PC Gamer UK on NMA and AoD

It's so amusing how oblivious NMA pretends to be as to why most of the gaming media, and most of the internet for that matter, view this site as a laughing stock of angry, illogical, fanatical gaming nerds.


Someone should seriously start a study to see if NMA is composed entirely of fuckwitted cunts out of sheer coincidence, or if there is actually some kind of unknown side-effect from playing excessive amounts of Fallout that turns you into a complete prick.

Who are the angry, illogical, fanatical gaming nerds here?
Brother None said:
NukeColaClassic sent me a PM requesting to be banned. So I did. I removed his posts since they were mostly off-topic.
That's a great news :) . A few more, and we can go back to talking about things like Bioshock and cool movies :) .

Jiggly McNerdington said:
And just for the hell of it, as an example of what I consider NMA silliness that drives me in to keyboard smashing rages I'll grab some bits from this thread.
That's sad, did you forget to take your pills or something? Are you a some kind of psycho?
Silliness drives you into keyboard smashing rages?
Shouldn't you, like be in a room with soft walls so that you wouldn't hurt yourself during your rages?

EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
It's so amusing how oblivious NMA pretends to be as to why most of the gaming media, and most of the internet for that matter, view this site as a laughing stock of angry, illogical, fanatical gaming nerds.
Illogical? Most of criticism of FINO 3 is very logical.

EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
NMA - The best Fallout fansite on the net.

NMA Forums - ehhh, not so much.
I would say the opposite.

EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
About 5 minutes after the license was sold, this site coined the "Oblivion with guns" term and folks like Roshambo (a pathetic human being to say the least) started relentlessly bashing Bethesda and all things Bethesda.
And Roshambo was mostly right. You pathetic human being.

EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
It's not Iso, it sucks.
The vault suit is baggy! It sucks.
The Brotherhood are in the game. Bethesda has no right to construct any sort of the plot that would place the Brotherhood on the east coast. It sucks!
Etc., etc.,etc....
Are you serious?

Geez, this forum was so much better without NMA-bashing morons :roll: .
TheWesDude said:
hrm... ok so this is just GREAT journalisim...

as a representative of NMA he quotes someone who has been a member for less than a year, is not an administrator, has very few posts, and takes just a portion of the thought rather than the whole thought he quoted putting it out of context imo.

its plainly clear that NMA is getting a bad rep for all these people who are just newly signed up and active members... lets delete all the posts from people who have been active for under 2 years to stop making it easy for journalists.

i mean christ, what this guy did was akin to the president of Sears to fire all upper management due to some stock boy's opinion in oklahoma or something.

There are also people like me, coming here and then. I'm reading this forum since ... hmm ... like about 8 years? (sorry if I'm wrong about that one, can't really remember, quite a long time anyway)

This has been always the best site to inform about Fallout News, and also the community has their own style to express their opinion. Some people call it honesty. Oh yeah I know, that's a foreign word for some kind of people...

Oh well, to the article, well, it totally shows how ignorant some people can be. Taking actually one snipplet of anyone member fitting their argumentation reminds me of some strategies politicians often use. Well, at least every human being owning a brain (well, I thought everyone has one, but apparently that's not the case) should recognize this quote does not support his argumentation in any way *sigh*

But the best part is still the last one quoted. He is a Fallout fan, but recommends Age of Decadence as an alternate. Oh come on, you can't be serious, this is a completely different setting, just because it says "post apocalyptic" it doesn't mean it is Fallout. Oh wait, I see, Todd and the autor have a bunch of things in common, concerning the idea of a Fallout 3. Yeah, Age of Decadence maybe is great, but except the post apocalyptic stuff, the view and the system (which is GURPS, or SPECIAL, don't know) there is no assurance there will be also a good story, good humor, and not to mention all the weapons, the future setting, the 50s feeling etc.

Yeah, that's really a nice way to treat a community keeping a franchise alive over nearly 10 years. Great! To sum it up :

"Well thanks guys, you all have helped us making $$, we really appreciate this, but now, please, piss of and go play some of your old beloved prevGen games (cause nextGen is ubber, actually you could sell a piece of shit, as long there is NextGen and Immersive inside)."
Anyways, thanks, really, thanks for your (the autors) lack of competence telling this community to shut the fuck up and go play another title that probably has more in common with steam punk than Fallout. Journalism is a bitch!
EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
About 5 minutes after the license was sold, this site coined the "Oblivion with guns" term and folks like Roshambo (a pathetic human being to say the least) started relentlessly bashing Bethesda and all things Bethesda.
Well, he actually knew what he was talking about. It's very likely he did saw the game (or knew someone who saw it) because what he said, a long long time ago (a year and half?) is, in reality, correct. Besides, despite being very rude and harsh, the roshambo warrior had some great opinions. The best thing is that he actually did go through the trouble of explaining them to jerks who didn't really want to learn. It's a real shame he doesn't post anymore, his posts were always good to read (even when I was the "target" ^_^).

I don't know if he is a pathetic human being. I don't know him personally. But I do know he was a hell of a poster. :salute:
Sorrow said:
Illogical? Most of criticism of FINO 3 is very logical.

If by "most" you actually mean "hardly any," then you would be correct.

Oh no, my precious vault suit isn't skin tight anymore!! This game is a POS!

Sorrow said:
I would say the opposite.

I wouldn't.

Sorrow said:
And Roshambo was mostly right. You pathetic human being.

Roshambo was mostly an idiot with some of the most pathetic posts ever committed to record on the internet, closely followed by "I'm in my 30s and I haven't slept in 42 hours since I watched the Fo3 trailer Guy."

Sorrow said:
Are you serious?

I'm always serious, except when I'm kidding.

Sorrow said:
Geez, this forum was so much better without NMA-bashing morons :roll: .

Translation: This forum was so much better when we could all sit around and have a circle jerk while discussing how much Bethesda sucks!

BTW, without utilizing the search feature, I'm fairly certain you are one of the folks that perpetuates NMA's less then flattering reputation on the internet. COngrats!
EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
Oh no, my precious vault suit isn't skin tight anymore!! This game is a POS!
Ahem... You do know what spandex is, don't you?... It's called DETAIL.

EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
BTW, without utilizing the search feature, I'm fairly certain you are one of the folks that perpetuates NMA's less then flattering reputation on the internet. COngrats!
Hmmm, actually, it's me. Pleased to make your acquaintance sir...
I wonder what kind of idiot was Roshambo because it seems he was already right in 2004.

Ahem... You do know what spandex is, don't you?... It's called DETAIL.
Hush! Details aren't important, style, mechanics, world, story aren't important either. You nitpicking nerds you... *tsk, tsk*
EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
Sorrow said:
Illogical? Most of criticism of FINO 3 is very logical.

If by "most" you actually mean "hardly any," then you would be correct.

Oh no, my precious vault suit isn't skin tight anymore!! This game is a POS!

Sorrow said:
I would say the opposite.

I wouldn't.

Sorrow said:
And Roshambo was mostly right. You pathetic human being.

Roshambo was mostly an idiot with some of the most pathetic posts ever committed to record on the internet, closely followed by "I'm in my 30s and I haven't slept in 42 hours since I watched the Fo3 trailer Guy."

Sorrow said:
Are you serious?

I'm always serious, except when I'm kidding.

Sorrow said:
Geez, this forum was so much better without NMA-bashing morons :roll: .

Translation: This forum was so much better when we could all sit around and have a circle jerk while discussing how much Bethesda sucks!

BTW, without utilizing the search feature, I'm fairly certain you are one of the folks that perpetuates NMA's less then flattering reputation on the internet. COngrats!
I don't know what your talking, NMA has always had the most information compared to any other website. I think you have something personal against someone, and thats exactly why I think your full of BS. I don't think it has anything to do with this entire community. Like someone above said, at least I understand the "R" in RPG. Most games today that like to call themselves RPG's are not even RPG's. I wont write a little debate out for you because your the type that wouldn't listen anyway. I'll admit I don't like Bethesda because I honestly feel they lack creativity and innovation. But the admin's of this site and long time posters have always kept their debates and arguments constructive and actually opened my mind a lot about the differences between fallout 3 and the original fallout's; and how either one has stronger aspects. I cant speak for everyone on NMA for fear of some fucking jackass from an idiotic game review site will look at my post and claim that my opinion accounts for NMA. But I've been waiting a long time for a fallout to continue the series in a VERY SIMILAR FORMAT. I wont get the same joy I got because the entire HUD is destroyed and altered, and I wont be able to add to the game LORE that I know because the entire story is different then what the original developers thought of; and since you need more explanation; with fallout it all had a certain style and certain feeling, and now both has changed, and I wont have the same fun I had back in 1997. I think people like myself have been waiting for a good long game that is an actual challenge. When is the last time a game as good as Baldur's Gate came out? I read that fallout 3 is 20++ hours. I remember fallout 3 being A LOT longer then a measly 20 hours. I'm not trying to flame what so ever, I'm just shocked by your claims about NMA. I think there is no logic in your claims. The fact those backward game review sites would only point out the topic of children is proof of a flame against NMA. Which is worse then what members do here(Long time posters). Sorry if this looks like flame.
Roshambo was mostly an idiot with some of the most pathetic posts ever committed to record on the internet

Mmm... I smell someone who saw Roshambo's back hand. Ahahaha! Angsty teenager at his best.

If you had a bit of brain in that empty shell you call skull you'd realize Roshambo was actually one of the most, if not the most educated poster around here.

It's not Iso, it sucks.
The vault suit is baggy! It sucks.
It's made by the same people who made Oblivion! It sucks.
The Brotherhood are in the game. Bethesda has no right to construct any sort of the plot that would place the Brotherhood on the east coast. It sucks!
Etc., etc.,etc....

So then it doesn't matter if they change everything, eh? As long as they call it Fallout and market it as an RPG, all is fine.
EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
Oh no, my precious vault suit isn't skin tight anymore!! This game is a POS!
I hate to use the term, as it is, rightly, pointed out as being thrown around quite a lot (though it is a rather common argumentative fallacy), but, straw-man. People who point out a flawed feature, such as baggy, stupid-looking vault suits in FO3, as opposed to the vault suits from the original games, are generally commenting on the feature. They don't say the game sucks because of this one feature no matter its other merits, as you imply. Perhaps some do, but most don't. Poking at the people who criticize as unreasonable for doing so is foolish.

Also, much of the "hate" you might point to is generally silliness, not genuine intent to harm Bethesda employees or property (in the rare instance that it actually reaches that level, which is rarely does, as it is not permitted by forum rules), or even people actually feeling extreme levels of hate. Welcome to the internet? As BN pointed out, internet forums are places where that sort of thing comes out a lot. I'm sure most of the people are not, in fact, frothing at the mouth as they type, or actually losing sleep over trailers. People have real-lives outside the forum, and are probably fairly normal. Nerdy, maybe, but otherwise normal. To honestly believe the tripe people make up about NMA requires a pretty high level of denial.
Roshambo was mostly an idiot with some of the most pathetic posts ever committed to record on the internet, closely followed by "I'm in my 30s and I haven't slept in 42 hours since I watched the Fo3 trailer Guy."
Roshambo was very extreme in his hatred and vitriol, sure, but if you read through what he was saying, he actually turned out to be right in many instances, especially with regards to what he said Bethesda would do with FO3 before Bethesda released a single thing about the game. That doesn't excuse his abrasive posting habits; I won't argue that they were appropriate or excusable. But his abrasiveness doesn't negate the points he made.
Translation: This forum was so much better when we could all sit around and have a circle jerk while discussing how much Bethesda sucks!
Again, it's not NMA's fault that Beth's last product, Oblivion, provides so much to criticize, nor that what's been revealed of FO3 also provides some easy targets. You can disagree, but you can't say it's somehow "wrong" for someone to criticize. I know it must seem amazing to some people that people of similar tastes and like-minds might congregate onto a single forum (especially the forum of a site dedicated to a particular game--the people here like the original Fallouts and would like the new one to be true to the franchise, imagine that!), but it happens.
BTW, without utilizing the search feature, I'm fairly certain you are one of the folks that perpetuates NMA's less then flattering reputation on the internet. COngrats!
Look, if you can't handle a little abrasiveness, then yes, you're not going to like it here. However, not everyone is so fragile. Hell, I've been the target of several posts by Sander, who is not one to pull his punches. I haven't gone around crying about being victimized, though. Of course, I'm capable of respecting what a person has to say, even if I don't necessarily agree with it and even if it's not sugar-coated and nestled in a bed of flowers so as not to bruise my fragile ego.

No one is disallowed from disagreeing on this forum. People just confuse contempt at their inept, regurgitated arguments that have been refuted time and again for something personal, or just can't handle having an actual argument. A person may have his own opinion, but when you express it, particularly in a forum where discussion and argumentation are encouraged, it may get shot down. *shrugs* Such is life. If a person can't handle an internet forum, I dread to think of their ability to handle real-life relationships.
Perhaps staying polite on both sides would be a good idea, yes? I'm not interesting in watching a trolling contest. If you have a point to make, make it without insulting anyone directly or in a backhanded manner.

Abrasiveness is allowed, joking is allowed, but arguments take precedence over flames.
Well, one thing that mostly contributed to the bad atmosphere on NMA was the problem of people who don't share our values, like respect for Fallout's core design, continuity, attention to details, etc. and come here just to argue that criticizing games is wrong.
That our values are wrong.

They tend to provoke massive flame-wars and bring only hostility and extremism.
Luckily in the last weeks such provocative behaviour of disruptive individuals was pretty rare.
I hope it stays this way, because I prefer to talk with intelligent people about interesting things like movies, politics or other games rather than arguing with people who come here only to troll.
I think their biggest issue with this entire dillema is that the 'wallowing in our own misery' is justified.

So many years of being mistreated by everyone who has held the Fallout name; it's easy to see why we're so pessimistic.

Fallout (Woo! Guinea Pig! :D) [1997]
Fallout 2 (Well, atmosphere took a little dive, but still awesome. :) ) [1998]
Fallout Tactics (Er, what? We're mercenaries now trying to unite the wasteland? :? ) [2001]
Fallout : Brotherhood of Steel (WTF? :x ) [2004]
Fallout 3 (.... :evil: ) [2008]

We've waited for 10 years. 10 YEARS. It's been 10 years since the last time we could truly call a game "Fallout". Have you ever waited for another installment of a game to be released for that long?

Perhaps, you should. Then you'd understand why we're just a little bit sour.

Sorrow said:
Well, one thing that mostly contributed to the bad atmosphere on NMA was the problem of people who don't share our values, like respect for Fallout's core design, continuity, attention to details, etc. and come here just to argue that criticizing games is wrong.
That our values are wrong.

Problem? Odd. I always consider it a good thing to have your assumptions challenged. Lazily basking in the gluttony of your self-agreement is hardly intellectually stimulating.

I agree that a number of new users could do with coming in with less of an intention to troll and less assumptions, but there's nothing inherently wrong with someone coming in to give our rusty minds a challenge.
Morbus said:
Ahem... You do know what spandex is, don't you?... It's called DETAIL.

Damn, I guess that means since there is no spandex in F03, there will surely be no detail(!!).

Morbus said:
Hmmm, actually, it's me. Pleased to make your acquaintance sir...

Same to you. Good day sir. :D

goffy59 said:
I don't know what your talking, NMA has always had the most information compared to any other website.

I'm not really sure what you're talking about either since I stated multiple time the NMA main site is by far the best Fallout site on the net.

goffy59 said:
I wont get the same joy I got because the entire HUD is destroyed and altered, and I wont be able to add to the game LORE that I know because the entire story is different then what the original developers thought of;

Shame, SHAME I SAY, on Bethesda for wanting to make their own game and not bringing in the old FO devs to direct them on what FO game they should make.

goffy59 said:
I'm just shocked by your claims about NMA. I think there is no logic in your claims.

There is plenty of logic in my claims, you just choose to put on your blinders.

FeelTheRads said:
Mmm... I smell someone who saw Roshambo's back hand. Ahahaha! Angsty teenager at his best.

Ahh, like flies to a fly trap. If it isn't a fine, FINE, example of the type of dumbass that perpetuates the view of NMA as a complete joke. Also, using a fine example of one of the idiotic stereotypes NMA conveniently uses to classify anyone without negative things to say about FO3; Anyone that doesn't agree with our twisted, idiotic view of FO3 or the videogame industry in general is a "console newb," angry teenager, or Beth Plant.

Unfortunately for your ignorant assumption, I'm a fairly successful 24yr old (is that still a teenager where you come from?) male easily disgusted by illogical idiots, so you and I probably won't get along very well.

Also, I wasn't registered on this site when Rosh was around. I did a search on his posts after seeing a few examples elsewhere.

FeelTheRads said:
If you had a bit of brain in that empty shell you call skull you'd realize Roshambo was actually one of the most, if not the most educated poster around here.

Quick! Load the ad hominem attacks because I don't have a real counterpoint!"

FeelTheRads said:
So then it doesn't matter if they change everything, eh? As long as they call it Fallout and market it as an RPG, all is fine.

As long as they produce a good game that maintains the setting, quirks, dialogue, humor, and to an extent, the gameplay, I'll be perfectly happy. Will they do it? After reading Brother None and SuAside's preview, I have my doubt, but since I don't fancy being a fucking dumbass, I'll reserve judgement until I have played the final product.

Kyuu said:
I hate to use the term, as it is, rightly, pointed out as being thrown around quite a lot (though it is a rather common argumentative fallacy), but, straw-man. People who point out a flawed feature, such as baggy, stupid-looking vault suits in FO3, as opposed to the vault suits from the original games, are generally commenting on the feature. They don't say the game sucks because of this one feature no matter its other merits, as you imply. Perhaps some do, but most don't. Poking at the people who criticize as unreasonable for doing so is foolish.

I don't quite see it that way. I see it as an example of a community of people that will find a way to criticize anything and everything about the game, no matter how small or petty. Also, the example I recall included several folks on here specifically referencing nitpicking critiques like that as reasons not to even try the game.

Kyuu said:
Also, much of the "hate" you might point to is generally silliness, not genuine intent to harm Bethesda employees or property (in the rare instance that it actually reaches that level, which is rarely does, as it is not permitted by forum rules), or even people actually feeling extreme levels of hate. Welcome to the internet? As BN pointed out, internet forums are places where that sort of thing comes out a lot. I'm sure most of the people are not, in fact, frothing at the mouth as they type, or actually losing sleep over trailers. People have real-lives outside the forum, and are probably fairly normal. Nerdy, maybe, but otherwise normal. To honestly believe the tripe people make up about NMA requires a pretty high level of denial.

Again, I believe the person I referencing was Alec or Alex. The 42 hours of sleep comment was accompanied by eleventy paragraphs of "my whole life revolves around Fallout and I should immediately seek councel with Dr. Kevorkian" type stuff. Pathetic to say the least. NMA didn't get the reputation it has by "general silliness."

Kyuu said:
Roshambo was very extreme in his hatred and vitriol, sure, but if you read through what he was saying, he actually turned out to be right in many instances, especially with regards to what he said Bethesda would do with FO3 before Bethesda released a single thing about the game. That doesn't excuse his abrasive posting habits; I won't argue that they were appropriate or excusable. But his abrasiveness doesn't negate the points he made.

Please provide specific examples of these "predictions." I don't think it was that hard to predict Bethesda was going to release FO3 with a first person perspective and that turn based combat would be gone, at least in the way it was for the first two Fallouts. All I saw was a vitriolic idiot that needed to get some pussy.

Kyuu said:
Again, it's not NMA's fault that Beth's last product, Oblivion, provides so much to criticize, nor that what's been revealed of FO3 also provides some easy targets. You can disagree, but you can't say it's somehow "wrong" for someone to criticize. I know it must seem amazing to some people that people of similar tastes and like-minds might congregate onto a single forum (especially the forum of a site dedicated to a particular game--the people here like the original Fallouts and would like the new one to be true to the franchise, imagine that!), but it happens.

Oblivion provides plenty to criticize, but it was also a great game. We have a lot of revisionists on this site that seem to think saying Oblivion sucks makes it so. Apparently, millions of people, including myself and several of my buddies, thought it was pretty good. Oh wait, I guess that makes us "dumb console gamers."

Kyuu said:
Look, if you can't handle a little abrasiveness, then yes, you're not going to like it here. However, not everyone is so fragile. Hell, I've been the target of several posts by Sander, who is not one to pull his punches. I haven't gone around crying about being victimized, though.

NMA seems to do plenty of crying about being villianized and victimized by meritless attacks. My only point in this thread is that there is a definitive reason for that, yet a lot of people seem oblivious to that. BTW, I'm a huge dickhead, so I certainly don't mind abrasiveness, flames, or whatever.

Kyuu said:
No one is disallowed from disagreeing on this forum. People just confuse contempt at their inept, regurgitated arguments that have been refuted time and again for something personal, or just can't handle having an actual argument. A person may have his own opinion, but when you express it, particularly in a forum where discussion and argumentation are encouraged, it may get shot down. *shrugs* Such is life. If a person can't handle an internet forum, I dread to think of their ability to handle real-life relationships.

No disagreements there.

DAMN! You guys made me bust out notepad for all that.

Brother None said:
Perhaps staying polite on both sides would be a good idea, yes? I'm not interesting in watching a trolling contest. If you have a point to make, make it without insulting anyone directly or in a backhanded manner.

Abrasiveness is allowed, joking is allowed, but arguments take precedence over flames.

Duly noted.
Brother None said:
Problem? Odd. I always consider it a good thing to have your assumptions challenged. Lazily basking in the gluttony of your self-agreement is hardly intellectually stimulating.
Yes, but by people that actually can be debated with. There's enough disagreement among us to avoid that pitfall - Ausir often corrects wrong assumptions, others do so too, not to mention the 2 pages of Ratty and Sander debating about ICBMs in the Fallout setting :) .

On the other hand, I see no point in arguing with trolls and relativists about the same things again and again and again - it's a waste of time and nerves.
the gaming industry really needs some serious reform. They need writers with balls. These guys are a bunch of posers and losers

LOL @ the author pinning toilet bowls on us
Imperial Guard said:
the gaming industry really needs some serious reform. They need writers with balls. These guys are a bunch of posers and losers

LOL @ the author pinning toilet bowls on us

Another person who lacks a basic understanding of the gaming industry. See, people buy magazines to learn about new games, gaming news, and gaming reviews. In these magazines, they have something called "Previews." In order to preview a game, the publisher and/or developer must show the staff from the magazine the game or must release info about the game to the public.

As Jeff Green pointed out in one of his editorials a few months back, you can't simply say "this game looks like it's going to suck" in the preview because you will then get shut out from any future previews or early reviews for titles from that company. You needs games to sell magazines, so it's a catch 22.

This is why official previews are something lacking. You can't piss off the devs or publisher. Unfortunate, yes, but I don't see a way around it.
EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
As Jeff Green pointed out in one of his editorials a few months back, you can't simply say "this game looks like it's going to suck" in the preview because you will then get shut out from any future previews or early reviews for titles from that company. You needs games to sell magazines, so it's a catch 22.

This is why official previews are something lacking. You can't piss off the devs or publisher. Unfortunate, yes, but I don't see a way around it.
Yes, which kills the whole idea of gaming journalism.