PC build for Fallout 3, NV, Skyrim and possibly FO4


First time out of the vault
Hey guys. I'm looking to build a gaming rig to play mainly the Bethesda titles mentioned above. I have a budget of about £800. It would be nice to build a rig that could play FO4, although I know we can only speculate at this moment in time.

I wondered if you guys could offer any advice as to what CPU, GPU and other hardware suit these Bethesda titles? What are your experiences of the various hardware out there with these titles? Should I invest more in the GPU than the CPU for RPGs?

I'm not a tech guru, but a CPU of 2.5 GHZ dual was fine for FO3/NV. Never got to try skyrim on it though.

I'd say 2.5 dual GHZ or better and you're probably good to go - assuming you don't mind minimizing settings on Skyrim and possibly FO4. (mine could do FO3/NV on max settings).

As per graphics card, no clue - nvidia GeForce GTX 580's or better will probably be fine. Please take this with a grain of salt, though.

PS: Its unpatriotic not to like Liberty Prime.

"Democracy is truth. Communism is death."
Come on, Liberty prime was pretty hilarious. Its unfortunate he was written into such a bad story line but the idea of a killer pre-war death machine spouting anti communist propaganda is a good one
No, it's not the story, liberty bullshit it self is just POS, Deus ex machina, breaking the story(already broken before it though) and steal the role of player. it's just stupid.
Like i said, liberty prime was written into a bad story. The idea of a pre war death machine spouting anti communist propaganda doesnt *have* to be used as a deus ex machina just because thats what fallout 3 did.

Fallout 3 had plenty of bad points but blindly hating everything about it just because its fallout 3 does not make you sound like a reasonable person
This is not about the inherent stupidity of Fallout 3's plot.
Most Bethesda-games are multiplatform and also horribly optimized.
Skyrim worked fine on my Core2Quad with a GeForce 8800GTX.
There are very few games that can bring a high-end computer to its limits. Bethesda games used to do that, but they don't anymore.
So I don't know, Core i5, Geforce GTX580, 4GB RAM and you're good to go, even for more demanding games.
At least for a while. If the current generation is any indication, the next generation will continue for about the remainder of the universe.
BonusWaffle said:
Like i said, liberty prime was written into a bad story. The idea of a pre war death machine spouting anti communist propaganda doesnt *have* to be used as a deus ex machina just because thats what fallout 3 did.

Fallout 3 had plenty of bad points but blindly hating everything about it just because its fallout 3 does not make you sound like a reasonable person
defending fo3 also does not make you reasonable.

In Fallout, you are the one who think about how to beat the enemy, do something to help beating enemy, and beat the enemy.
In Fo1, you can borrow some help from BOS and Follower with your own affort.
In Fo2 you are the one who destroy Enclave. not NCR, Vault city or ETC.
In NV, you can earn help from other factions with your affort to help them.
not like let robot kill all the enemy without your affort but just following arrow(or quest marker) to beat quest. in the end what you actually do is just following robot slowly and watch. what a stupid.
I fear this topic is going rather off subject but I wish to add my two cents.

Another problem with the introduction of Liberty Prime is that it clearly cements Fallout 3 as a generic action-adventure game with stat elements that tries to be as 'epic' as shooters like Half Life 2, or the Resistance games.

The Fallout related material already felt as dress up to a game that has so little to do with Fallout other than references, and when the makers try to make the game so that it can compete with clearly non RPG titles you realize what the developers' priorities were then.

RPGs can be 'epic', but not by trying to mimic FPS games.
None of this addresses my point at all, actually, you are still criticizing how liberty prime interacts with fallout 3s terrible story, not the idea of liberty prime itself.
BonusWaffle said:
None of this addresses my point at all, actually, you are still criticizing how liberty prime interacts with fallout 3s terrible story, not the idea of liberty prime itself.
Don't like it.
it's just dumb.
using his battery that can't make another one as granade?
what a stupid.
BonusWaffle said:
Come on, Liberty prime was pretty hilarious. Its unfortunate he was written into such a bad story line but the idea of a killer pre-war death machine spouting anti communist propaganda is a good one
funny, maybe. But a good part of the game? Thats a different question.

And I don't even mind that its a huge Robot or used as "secret weapon" thing.

But imagine there would have been actually a few checks here. Like if you had to repair him, and depending on your Science Skill he would have gained his own consciousness, but deciding to be a pacifist and you had to convince him why it is required to attack the Enclave. Or a Situation where you had to talk him out of suicide - reminds me to that story about nuclear weapons which have been so smart, that they gained consciousness, and realizing they have been nothing else then weapons made for doom, the crews had to talk actually talk them out of suicide.

Of course those things would have required excellent writing to make it interesting and funny.

A robot walking around while throwing one liners at enclave people while stomping them is much easier to realize.
Crni Vuk said:
BonusWaffle said:
Come on, Liberty prime was pretty hilarious. Its unfortunate he was written into such a bad story line but the idea of a killer pre-war death machine spouting anti communist propaganda is a good one
funny, maybe. But a good part of the game? Thats a different question.

And I don't even mind that its a huge Robot or used as "secret weapon" thing.

But imagine there would have been actually a few checks here. Like if you had to repair him, and depending on your Science Skill he would have gained his own consciousness, but deciding to be a pacifist and you had to convince him why it is required to attack the Enclave. Or a Situation where you had to talk him out of suicide - reminds me to that story about nuclear weapons which have been so smart, that they gained consciousness, and realizing they have been nothing else then weapons made for doom, the crews had to talk actually talk them out of suicide.

Of course those things would have required excellent writing to make it interesting and funny.

A robot walking around while throwing one liners at enclave people while stomping them is much easier to realize.
IMO it's not a writing problem. it's matter of design. beth might have a good art design(I doubt it though), has poor design for playing.
Actually even the idea of Liberty Prime itself is dumb.
How would something this massive move so easily while managing to keep balance. (ask any good engineer why you can't just make something bigger and expect it to work as good as a smaller version)

Even as a super weapon it is pretty much a failure, just one of these things honestly would not have made much impression on the Chinese occupation forces.
The thing isn't exactly bullet proof as Broken Steel already showed when a couple of missiles that did little other damage managed to blow this thing away.

Now imagine the Chinese who next to artillery and anti tank grenades also have bombers and battleships armed with missiles and bombs.
Liberty Prime doesn't seem to have any means to take on aerial forces or enemies who can attack from a long distance.
What if Liberty Prime had been created as a publicity stunt? trying to raise moral in times of war with a cheesy giant robot that was never meant to actually be used in battle? The only reason it could be used in combat in the post war wasteland is because most factions don't have anti vehicle weapons or aerial support.
The idea of Liberty Prime is not bad I agree with Waffle, the problem was in the execution. There are a lot of ways to make it work in the Fallout Universe and on a good story, but Beth opted for the flashy stuff rather than a good story.
Strangely enough (or maybe not) the biggest problem I have with Liberty Prime is that it was being built inside the pentagon. I mean, WTF?

And why are we talking of him anyway? :?