People complaining Elder Scrolls online isn't Elder Scrolls


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
Anyone else see the huge amount of irony in the complaints about the change of art style, gameplay mechanics, camera settings (third person instead of first), and general atmosphere of Elder Scrolls Online making it seem more like a generic WoW clone than part of the Elder Scrolls universe/franchise?

I'm continually amazed at the myopic views of some people who don't see that their complaints are basically mirroring the complaints that Fallout fans had about FO3 (Just change "wow clone" to "Oblivion clone")
So basically, just because it's not like Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, It's not TES? Get a life, complainers! Look at all the games that desided to go with a new mechanics.
yeah mmos are the future! Those people are just retro! Oblivion is an old game with old gameplay by now!

Ah it is nice when you can say that for once to Beth fans :lol:
Elder Scrolls Online is dead to me and now I'm one of those people that considers a particular release in a series "not canon".
ESO IS an ES game, just not one that I'd want to play. Well I WOULD want to play, but I wouldn't say "Hey, I want to play an Elder Scrolls game." and go play ESO, I'd say "I feel like hopping onto an MMO for a while." and play ESO. I guess it's just the way I think of ES games. Just as Fognards think of Fallout games as 2d 3rd person games, not 3d 1st person games.
Maybe this is what Bethesda meant by "We are developing 2 games." They never planned to make a Fallout game after all!
Re: People complaining Elder Scrolls online isn't Elder Scro

Eternal said:
I'm continually amazed at the myopic views of some people who don't see that their complaints are basically mirroring the complaints that Fallout fans had about FO3 (Just change "wow clone" to "Oblivion clone")
Except that a WoW clone's combat probably has way more depth and tactics than a TES game. :P I'm even including the repetitive PVE rotations.
For NCR said:
Maybe this is what Bethesda meant by "We are developing 2 games." They never planned to make a Fallout game after all!

No, Zenimax Online Studios is making the mmo. Different team all together.
korindabar said:
Elder Scrolls Online is dead to me and now I'm one of those people that considers a particular release in a series "not canon".
From what I know (though I am not an expert when it comes to TES lore), TES online pretty much "shits" on TES canon. Big time. Even more then Oblivion. And Oblivion was already not treating TES lore very well.
Heh - I'm glad they're dedicating many resources(Development studio opened 2007, 250 employees) to another MMO in the already over-saturated market. I expect a financial flop, which will be a nice dish of karma after what happened with Obsidian's royalty payments for New Vegas(I know Zenimax/Bethesda was not in the wrong contractually, <strike>buttfuck</strike> but fuck that noise).
Crni Vuk said:
yeah mmos are the future! Those people are just retro! Oblivion is an old game with old gameplay by now!

Ah it is nice when you can say that for once to Beth fans :lol:

Yeah, after Fallout 3 came out I already said that us Fallout fans would get a chance to use the Bethesda fans' own excuses why change is good one day.
Seems that day has finally come.

The Elder Scrolls series needs to evolve, all these changes are only good, you people are to much stuck in the past.
Written by Jim Sterling, of Jimquisition fame?
Is this meant to be tongue in cheek and are there fans complaining?

That said, I had to bite my fist not to laugh out too loud. :D
lol, saw this coming as soon as I heard about it. Yes that's all the MMO market needs another sword and sorcery WoW clone. Are they that blind that they can't see an MMO that sports one of the greatest IPs of all time (star wars) is flopping as well?

I would give them an E for effort if they were at least trying to bring out the Fallout MMO, at least that would be something unique and different in the market, but nope, they're going to do the sure thing and it will bite them in the ass...
This will probably end up like TOR. Lots of subs from the brand alone at first, the it will sink when people recognize it's yet another thinly disguised WoW clone. Hell, at least TOR was in the Star Wars universe, it's a bit different from Azeroth. But looking at the screens, would anyone ever guess it's from the Elder Scrolls universe? It's just utterly generic fantasy stuff.

Also, yes, I will enjoy the tears of Beth fanboys when they whine about what happened to their series.
One last thing to say, ESO is to ES, what FO:BoS is to Fallout, a spin-off. There will be more games like Oblivion and Skyrim in the future. It's sad that Interplay did 'the TSR' and failed, but it happened and Bethesda did 'the WotC' and saved the series. Maybe they should've made more Fallout games like the first 2. But would you want to play a Fallout game that looked somewhat like the ones you played years ago only to find that it doesn't feel like YOU think it should? It has nothing to do with Bethesda, all they did was buy it from Interplay. If Bethesda didn't buy it, someone else would have and THEY would have made a Fallout game that didn't look like the first 3. So it is between no one buying Fallout and you, and no one else, ever sees a new Fallout game ever again, or someone buys Fallout and makes games that didn't look and feel like the first 2, but are still good games in their own right. As soon as Interplay almost went bankrupt, it was all over, Interplay is an empty shell of what it once was, that killed Fallout, and Bethesda revived it.
Joba Tett said:
As soon as Interplay almost went bankrupt, it was all over, Interplay is an empty shell of what it once was, that killed Fallout, and Bethesda revived it.

I was happy with Fallout being "dead", it didn't require reviving. Replaying the original games never "died".