How is it with Dragon 3? Don't they allow you to chose your race again?
Still, I don't get this fetish with voiced protagonists and RPGs. I mean it makes sense in Mass Effect and the Witcher, because the characters there, are for the most part, defined.
But a game like Fallout? Or Dragon Age? Not so much. A voiced protagonist also means that you will have much less dialog and you have no way to actually role play or even allow it.
Inon Zur, who wrote the music for Dragon Age 2, went on record as saying that DA 2 was rushed by EA because they wanted to capitalize on the success of DA Origins. I'm mentioning this to help you understand that DA 2 was so unbelievably insulting and awful to everyone who played the first game that many of us, myself included, never bothered to play Dragon Age 3 (Inquisition). So I would not know how DA 3 is. Supposedly it's "better" than 2 but that is like saying Fallout New Vegas is better than Fallout Brotherhood of Steel.
The "fetish" with voiced protagonists and RPGs you refer to seems to be due to big publishers wanting to "expand their audience" which is *streamlined* talk for "make the game stupid and simple as possible." What we get is an interactive movie.
Mass Effect and Witcher did everything well in this area thankfully, while F4 went out of its way to do everything wrong - as if they were actively trying to sabotage the game.
Mass Effect has a HUGE backstory - it is essentially written as a novel if you include the Codex and all the non-game material. Likewise, Witcher 3 is based on books. I think this is a huge reason for their success as RPGs and stories - they have strong writing and a huge canon to draw from.