreen:

EDIT: Goris wont loot bodies, is that deliberate.
Hey there, just saw the new replies. Sorry for the delay.

About making them wait, that's tricky. To make them truly wait for you I'd have to change their own scripts, breaking the current compatibility with any mod that also changes them, thus having to do an updated version for every mod (unofficial patch, RP, megamod, ...) and their future versions. I'd pretty much prefer keeping it as compatible as possible. There is another way to make the trick but I'm not sure if it's really feasible (ie. without bugs and/or secondary effects).

I agree that that order would be really sweet. I spent a many hours trying to solve that issue.

About Marcus and Goris, I.. think.. I ignored them deliberately but can't remember my reasoning, if there was ever one.

Been awhile since the last time I modded or played fallout but currently I've got some spare time. Maybe I'll take up the challenge once again in the next weeks. Maybe sfall has got some new magic to mess with.

Kind regards.
I've messed around with this little gem and have adjusted it so all of the NPC are in there - including the stupid (Chimp) brainbot, and the retarded (Abnormal) brainbot.

Of course the not everyone can loot bodies - such as Robodog and K9 (Cyberdog), but it would be great if each NPC had a individual reaction to the looting command, (and the move command).

For instance the mechanical NPC's could respond like the robots they are, and Lenny could comment on how old he is, and the fact he can't move as quickly as he once could. Maria would react like the wife she is, and Goris could mention how tricky it is to loot with claws, etc.

At least if the option for individual responses is designed, then people could write their own comments. 8-)

These are the NPC's included -

0: Vic_PID=16777278

1: Myron_PID=16777376

2: Marcus_PID=16777377

3: Cassidy_PID=16777305

4: Sulik_PID=16777313

5: Lenny_PID=16777323

6: Davin_PID=16777379

7: Maria_PID=167773800

8: RoboBrain_PID_Skynet=16777295

9: RoboBrain_PID_Human=16777597

10: RoboBrain_PID_Abnormal=16777596

11: RoboBrain_PID_Chimp=16777595

12: Goris_PID=16777368

13: Robodog_PID=16777352

14: K9_PID=16777687

15: DogMeat_PID=16777558

16: KITSUNE_PID=16777718

17: DEX_PID=16777719

18: CATJULES_PID=16777720
hauzer said:
Will there be an update to this mod?

What is there to upgrade, it works nicely. What else could you add to it?...I don't start a game of Fallout 2 without it. :wink:
.Pixote. said:
What is there to upgrade, it works nicely. What else could you add to it?...I don't start a game of Fallout 2 without it. :wink:
Neither do I, it really is a must have, but it could still use some work. Not all commands work for all NPCs, as far as I've experienced.
Is this the only version of mod out there? (the one that comes with RP these days) I'm asking this because this mod comes with sources and is easily extended (AFAIK).
I'm thinking of adding one feature that I'm missing: command your party to switch between AP/JHP ammo. Currently this cannot be done even manually. But I've found sfall functions that allow this to be implemented.
Also telling your team to wait would be good too. To use new orders, maybe you will need to use shift/ctrl keys (all keys are used up already).
I don't know if the Pelicano is still developing his mod here, but i do know that it is a part of
the Killap's Restoration Project since 2.2 if i'm not mistaken so you shoud confront your cool idea with him since his close to release probably final version of RP ;)
So I implemented switch ammo type feature. Also changed so you need to press Ctrl for all hotkeys (this allows for more hotkeys, otherwise all keyboard was used up :D).
Here it is:

Key changes:
Ctrl+Z - spread out (instead of X, Ctrl+X is for exit)
Ctrl+B - switch ammo types between armor piercing and normal; this only happens for party members (not PC) for their equipped weapon and only if there is applicable ammo available in inventory

To install, copy data folder and ini file to your fallout dir, overwriting existing files (make a backup before, if you want).
Remember that this is a test version, may be bugs.

Next I plan to add "wait here", "follow me" keys (if possible and if will make sense).
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Nice work, phobos! :clap: While you are working on this, is it possible to implement what Pixote said a few years back:

"Of course the not everyone can loot bodies - such as Robodog and K9 (Cyberdog), but it would be great if each NPC had a individual reaction to the looting command, (and the move command).

For instance the mechanical NPC's could respond like the robots they are, and Lenny could comment on how old he is, and the fact he can't move as quickly as he once could. Maria would react like the wife she is, and Goris could mention how tricky it is to loot with claws, etc."

Would be good for roleplay :smile: Also, is it possible to solve the bug in which the npcs resets their talking states if you talk to them when they are executing your commands? I would post a link to the report of this but I can't find it atm.
Next I plan to add "wait here", "follow me" keys (if possible and if will make sense).
Sounds great, it would be nice no need to talk to every NPC wait or rejoin. For rejoining it probably will have issues if player already has other party members and try to recruit more NPCs than he/she can have. Maybe let player define a joining order list in the INI if possible?
"Of course the not everyone can loot bodies - such as Robodog and K9 (Cyberdog), but it would be great if each NPC had a individual reaction to the looting command, (and the move command).
For instance the mechanical NPC's could respond like the robots they are, and Lenny could comment on how old he is, and the fact he can't move as quickly as he once could. Maria would react like the wife she is, and Goris could mention how tricky it is to loot with claws, etc."
For this I need at least all text already written and organized.. I'm not so good at writing. Btw, how exactly looting works if you order it to someone who obviously can't loot? I didn't test it, I only half way in the game, no dogs or robots :D

Also, is it possible to solve the bug in which the npcs resets their talking states if you talk to them when they are executing your commands? I would post a link to the report of this but I can't find it atm.
I don't understand, never had issues with this. A link would be nice and if solution is simple I might look at it.

Next I plan to add "wait here", "follow me" keys (if possible and if will make sense).
Sounds great, it would be nice no need to talk to every NPC wait or rejoin. For rejoining it probably will have issues if player already has other party members and try to recruit more NPCs than he/she can have. Maybe let player define a joining order list in the INI if possible?
I thought about joining NPC that is closest to player. Check for party limit should not be a problem since joining/quiting from party is already working entirely through scripts.
Sounds great, it would be nice no need to talk to every NPC wait or rejoin. For rejoining it probably will have issues if player already has other party members and try to recruit more NPCs than he/she can have. Maybe let player define a joining order list in the INI if possible?
I thought about joining NPC that is closest to player. Check for party limit should not be a problem since joining/quiting from party is already working entirely through scripts.
But what about if multiple NPCs are just at the same distance to the player? e.g. My Ubersoldat character has CH 6 and leaves Sulik, Vic, and Cassidy outside of SAD. I go into SAD, kill all robots, loot all awesome guns (btw, am I the only one thinks there should be a laser rifle instead of plasma?), and take Skynet with me. At outside I try to "call" NPCs rejoining, but by coincidence they're all at the same distance to me. Now who should be left out? I know that's a stupid scenario, but it can happen. :confused: