PC Gamer blog: everyone will love Fallout 3, except us.

Lasercat: the Reckoning

it doesn't make sense but everyone would buy it
Fallout 3: Made by the Oblivion Guys So You Know Its Good! Cause that won lots of awards and high score ratings!!!!!

Per said:
Lasercat: the Reckoning

it doesn't make sense but everyone would buy it

Hey, that's playing with key stimulus', that is no way to market a title, anyway, sounds cool, I'll buy it.
I really dislike the "hate it on principle" thing. This gets said over and over, but since none of our critics seem to read it it needs to be restated over and over again: The problem with Bethesda developing the game is that their style of RPG and Fallout's type of RPG are very different, and because of this barely anyone has confidence that Fallout 3 will have anything but a superficial resemblance to Fallouts 1+2.

I think the naysayers are seriously underestimating the flexibility of developers and their engines. So we know that FO3 is being made by Beteshda and they're using the Oblivion engine. But does this really mean that it's going to be Oblivion with guns?

An engine is simply a shell that can be tweaked to an incredible extent. Lineage 2 (Nevermind that is sucks) uses the Unreal engine. It plays nothing like Unreal.
Then there's the integrity issue. I was very excited when I heard Feargus and Obsidian were involved with Neverwinter Nights 2, not being a fan of the first game. But, surprise surprise, I felt none of the Black Isle love in there and suffered from the same issues the first game had. This means they were very successful in retaining the integrity of the franchise.
My point here is that NWN is not Baldur's Gate, and they knew this. Consequently, I think it's a fair assumption that Beteshda knows that Fallout isn't Oblivion. It's just common sense.

At this point I don't see much pointing towards Fallout 3 being an extreme deviation from the first two. People are just jumping to conclusions.

If, when Bethesda starts releasing information on the game, it turns out to be very similar to the original Fallout, I doubt many people in the fan base are going to hate it "on principle".

Speaking from experience here, this is exactly what I think is going to happen. For years the C&C community had been begging for a canon sequel, and when the first info and screens are released we're showered with hate and flames. Nevermind the fact that the first screens resembled a Tiberian Sun atmosphere and many things were based on old concepts from Westwood themselves. In a nutshell, hate on principle. Having lurked the Fallout community for years, I see it has twice the jadedness of the C&C community so I feel it's a well-founded prediction.
gecko said:
At this point I don't see much pointing towards Fallout 3 being an extreme deviation from the first two. People are just jumping to conclusions.
Conclusions based on what Bethesda thinks are RPGs. Also conclusions based on Bethesda previous efforts, which have nothing to do with what Fallout's design should be.

gecko said:
Speaking from experience here, this is exactly what I think is going to happen. For years the C&C community had been begging for a canon sequel, and when the first info and screens are released we're showered with hate and flames. Nevermind the fact that the first screens resembled a Tiberian Sun atmosphere and many things were based on old concepts from Westwood themselves. In a nutshell, hate on principle. Having lurked the Fallout community for years, I see it has twice the jadedness of the C&C community so I feel it's a well-founded prediction.
I doubt we'll need to see, though.
Conclusions based on what Bethesda thinks are RPGs. Also conclusions based on Bethesda previous efforts, which have nothing to do with what Fallout's design should be.

And this automaticly means they're going to apply the same design approach on a completely unrelated franchise?
GeckoYamori said:
And this automaticly means they're going to apply the same design approach on a completely unrelated franchise?
Since when is Fallout unrelated to RPGs?

Oblivion is their statement of the ultimate RPG as they've marketed for a long, long time. Fallout, on the other hand, is actually a *real* RPG. So, yes, unless they're terribly ridiculously inconsistent in their definition of what an RPG is, yes, they will implement that design.
GeckoYamori said:
At this point I don't see much pointing towards Fallout 3 being an extreme deviation from the first two. People are just jumping to conclusions.

Come on. You're just spouting half-hearted rhetoric, and I doubt you even believe what you're saying. But, just in case you are serious, I'll ask this: Can you name an rpg developer who radically and successfully changed their style and formula for making games? Developers, not Publishers, remember. Assuming that you can find at least one, can you name more than one? Because what this boils down to is common sense - common sense tells me that Bethesda's next game is going to have a lot in common with it's previous games, because in my experience as a game buyer, that is exactly what happens. If you can provide some examples where the contrary happens, then I'll be a lot more open to the idea that Fallout 3 could be a very different game from what I'm expecting. Until then though, what you're saying is about as reasonable to me as saying that we can't ever be sure that the sun is going to rise each day.
This relates to the car market.

American car companies would change the look of their cars all the time even if it had the same name, so even though you have the same car by name as your neighbor yours might look like crap to his even though it is only a couple years older.

While the Japanese market was usually slow to change the look of its cars and thus their value stayed around longer.
Gecko, as I am also part of that other fanbase of which you speak, I can explain why C&C fans aren't nearly as jaded as the folks over here. It all is based around how many times Fallout fans have been shat on in the past, compared to C&C. Fallout is standing at two (possibly a third, we want info, dammit!), and C&C one. The third game in the Tiberium series was only mentioned to be in production twice, once before 9/11 (after which Westwood felt obligated to make C&C: Generals), and when EA brought the idea back, for another go, and completed.
On the other side of the table, Fallout 3 was mentioned to be in production first before the thought of Tactics (I think, I can't remember too well), then before they shifted gears to F: BoS (or PoS, whichever you prefer), and finally, again, a couple years ago, when Beth bought FO3 from Interplay.
Now, when you see that, you should be able to understand why Fallout fans are pissed. The holder to the license of the Fallout games has repeatedly screwed them since after FO2, in terms of continuing the series.
I would imagine that Bethesda picked it up as much as any of us would like to if we had a game development company and a mattress full of cash.

They played the games and liked them. They want to continue it all. Obviously, there isa business decision behind it all, but I would bet a baby's life that that was one of the major factors toward this at one point or another.