To Celestial:
Are you planning to active "Chad's skimming" quest in Broken Hills?
I've tried to active it myself by uncommenting the dialog path line from the marcus's script (HCMARCUS.SSL, row 552) and then I talked to him. When I asked him about jobs, he gave me a quest to find broof that Chad is skimming money (with voice!). After accepting that quest I talked to Chad and he also got a new dialog options. Unfortunate that some of his dialog nodes and sayings in .msg file are unfinished. I think that all you need to do is complete Chad's dialog options for this quest and set a globar var in his script (HCCHAD.SSL), so that you can tell marcus about he's confession. Also atleast broken hills town greeter seems to have some sort of dialog options for this quest, but it isn't really important(?).
Also, could you active hubologist ending for 1.06?. It is already defined in ending scripts, so only thing that you need to do is modify the endgame.txt
change this line in "Subnode: Elronologists:
#424, 1, 311, nar_sf2a
424, 1, 461, nar_sf2a
NOTE1: text file regarding to this ending still refers to elronologists, so change it to hubologist if you want (NAR_SF2A.TXT)
NOTE2: two other endings for hubologists seems to reguire(?) some scripting in their scripts...
NOTE3: if you don't like that hubologists has a same ending picture (461) change it to something else. Bye the way default picture (311) is a Necropolis ending picture.
A few other tips:
There is a two unused endings for Vault City. These "Slaughter of Vault City" endings in the ending script (qcfrank.ssl) are still in place, but they are just commented out. I haven't test it, but these should also active, when you uncomment them. But it may cause some....uh..."bad" things, so I'm not 100% that is it safe to active them.
Now that there is EPA coming out for 1.06. there is a dialog option in Myron's dialogue relating it (NHMYRON.SSL):
First one is in row 593 and second is in 1183. Just uncomment these things. You should then have a new dialog path (when you order him to wait you) with voice, where Myron tells you about "secret building with lots of strange vegetation around it." and he marks EPA on you map. I haven't test it, but I should work.